Flash Point; What would you do?

Flash Point; What would you do?

The current events in the middle east have got a lot of folks thinking. And IMO this is a good thing. We are seeing an uprising of populations and this could get very sticky. It’s happening a world away from here but very soon it could impact the USA in a dramatic way.

This story was dated Jun 9th 2010.

Prince Warned of “Apocalypse: US Will Not Survive the Loss”

Saudi Prince Turki bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud has warned the country’s royal family to step down and flee before a military coup or a popular uprising overthrows the kingdom.

In a letter published by Wagze news agency on Tuesday, the Cairo-based prince warned Saudi Arabia’s ruling family of a fate similar to that of Iraq’s executed dictator Saddam Hussein and the ousted Iranian Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, calling on them to escape before people “cut off our heads in streets.”

And this one:

Egypt: Is this the start of a global revolution?

“For the first time in human history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive.” – Zbigniew Brzezinski

Given that, it is more than interesting to note that less than one month after (the 9/11) attacks, US forces attack Afghanistan, one of only 7 nations in the world who don’t have a Rothschild controlled central bank. Ancient Babylon, I mean Iraq, is now one of six nations left in the world who don’t have a Rothschild controlled central bank. There are now only 5 nations on the world left without a Rothschild controlled central bank: Iran; North Korea; Sudan; Cuba; and Libya.

My post title is “Flash point” for a reason. We could be at that point OR NOT. Only GOD knows how this will end. However; we can prepare for what COULD happen and give us a fighting chance for survival. In this post I’m going to lay out a few potential scenarios that I see as very possible, I ask that you don’t think of this as “FEAR MONGERING” it is anything but. I don’t fear a revolution anymore than I fear a meteor crashing to earth on my house.

Cause and effect.

The next step in this middle east uprising could very come in Saudi Arabia. IF that happens our energy prices will “Necessarily Skyrocket” (Barrack Obama) Our economy is now in its most fragile state since pre-WW2, and gas prices shooting up to six dollars a gallon would absolutely crush any “Recovery.”

When gas prices go up that high, businesses that are barely hanging on will be forced to shut down. Unemployment will shoot up, the demands on the states will be catastrophic and there are several states that can not withstand another punch. The pressure on the federal government will be increased twenty fold for them to do something.

Our economic struggles could cause massive trauma to our nation. This strife could give way to the same type riots that we see in Egypt. The whole thing makes our enemies very happy.

IF those economic events broke in our nation over the next 6 months, I would bet that the violent protests would be very minor, the reason is simple: We have an election coming up and many people are aware that things change drastically after elections. BUT; if a REPUBLICAN took over the white house in 2012, the liberal fed minions could rise up in the streets. The important thing to remember is, even if it was a million protesters in the street, the ones NOT in the street out number them 300 to 1.We will make headlines for the uprising, but nothing much will come of it.

Our nation is divided in such away that a COUNTRY WIDE revolution against the government is pretty much out of the realm of possibilities. However; a CIVIL WAR is completely possible.

Lets say for example that a major uprising did occur here in the USA. People storm the capitols of every state, people are calling for the POTUS to step down and congress to be removed, MILLIONS of people angry with oppressive nature of our leaders latest attempt on our freedom rise up. (I know it’s a stretch because depending on WHO is the POTUS, freedom grabbing is acceptable to party first people) But bear with me here; Power is cut, no communications and there is widespread violence from coast to coast. What do you do?

There is NO negotiating with a mob, there is no “Calming down” of an angry population we are seeing that now in Egypt and elsewhere. There is no power to communicate with anyone and the only news we get out of the flash point is what is transferred via word of mouth. You are alone with your family in the dark and can see the fires of cities burning. What do you do?

What I notice in Middle East is there are a LOT of people in the streets, I also notice they all look the same. In America there is a very diverse population and we have a very serious gang problem in the cities. This would lead to major violence as rival gangs intermingle with protesters the cities would burn and become war zones no matter WHAT the initial flash point was.

The cities are the power structure of our society, all capitols are located in big cities. The rural area will have time to evacuate before the collapse of a state. Places like Montana, Idaho, North/South Dakota, Alaska Wyoming and a large part of the center of the nation would most likely be unaffected and become safe havens for those fleeing the uprising.

States like California, New York and the upper east would be largely destroyed…. What do you do?

My suggestion to anyone that will listen is simple. Have an evacuation plan. It’s not enough to have “Survival gear” for natural disasters. A natural disaster will be responded too with help. In the case of a population uprising in the United States, no help will be coming. The world needs to show the United States what is happening in their world so we will help them. When things happen here, WHO will come to our aid? Depending on the reasons for the uprising and who is behind it; China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Yemen may help if the uprising is led by SEIU and ANSWER… But I digress….

Simple things that will help in case things go sideways. Always keep your vehicles full of gas, and have extra gas in portable containers. Take stock in your mileage and how much fuel you need to get to a “Safe Point” that you need to have set. Have your camping gear in good working order and have at least 7 days of rations handy. The last tip is DON’T WAIT too long. IF things started going sideways and you are not interested in helping the uprising, GET OUT. You can’t defend your property against a mob, you may take some with you, but you will not survive it.

In the event you will be participating in any uprising I offer this advice: Don’t be in the streets. Don’t be among the crowd. You can be part of it without being in it. In Egypt, the smart ones are the ones on the outskirts, the ones that have the ability to move and evade. If you are in the crowd your mobility is taken away and you are now a sitting duck, which is about all you will be able to do- DUCK.

4 Replies to “Flash Point; What would you do?”

  1. I believe you are absolutely correct on this. Eliminate the flow of incoming oil and/or our ability to refine it, this nation is going down. Concurrently, the Leftists will be the first ones to CONTINUE to DISALLOW domestic drilling in the face of insurrection.

    We are indeed at a tipping point and I haven’t the foggiest how we’ll tip.


  2. The stated goal of Islam is to KILL any and ALL that will not accept Islam and become Muslims…

    The Pig Turds may kill me, after I run out of ammo for my .45, both .40′s, a shotgun or 2 and a few other little toys I have to play with…

    Those bastards need to be very careful of old un-PC Conservatives like me though, I’ll give em a chance to find out that no matter how many of them you have, virgins are highly over-rated… 😈

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