Teh Stupid is strong on the left…

Teh Stupid is strong on the left…

Just a quick note to the liberpuke Demorat idiots that keep going on talk shows with this:

“You know, we democrats are a bit perplexed. The number one issue in the nation is jobs and the first three bills the Republicans brought up in the house have nothing to do with jobs”

Um, actually they did. They are bills that UNDO the job killing bills your party has passed over the last 4 years that have KILLED our economy… Just sayin.

The Stupid is so strong on the left that the only cure is deportation to North Korea. That way they can see the full effect of their Utopian policies…

I hope you Democrats continue with that talking point, the people have seen your way of doing things since 2007 and they are realizing the facts you make up are not necessarily the facts…

One Reply to “Teh Stupid is strong on the left…”

  1. I’ll go again with a comment similar to my last:

    Leftists would MUCH rather see this country emasculated than succeed, even at the threat of a much greater harm to themselves personally — as long as they keep on their philosophical trail. An ideal kept is much more important to them than any reality whatsoever.

    I believe you are absolutely correct on this. Eliminate the flow of incoming oil and/or our ability to refine it, this nation is going down. Concurrently, the Leftists will be the first ones to CONTINUE to DISALLOW domestic drilling in the face of insurrection.

    We are indeed at a tipping point and I haven’t the foggiest how we’ll tip.


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