Buffet and Ron Howard.. Truth?

Buffet and Ron Howard.. Truth?

Note to all these so-called “Tax the Rich” Rich folks.. Since you are playing in the field usually only occupied by Al Gore. I ask you to show the people that you have contributed ADDITIONAL Taxes on your personal tax forms over the last 10 years. Hell have you done it in the last 3 years?….

Unless you have PERSONALLY took it upon yourself to add to your OWN TAX RATES by checking the “Voluntary tax contribution” box on your returns. STFU. You are acting a lot like Al Gore. Al, as you know is famous for telling us to mind our carbon footprint while his footprint is increasing and is larger than most small towns.

Show me that you have “Put your money where your mouth is” and I’ll support your “Tax the Rich more” push. You have NOT led by example, You are a hypocrite and in typical liberal fashion you want to “Tell people what is right, while you do something different”…

IF the taxes on the rich go up, and unemployment rates climb, will YOU be hiring more people? Will you NOT reduce your personal work force to maintain the bottom lines of your respective companies?

In short, don’t tell me how to live while you sit on your throne doing as you please. Don’t piss on my foot and tell me it’s rain.



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