Tag: Gun Control

Open Carry in the USA….

Open Carry in the USA….

There has been a lot of discussion about gun control (I control my guns) and our 2nd amendment rights. There is a sort of cannibalism going on among us gun rights advocates. Meaning we all want the same thing but we are beating each other up over this issue.

Here’s the issue:

The “Open Carry” crowd (Of which I understand their stance) are exercising their rights in some very “Unfriendly” areas. While there should be NO UNFRIENDLY areas, this tactic tends to get people up in arms (Pun intended) and brings in the anti’s and their media friends.

Some of the “Gun Rights” advocates see the “Open Carry” folks as inciting the anti’s and actually hurting our cause.

So, here I sit after sifting through a couple long threads of “Cannibalism” between gun rights brothers and sisters and I think back to when I convinced an Anti-Gun liberal that he was dead wrong. The start of a friendship and mind opening came about because I had a gun on my hip.

The open carry issue is one I really don’t care for. I’d like to have the ability to Openly carry my firearm or conceal it. Given the choice I’d conceal it every time. My reasoning is simple. IF you can LEGALLY conceal, then you have to expect EVERYONE is carrying. If you can only carry openly, then everyone knows WHO is carrying. I don’t need to flash the iron, as long as I have it.

That being said, IF the only legal way I can carry my firearm is openly, then I’m going to carry it everywhere I can. PERIOD. And that is the fight.

In the P.R.O.K (Peoples Republik of Kalifornia) I can legally carry a firearm UNLOADED openly (I can have a loaded magazine on my belt too, but the two can’t be put together and carried) With that law, I don’t carry openly too often. Which is why the law was enacted. But is carrying in known unfriendly areas helpful or hurting our cause?

In my HUMBLE Opinion, I think the open carry folks can exercise a little more “Tact” in their confrontations. Maybe have one or two guys carrying and a few more advocates there to show support and try and recruit some of the anti’s to our side. The only way we get our rights back now is to get a groundswell of NEW recruits. We can’t lose the debate with facts and common sense, but we can lose it with emotions.

Stay focused on the goal, the goal is NOT to intimidate people. It’s not to create an atmosphere of fear, its to create an atmosphere of safety, and assurance that NOBODY is going to come in and lay waste to your area because you are unarmed.

As with the hunting/trapping community, it’s real easy to start picking apart each groups tactics and each persons methods. But the bottom line is we all want the same thing. We want the right to bear arms, we want to be able to carry our firearms, and we want the government off our ass because they sure as hell aren’t protecting it.

My two cents rendered.

America’s RIGHTS are disappearing.

America’s RIGHTS are disappearing.

Our rights granted by GOD and fought for by men are disappearing. They are not being eliminated like they were in history’s nations. They are being systematically removed by laws and regulations through state and federal legislatures. If the “Ruling Class” tried to wholesale remove our rights the way they have over the last 30 years, there would be riots in the streets. BUT; piece by piece is hardly noticeable huh?


Across this nation our 2nd amendment rights have been taken. Our rights to bear arms which were written in the bill of rights to PROTECT WE THE PEOPLE from tyranny of government, have been neutered. We can’t (In some states) possess AUTOMATIC firearms. We can’t have magazines over 10 rounds, we must “Register” our firearms with the government, we must wait ten days for the okay from Government before we can get a firearm. We can not carry the firearm loaded on our person without big brothers acceptance.. The list goes on.

Some of the laws that have been passed in certain states make sense to some. To me, I’d just as soon see EVERYONE carrying a gun. The playing field would be more level than it is now. The questions seems to be “Why do you need a gun?” or “Why do you need a magazine that holds that many bullets?” or Why do you need to carry a gun?” these questions are ridiculous on their face but they are the very questions being asked by the grabbers.

I was asked why I carry a gun, my answer was; WHY DON’T YOU? Do you have that little regard for my safety that you wont carry a tool to protect my life? I carry a gun to protect your life as well as mine, why do you want us to die at the hands of another?

Gun laws, while “Seeming” good on the surface have not produced the desired utopia of less crime. Quite the opposite has been the effect. Murders, Rapes, Robberies, have all gone up in areas with the stricter gun laws. While places like AZ and Texas have seen decreases in violent crime against INNOCENT people. The key is innocent. Gang bangers who kill each other with guns should not count in any stats being mentioned by the statisticians. Gang bangers should keep killing each other, and if they start running short of ammo let me know I’ll do what I can to help.

One of the ways to open the eyes of true Americans is to show them what they have lost. Folks in California only need to drive east a couple of hours to see what’s missing. Show your friends, your family and anyone that will listen. Californians went along with all the regulations and laws regarding our firearms. We have effectively been taken out of any potential uprising or defense of nation as citizen soldiers. We will be ineffective in any conflict if we follow California’s draconian laws. The unintended consequences of such gun laws as California’s could be death. That’s pretty final aint it?

The fight is just beginning and in California the fight is an epic battle that could “IF” turned around,  have positive effects across the nation. We need to change our laws, we need to make our state a gun friendly state, we can do it but only if the MILLIONS of California gun owners get active. You must join the NRA, you must VOTE, you must petition, you must organize you must stand together.

I’m standing, are you?

So what has this accomplished?

So what has this accomplished?

Liberal lies and deceit on this latest act of INDIVIDUAL violence.

What have we learned?

1. We learned that any violence against anyone with a D in front of their name is immediately the fault of the tea party, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Michelle Bachman, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Riley, Rush Limbaugh and US.

2. We learned that even after there is undeniable PROOF that the assailant was NOT among the supporters of ANY of the above, the narrative still sticks and there is no apology forthcoming. (See Ft Hood Shooter, Census worker suicide, Florida School board shooter for examples)

3. We learned that when we fight back against the false allegations leveled upon us, we then become hatemongers and we are continuing the rhetoric that started the murderer(s) on his spree in the first place which then makes the next one automatically our fault again.

4. We learned that a funeral/memorial is a great place for the POTUS to continue the lies started by his lapdogs in the media that was found to be false…

5. We learned that our country is so divided, that a civil war could break out if one more act of violence comes our way (Well unless it’s committed by a Muslim, then we must remain calm and not blame anyone)

6. We learned that the time it takes for law makers to go from tragedy to gun control legislation is measured in light speed.

7. We learned that despite Arizona having the BEST damn gun laws in the nation, at the Safeway in Tuscon on Saturday, far too many didn’t take advantage of that fact.

8. We learned that there are SOME pretty good folks on Both side of the aisle when it comes to respecting the dead, blaming the criminal and not making matters worse by using the tragedy as a (false) political talking point.

9. We learned that no matter where you are or who you are you can be killed by a madman.

10. We learned that a Democrat who was by all measure a MODERATE suffered a life changing gun shot wound to the head. And the killer got off over 20 rounds before he was stopped.

11. We learned that no matter what happened to the OTHERS in the shooting, the media cared about the congresswoman far more than they did for the 9yr old, until after the facts killed their “Tea Party” connection.

12. We learned that the minute the gun goes off, the gun grabbers follow. The very same people that have ARMED guards for themselves and family, are ready to tell you YOU don’t need guns.

13. We learned a crisis will never go to waste as long as we have liberal/Progressives in power, and as long as we have NY and CA we will have them in the worst possible position of power.

We learned a lot, but we have learned it before. We have been through this since Obama was elected. Any dissension is HATE SPEECH, any incident of violence is the Tea Party’s fault. We fight the same battles every time, we win the same battles every time, we will do it again at some time.

I pray that there is NO ATTEMPT on any congress critter or POTUS or Potential POTUS. IF there is one thing we on BOTH sides of the aisle know is: The enemy watches our news.

If there were an attack on our leaders again it could very well shatter our republic. And that is something we would not like.

The Gun Grabbers manifesto…

The Gun Grabbers manifesto…

Well, the Gun killed the people in Tuscon, the gun walked in and fired randomly and so it must be stopped from doing it again.

Why just today, my SKS came out of the safe and walked around the livingroom, I was feered for my life for a second…. SARCASM OFF!

Some folks have started the “Okay what’s the answer as far as guns go?” meme. I’m all about solutions so here it goes.

Arizona is on the right track as far as guns go. They ALLOW the 2nd amendment right to be exercised. IF you are not a felon and you are a citizen of these united states, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. PERIOD.

I’m tired of all the “Control” aspects of guns. I’m tired of the B.S regulations. What is needed is PUNISHMENT for the crimes involving guns.

As a nation we give excuses to the criminals, we allow murderers to “Blame” society for their actions, we give them the “Insanity” defense, we give them “Rights” and discount the VICTIMS rights to not be murdered. We call it justice when we lock them up for life and then let them out for good behavior in Prison. We give them LIFE in prison, which grants them food, healthcare and shelter, as well as family visits and sometimes even “Intercourse” with loved ones..

Did the murdered get a chance to have those options? Of course not. So why do we allow it for the criminal? Because our nation is more concerned with “Feeling good” about how we handled the criminal, than the message is sends to others.

Let me run the “Crime and Punishment” aspect of our society.

Lets take just the latest case that is the cause of the liberal’s “Gun grabbing attempts” The shooting in AZ.

The guy was caught RED HANDED, there were numerous witnesses, he was found with the gun, caught at the scene and the guilt of Jared Loughner is not in doubt. There would be no lengthy trial, no appeals, no mentality probes… He would go to court offer a plea, if his plea is not guilty, then the prosecutor will present evidence, his defense would present their side. After it’s over, if the jury finds him guilty, he gets one appeal to the Gov. to spare his life. IF that is denied… The Murderer shall be walked out to a local park and hung. But not just Hung,  hung with a rope that’s too long. Let him hit the deck once, maybe twice while we get the rope length right. Let the people see the consequences of the action.
The answer my friends is simple, make the deterrent as horrific as the crime.

Unless you are willing to ban the vehicle or regulate it’s speed because people die in car wrecks, leave my only line of defense against those wishing to do me harm alone.

So What NOW? should be the question asked after AZ shooting…

So What NOW? should be the question asked after AZ shooting…

Will the shooting in Tuscon be the reason that “Town Hall’s” will be banned? Will there be more gun grabbing legislation? will there be laws outlawing speech? Will there be “profiling” of white males between the ages of 20 and 30?

Never let a crisis go to waste. This was tragic, it was ridiculous too. WHY you ask?

Well I’ve heard about 20 reports that said “She was getting death threats” and “She was worried about the tea party radicals”

Okay, fine… lets ask this question:

IF you are seriously concerned that your life was in danger from tea party folks, why was your security so lax? Or was that just a political statement in the first place, and grandma in the wheelchair holding a flag was really not a threat? IF you are TRULY worried about the tea party being violent, how was that guy able to get that close? Truth is there was never a concern about tea party violence, never has been. And this clown was NOT a TEA PARTY MEMBER.

My point is, the media is spinning this as a Rightwinger gone nuts, its entirely false but we all know all they have to do is plant that seed and it gets embedded in the idiots heads…

Here’s the deal, some folks will look at this incident and tighten up their security and move on. Others will try and MANDATE changes to ALL because of this incident.

The worst part of this incident is the loss of life in that hall, I hope the powers that be don’t make matters WORSE by adding loss of liberty to ALL.

Let reason and logic rule the day, not emotional outbursts from agenda driven politicians.

Arm up and prepare for everything!

Arm up and prepare for everything!

With our world being more and more insane and our politicians looking out for the INSANE more than they are the AVERAGE AMERICAN. It is up to each of us to take care of our own. Meaning you should be armed at all times…

HT to Defends her Own

Now since I’m in California a CCW is damn near impossible. However I am never unprepared, take that for what it’s worth…

You folks in America please, and I mean this in all sincerity; Get your CCW or CCL whatever it is called in your neck of the woods. This video is but a snippet of what is going on across our nation. The fact is, several states are in a budget crisis. How many times in history has a state cut welfare before they cut prison staff? No need to check it doesn’t happen.

In the state of California, our wonderful liberal leaders are about to release another crop of “Non-violent” offenders. The thing about that is, they may have been sentenced for “Non-violent” activities, but after a certain number of years in lock up, these criminals gain insight to the criminal world. They make connections and the job market is crap, so what exactly do you think these slugs will be doing for money? Yep preying on easy targets. DON’T BE ONE!

In California we have a “Criminal Rights” before “Victim Rights” mentality in our courts. Which presents a problem for a lot of folks, it causes delays in defense and delays are a criminals best friend. Personally I have the “I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6” mentality and I have no problem eliminating a threat by whatever means necessary. I suggest everyone reading this get tactical, get practiced, get ready and stay alert. Things are getting very crazy in our world.

EPA decides not to go after Lead AMMO…

EPA decides not to go after Lead AMMO…

Well I guess WE have a voice after all. Kudos go to all of you that got involved in this fight!

EPA Surrenders to NRA on Gun Control Issue

In a swift and unexpected decision, the Environmental Protection Agency
today rejected a petition from environmental groups to ban the use of lead in bullets and shotgun shells, claiming it doesn’t have jurisdiction to weigh on the controversial Second Amendment issue. The decision came just hours after the Drudge Report posted stories from Washington Whispers and the Weekly Standard about how gun groups were fighting the lead bullet ban.
Click here to find out more!

The EPA had planned to solicit public responses to the petition for two months, but this afternoon issued a statement rejecting a 100-page request from the Center for Biological Diversity, the American Bird Conservancy, and three other groups for a ban on lead bullets, shot, and fishing sinkers. The agency is still considering what to do about sinkers.

The decision was a huge victory for the National Rifle Association which just seven days ago asked that the EPA reject the petition, suggesting that it was a back door attempt to limit hunting and impose gun control. It also was a politically savvy move to take gun control off the table as the Democrats ready for a very difficult midterm election.

I know of many people that took this fight on. I know that the hunting and trapping community went all out in the effort to stop this backdoor gun grab. I also think we need to rest up and be prepared for the next one. It’s coming. Take a minute to congratulate yourselves, and celebrate this victory, because just as soon as possible the Obama administration will come up with something else. Be prepared.

UN Gun Ban in the Works

UN Gun Ban in the Works

Something that should get every red blooded American’s blood boiling. Read it, Know it, and be ready to fight it.

The Biennial Meeting Of States, And The Arms Trade Treaty

Friday, June 11, 2010

Two major meetings, possibly affecting American gun owners’ rights, will occur at the United Nations (UN) in New York over the next several weeks.   They are the Fourth Biennial Meeting of States to Consider the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms in all its Aspects, (“BMS4”) June 14-18, and the Arms Trade Treaty Preparatory Committee (“ATT Prep. Com.”) July 12-23.  The NRA will be fully and actively involved in these meetings.

The BMS4 is a continuation of the so-called “Programme of Action” (POA) adopted by the UN at a conference in 2001.  Anti-gun groups saw the original POA as a vehicle for UN gun bans, registration schemes and other radical proposals.  The U.S., through the efforts of Ambassador John Bolton, forced the removal of provisions targeting privately-owned firearms from the  POA.  It was not able to stop the POA itself, and the UN holds “Biennial” meetings every two years to keep the POA alive.  Heavily-funded anti-gun groups will again attempt to get the UN and its member states to target the right to arms at the BMS4.  A Mexican diplomat will chair the meeting and Mexico, which blames its crime problems on the U.S., is now pushing for more gun control in America.  Anti-gun, anti-U.S. measures could well be on the table.

The ATT Prep. Com. is the continuation of a process started years ago and scheduled to end in a four-week international conference in 2012.  There is no draft treaty at this time. However, anti-gun groups see the ATT as a means to impose worldwide gun control through the treaty process.  If ratified, a treaty has the force of law in the U.S., so anti-gun groups could score major victories without going through the usual domestic political process.  Treaties do not trump the Constitution, but interpretation of the Constitution is in the hands of federal judges and justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, where the Second Amendment had only a one-vote margin of safety in the 2008 Heller decision.

No pro-gun organization in the world has been more active at the UN in defending gun owners’ rights than the NRA, which was a major force in stopping anti-gun proposals at the 2001 and 2006 BMS Conferences. The NRA is an official UN Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and is consistently present at every important UN small arms and ATT meeting.  NRA members can rest assured that their rights are being defended in all venues — both national and international — where they are threatened.  For more information on NRA’s efforts in this area, please visit http://www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?ID=5843.


Any US Congress critter or POTUS or anyone associated with the administration that allows anything of this sort should be hung for treason!