So What NOW? should be the question asked after AZ shooting…

So What NOW? should be the question asked after AZ shooting…

Will the shooting in Tuscon be the reason that “Town Hall’s” will be banned? Will there be more gun grabbing legislation? will there be laws outlawing speech? Will there be “profiling” of white males between the ages of 20 and 30?

Never let a crisis go to waste. This was tragic, it was ridiculous too. WHY you ask?

Well I’ve heard about 20 reports that said “She was getting death threats” and “She was worried about the tea party radicals”

Okay, fine… lets ask this question:

IF you are seriously concerned that your life was in danger from tea party folks, why was your security so lax? Or was that just a political statement in the first place, and grandma in the wheelchair holding a flag was really not a threat? IF you are TRULY worried about the tea party being violent, how was that guy able to get that close? Truth is there was never a concern about tea party violence, never has been. And this clown was NOT a TEA PARTY MEMBER.

My point is, the media is spinning this as a Rightwinger gone nuts, its entirely false but we all know all they have to do is plant that seed and it gets embedded in the idiots heads…

Here’s the deal, some folks will look at this incident and tighten up their security and move on. Others will try and MANDATE changes to ALL because of this incident.

The worst part of this incident is the loss of life in that hall, I hope the powers that be don’t make matters WORSE by adding loss of liberty to ALL.

Let reason and logic rule the day, not emotional outbursts from agenda driven politicians.

3 Replies to “So What NOW? should be the question asked after AZ shooting…”

  1. I keep waiting for the over reaction to come, Robert. I haven’t seen it yet, but I have no doubt this will be spun as a reason for more gun control.

  2. Because she was a Blue Dog who was concerned with illegal aliens and border security and supported the 2nd Amendment, it’s likely her enemies and threats came from the Left not the Right.

  3. Although I posted what I thought were my first and final thoughts on this tragedy on Sunday shortly after it occurred, I’m leaning toward doing another essay on the topic. The maniacal and absurd vitriol coming from the left like gas from a broken sewer pipe has to be countered in every way possible before it becomes a meme, and those of us on the right (as in “correct”) side of the blogosphere are by default a large part of the countering.

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