Welcome Comrades to Amerika.

Welcome Comrades to Amerika.

The socialism of America.

I believe the Obama stimulus package will pass and I personally blame three republicans for the debacle. We knew the democrat socialist liberal machine would get going in the LEFT direction, what we didn’t count on was the assistance of these RINO’s.

I was kind of surprised when I heard 3 Republicans supported the Socializing of America part 2, and John McCain was not one of them.

So NOW we are going to increase our deficit by 2 TRILLION dollars, we are giving money to those that have never worked, we are supplying aid to those that are not even LEGAL Americans, and we are putting GOVERNMENT in charge of everything from banking to healthcare. And Congress is calling it a BI-PARTISAN bill.

I submit that the two worthless “R’s” From Maine and Arlen Spector from PA just committed career suicide, but who knows they might be running for president in 2012 like McCain. I also request that they change their party affiliation post haste. From here on out, it should be known the Demorats have a filibuster proof congress. There are sufficient Demorats they just have a few plants masquerading as “R’s”

It is seriously time to clear out congress, even if (and that is a HUGE IF) this stimulus package actually works, and pulls us out of the recession, folks need to remember the price will come due. The price is in our freedom, our rights and our tax dollars. When was the last time Government relinquished control of something they had control of? NEVER!
Banks, Healthcare, the Automotive industry are all GOVERNMENT Controlled NOW! Welcome Comrades to the New deal.

Here is something that a lot of folks DO NOT realize. “The party that robs Peter to pay Paul can always count on the support of PAUL” This money is going right into the inner cities, and that is where the DEMOCRAT support is the strongest, couple that with the NEW Census center and you will see where this country is going.

Invest in precious metals, get every possible weapon on the future ban list NOW and have a plan to move to a red state ASAP, I suggest Texas, Montana, Idaho or Alaska. Hell Russia will resemble the OLD America before we get our country back.

The  52% that supported Obama should be feeling buyers remorse about right now, if not it’s because they do not see the road we are on or the handbasket we are in.

14 Replies to “Welcome Comrades to Amerika.”

  1. If the TN state party kick out Kent Williams for his betrayal, why can’t the RNC oust those 3? I mean, seriously, the Dhimmis already have the majority…what difference would it make. :rollingeyes:

  2. Obama’s flinging them at us faster than one can blog! Check out the new Solicitor General’s briefs against the Solomon Amendment. Phooey.

  3. Another thing BHO promised to do is cut defence spending. His theory is that “If we don’t have advanced anti-ICBM missiles, the nice Russians and Commies won’t need such advanced warheads to kill us”.

  4. That POS wants to do everything he can destroy this nation, and he’s already done a great deal of damage in just 3 VERY LONG weeks.

  5. The gangrene is now in the bone, as I said on another site. The only cure now is violent removal of affected parts. Either this country get’s a reset or it goes the way of all socialist nations sooner or later. The death blow to our great nation has already been delivered. Only by taking back our country, and giving one way plane tickets to any that want socialism will we be able to get this nation back.

    I, however, really don’t think that American’s have the grit left to do what would be necessary.

  6. comment number 6 by: Greywolfe
    Today at 7:28 am (5 hours ago) e

    I, however, really don’t think that American’s have the grit left to do what would be necessary.

    Some of us DO, but most don’t, far too many don’t. We are a nation of emasculate, politically correct PUSSIES now…

    We are well on our way to becoming the biggest 3rd world nation on earth, and I seriously believe that before it’s over we will see the USA break apart like the Balkans, and I am damned glad that I am a Texan.

    Thank GOD that Texas is populated by a hell of lot more RIGHT minded folks than any other state, there’s a lot of folks just like ME here, and we WILL survive…

  7. Like the man say’s
    You rob Peter to pay Paul and that makes Peter sore,
    and everyone knows you can’t do business with a sore Peter. :rotflmao: WE need a leader and I will follow.

  8. I have a hard time believing it is only 3 weeks.

    I would have preferred to know who the turn coats were a lot later in the game.

    You don’t have much to hold back the wall of shit with at this point. I keep shoveling. Hopefully more Americans wake up and start shoveling too.

  9. This is not stimulus. It is insanity. It is an insane debt the nature of which makes itself unpayable, not for at least the next THREE or may MORE generations. And those generations will not be Americans; they will be ILLEGAL MEXICANS the likes of whom the Caucasoids have not the guts to state: “Reconquista can go to hell.” And by that time your children will live in squalor and America will BE Mexico and it will NOT be worth saving anyway. Then Islam on the east and Mexicans on the west can do battle.

    Thank God, I’ll be LONG dead.


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