What if… November 3rd…

What if… November 3rd…

With all the “We are going to win” feelings going on around the country, what happens if “WE THE PEOPLE” don’t win the house? Much less the Senate?

Will we the conservatives start eating our own? Will we give up? Will we fight harder for 2012? Will the established republican machine blame the Conservatives for the losses?

My concern is based on the knowledge that the Republican establishment is known for shooting itself in the foot and snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. The “pledge to America” is a perfect example. All it did was to provide fodder for the communist party.

I like Jon Stewart sometimes. He’s funny and different although a liberpuke moron, he’s entertaining. This is hard to watch if you are a “Republican” if you are a conservative it’s pretty much what you are thinking:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Postcards From the Pledge
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

And that’s got a lot of truth to it. The problem is very simple folks. We have no choice at the moment. We have Republicans standing in opposition to Communism/Socialism. As usual. The only thing that has changed over the years is the desire of the Democrats to move so far to the left. NOW some RINO’s appear to be Right-wing  extremists compared to the current crop of Democrats.

I wish the Republicans would have asked me to write the pledge I could have done it in about 10 minutes and less than a page:

Dear Republicans and Conservatives:

in 2000 we had full control of everything and we failed you. We spent money like democrats and we moved away from our core values in order to appear moderate and gain voters. We lost our way. In 2006 you the people sent us a message that we heard loud and clear. We have come together, we have opposed everything that was against our core values as a united voice.

Our message to the People of the United States is: WE HAVE LEARNED OUR LESSON. We will return to the values we all hold dear and we will work hard to regain your trust.

Thank you

The Republican party.

So what happens if we don’t win in November? What happens if we the people are not represented come November 3rd? What is the next step? How do we the people make our voices heard if the shake up doesn’t do enough shaking?

2 Replies to “What if… November 3rd…”

  1. Here’s a pledge:

    1. America 1st
    2. NO MORE RINOs
    3. No more TAX and SPEND Dems
    4. Take care of needy Americans, not other nations
    5. Help OUR homeless and jobless, not Europe and Africa’s
    6. Adopt OUR orphan children, NOT other nations
    7. Protect OUR borders
    8. Round up and deport ALL Illegals
    9. Outlaw Islam in America
    10. If you can’t understand this, see #1 and LEAVE this nation, you are a MORON

    1. Uh Fred, YES. But I think that’s asking way too much these days. There is a way that would work though, first you get rid of the ACLU, then you take Frisco and sell it to China. Then perhaps we could get that kind of leadership.

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