Walking on Eggshells… Or stomping on them?

Walking on Eggshells… Or stomping on them?

Over at “The Blacksphere” Kevin Jackson posts a great article called “Stomping on eggshells”

Stomping on Eggshells By Hatfield Nuff with editorial contribution from Kevin Jackson

Several years ago, I represented a client who was being sued for employment discrimination. The former employee—a black man—in front of the clientele loudly and vulgarly had voiced his dismay over not getting a promotion he felt he deserved. Though warned to return to his work station, he continued with his tirade, cursing his manager and accusing him of being racist.

The employee was terminated for his behavior. He decided to sue his former employer, alleging racial discrimination.

As trial neared, I found myself debating the relative merits of the case with his attorney, who also happened to be black. I contended that the jury would certainly understand the firing of an employee who mouthed off to his boss in front of customers.

“You didn’t just go there,” came the disapproving voice on the other end of the phone. “What?” I inquired quite innocently.  It was then that I learned that the term “mouthing off” carried with it racial baggage – akin, apparently, to “being uppity.”

“Uppity” I get.  I’ve heard it used before – most notably by Democrat Senator LBJ in grudgingly giving black people a little something.


Read that full post then come back, I’ll wait.

Now, the reason I mention that article is the latest in “Outrage” by the liberal/Progressive race baiters.

Chimp email energises Obama birth debate

An email depicting the American president as a chimp has reignited an explosive race debate as well as sparking fresh questions about Barack Obama’s birth place.

The leaked email, written by a member of the Republican Party, has shone a light on what is being called an “ugly wave of birther-ism”, a reference to extremist allegations that Mr Obama was not born in Hawaii and is therefore an illegitimate president.

Now let’s look at the photo… Please no children need to be exposed such racism…

HOLY CRAP!!!! I must say that’s about the most racist thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Obama as a chimp… Damn it republicans!!! How would you feel if YOU’RE President was depicted as a Chimp? Oh wait….

That was then I guess… Never Mind, I guess that picture of Obama is only racist because Obama is black… I mean it couldn’t be used in the same way liberals did it with Bush right? Is it possible that there could be, I mean a slim chance that there was NO RACISM at all in that picture of Obama as a chimp? Could it be that it was meant to just show he was dumb as a chimp? I never heard any outrage about Bush being “Chimp’d” so can we get an apology? Just askin…

More “faux outrage” by the race watchers… Those that can find racism in everything will find it everywhere. Now for my opinion on the photo.. Good likeness, however the ears should be bigger and baby Obama should have his hand out. Same could be said for Bush in chimp outfit, and other than the ears his hand should be outstretched too… Not much difference between the two chimps in my book… But I don’t see color everywhere I look I see character, I see a person who by his actions gains or loses my respect and trust. Both have lost both. Cry racism please liberals cry it loud. The more you do it, the easier it is to debate because the sting is gone… Long Gone.

Pretty soon it will be like the N-word among black dudes. We’ll all be slapping each other on the back sayin “What’s up Racist?” “Not much Racist”


3 Replies to “Walking on Eggshells… Or stomping on them?”

  1. The left knows NO hypocrisy, they can’t even spell it.. But hey, we ALL know, only us redneck bog dwellers can be racists…

  2. So basically, even though he’s an idiot who’s only main thought is to blame Bush for everything, we can’t call him on it because he’s black? I’m sorry, race has nothing to do with whether you’re an idiot or an asshole. It is a condition that makes no distinction. And face it, he’s a first class idiot. Being black has nothing to do with it. If he were white he would still be an idiot.

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