Month: January 2011

Just say NO… Good job Republicans…

Just say NO… Good job Republicans…

Well it appears our vote for “Change” in November is paying off. At least in the area of OUR RIGHTS!

From “Say Uncle

Gun control is once again gun safety, though it has nothing to do with safety. But it doesn’t matter, you still get told no:

The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee on Friday rejected a request from Democrats to hold hearings related to gun safety in the aftermath of the shootings in Tucson earlier this month.

All 16 Democrats on the committee, which has jurisdiction over firearms laws, sent a letter to Rep. Lamar Smith, the Texas Republican who recently took charge of the panel, asking him to convene hearings on the use of high-capacity magazines and improving background checks to prevent the mentally ill from obtaining guns.

So in 2012 realize your vote matters. Whether you believe it or not, we are just a vote away from losing our rights here in the United States. All you have to do is look to this past congress to see evidence, and look at at WHO is in support of limiting free speech, gun rights and giving the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT power to shut down the internet. Realize that IF we didn’t vote the liberals out in November RIGHT NOW they would be passing a bill in retaliation to the Tuscon shooting.

in 2012, we will be voting again. We will be deciding WHO is to govern us. We will also be deciding if the SCOTUS should remain “Right leaning”… Bear in mind that any challenges to bad laws go to them…. Just a thought.

25 Conservatives Arrested.. Oops, They were “Progressives”

25 Conservatives Arrested.. Oops, They were “Progressives”

More media bias, in other news the sky is blue and water is wet…

25 arrested at California conservative meeting

LA QUINTA, Calif. – Authorities in California say 25 protesters have been arrested for trespassing outside a strategy session of conservative political donors at a Palm Springs-area resort.

Riverside County Deputy Melissa Nieburger (NEE’-bur-gur) said Sunday that the protesters were being booked at Indio Jail and released.

Hundreds of people participated in the mostly peaceful demonstration that had been arranged with authorities, but some protesters crossed the street to the Rancho Las Palmas Resort.

I love the “MOSTLY PEACEFUL” part in the story. IF it were ol ladies in wheel chairs and ol men walking with canes, and it was a “Tea Party”event AND there were no arrests; it would be titled “Extremely radical Sarah Palin-Glenn Beck rally may turn violent”

Can’t wait too much longer for the waking up of America, our media has effectively become the very thing our founders feared. They are an arm of Government now… Is it too late to fix it?

Here’s a video of the “Peaceful Protesters”

Bring on idiot.

I Challenge you to watch this: Reagan “a time for choosing”

I Challenge you to watch this: Reagan “a time for choosing”

If you change the words “Millions” to “Billions” -“Billion to Trillion” and the names of the players, this is a speech that could be given today.

The people of the United States elected Lyndon B Johnson instead of Barry Goldwater in 1964. Our nation was subjected to MANY socialistic policies under his presidency and we are still paying for them. We finally got it right when the grown ups went to the poll and elected Ronald Reagan as POTUS in 1981. We need to do it again, because the names have changed but the FAILED ideology of liberalism is alive and well.

If you have the time, listen to this speech. Listen carefully and you will see where we are now. We have an opportunity to fix the current leadership of our nation and just like they did back then we can FIX IT. We need a Reagan to show up to save our asses.

There is one man that could give a speech like that, and only one man that would inspire confidence in our nation. That man is Lt Col Allen West. The rest of the players on the Republicans “Will run” list are bit players at best.

Teh Stupid is strong on the left…

Teh Stupid is strong on the left…

Just a quick note to the liberpuke Demorat idiots that keep going on talk shows with this:

“You know, we democrats are a bit perplexed. The number one issue in the nation is jobs and the first three bills the Republicans brought up in the house have nothing to do with jobs”

Um, actually they did. They are bills that UNDO the job killing bills your party has passed over the last 4 years that have KILLED our economy… Just sayin.

The Stupid is so strong on the left that the only cure is deportation to North Korea. That way they can see the full effect of their Utopian policies…

I hope you Democrats continue with that talking point, the people have seen your way of doing things since 2007 and they are realizing the facts you make up are not necessarily the facts…

Flash Point; What would you do?

Flash Point; What would you do?

The current events in the middle east have got a lot of folks thinking. And IMO this is a good thing. We are seeing an uprising of populations and this could get very sticky. It’s happening a world away from here but very soon it could impact the USA in a dramatic way.

This story was dated Jun 9th 2010.

Prince Warned of “Apocalypse: US Will Not Survive the Loss”

Saudi Prince Turki bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud has warned the country’s royal family to step down and flee before a military coup or a popular uprising overthrows the kingdom.

In a letter published by Wagze news agency on Tuesday, the Cairo-based prince warned Saudi Arabia’s ruling family of a fate similar to that of Iraq’s executed dictator Saddam Hussein and the ousted Iranian Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, calling on them to escape before people “cut off our heads in streets.”

And this one:

Egypt: Is this the start of a global revolution?

“For the first time in human history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive.” – Zbigniew Brzezinski

Given that, it is more than interesting to note that less than one month after (the 9/11) attacks, US forces attack Afghanistan, one of only 7 nations in the world who don’t have a Rothschild controlled central bank. Ancient Babylon, I mean Iraq, is now one of six nations left in the world who don’t have a Rothschild controlled central bank. There are now only 5 nations on the world left without a Rothschild controlled central bank: Iran; North Korea; Sudan; Cuba; and Libya.

My post title is “Flash point” for a reason. We could be at that point OR NOT. Only GOD knows how this will end. However; we can prepare for what COULD happen and give us a fighting chance for survival. In this post I’m going to lay out a few potential scenarios that I see as very possible, I ask that you don’t think of this as “FEAR MONGERING” it is anything but. I don’t fear a revolution anymore than I fear a meteor crashing to earth on my house.

Cause and effect.

The next step in this middle east uprising could very come in Saudi Arabia. IF that happens our energy prices will “Necessarily Skyrocket” (Barrack Obama) Our economy is now in its most fragile state since pre-WW2, and gas prices shooting up to six dollars a gallon would absolutely crush any “Recovery.”

When gas prices go up that high, businesses that are barely hanging on will be forced to shut down. Unemployment will shoot up, the demands on the states will be catastrophic and there are several states that can not withstand another punch. The pressure on the federal government will be increased twenty fold for them to do something.

Our economic struggles could cause massive trauma to our nation. This strife could give way to the same type riots that we see in Egypt. The whole thing makes our enemies very happy.

Read More Read More

The official “Egyptian Riot” A&P Response

The official “Egyptian Riot” A&P Response

Screw em.

We have been shedding American blood across the middle east for decades. We have been dumping money in that crap hole since WW2, and we have got little for it. We say we get “Cheap oil” which is NOT worth the price paid. If you consider American lives cheap then I guess it’s okay… I do not.

The middle east needs to explode, they need to take their own lives in their hands and rise up. IF they feel oppressed (SHOCKING? I know, an Islamic rich environment oppressive? the hell you say) Then they must break free, they must shed their own blood to make a change. Our forefathers did it, every FREE nation on earth had to go through civil strife to attain it. That’s what makes freedom so precious. It’s EARNED.

IF the Muslim Brotherhood takes over Egypt and that’s what the people of that nation want, so be it. Then it will be the right of Israel to defend itself by whatever means necessary. I got my money on Israel.

I’m sick of hearing “We need to do this or that” I’m sick of hearing the Egyptians telling us what we need to do… We don’t need to do SHIT!

Obama has few options anyway. His Secretary of State is a female, females aren’t really taken serious in the Islamic world in matters of professional affairs. They placate her, they act respectful because WE dump a lot of money in their nation. IF the USA did anything even resembling force, it would engulf the area in fire. Obama is in a great position, he should realize it’s the one time nobody expects him to do anything just speak… He’s good at that.

Let the Egyptians settle this thing, if they decide after it’s over that the US will be an enemy… Fine. IF they are friendly with the US, fine too…

As far as I’m concerned as the song goes “Let the Muthafkr burn”

Egypt on Fire.. Deja Vu?

Egypt on Fire.. Deja Vu?

Carter was POTUS Iran blew up and has been a thorn in the worlds side ever since. Obama (Carter 2.0) is in office and Egypt goes nuts. Some think this is a pro-Democracy revolution. I’m not so sure.

I see a lot of Islamic radicals in the streets, I see a lot of HAPPY Islamic radicals across the world, and I don’t trust ANYTHING any MUSLIM says. PERIOD. I don’t trust them at first sight, I will need verification of ALL statements made by any Islamic cult follower. They have earned that over the years..

One thing is for sure, this is a calculated and timed event. The world sees a power vacuum in the United States. Obama is seen in the world as weak, apologetic and unable to make decisions. IF this is a “Pro-Democracy” event, then I feel sorry for the revolutionaries because they will be alone as far as the USA is concerned. IF it’s a pro-Islamic revolution then they couldn’t have picked a better time.

Pray for Israel because this will have a disastrous effect on their security. Egypt has been partners for the most part with Israel in keeping the idiots out of Gaza, this revolution could open the flood gates. I’m pretty sure there have been “Behind” the scenes actions that won’t be noticeable for a couple weeks.

How’s this for a possibility:
The world is focused on the riots in the streets, the terrorists could be using this as cover to do something else. Moving equipment into positions, smuggling people and weapons into Gaza? What if this is a calculated diversion for something bigger?

Time will tell.

I did notice one of the first thing done in Egypt was to kill internet capabilities. Um, isn’t there a push to give Obama the internet kill switch? WHY? The world’s Governments need it to make sure people in the USA can’t see what’s going on. IF the USA experienced this type of uprising WHO would we show it too? WHO would care? It’s not like we are the shining city on the hill anymore… Sigh.