5 Replies to “We the People Tea Party Time!”

  1. First, I love the idea of a Tea Party. But there would have to be changes. First, there would have to be a declaration of intent to not pay taxes that are unfairly put on us. Every person that has participated in a Tea Party will still file and pay this years income taxes. Second, the Federal Government would have to be put on notice that it was in violation of the principles of the Constitution and Declaration of Independance, and therefore at risk of be removed and replaced.

    Until that happens, the Tea parties will continue to be largely ignored by every media outlet other than Foxnews. And as we’ve already seen, if it isn’t in the mainstream media, it isn’t happening. For Instance, the Red Envelope project. 2.5 million red envelopes and not one word from the Whitehouse. Tea bags? Have no idea how many got sent in, but again, not a word. How many people have participated in Tea Parties to date? Have you heard one word from the Government?

    Civil disobedience and Civil unrest are the only two things that will get Barry’s attention up on his mountain top. But moreover, it will be the Civil unrest that will get the larger population’s attention. And how the Pres. responds to it. I’m guessing National Guard.

  2. I don’t disagree with you GW, but we have to start now with something…Let me know when a civil unrest is planned. I’ll be there! But the problem with that is, most of us that are the angriest over taxes, have jobs and families and a lot to lose. They know this, so until we decide to sacrifice as our forefathers did and take this to the matt, it is largely talk, and they know this. So a tea party is a good start and in 2010 we vote out ALL tax and spend douchebags.

  3. Robert: that is PRECISELY the point — the bulk of those in government KNOW that those actually charged with paying taxes have actual lives, families, DEMANDS, requirements, responsibilities, JOBS. And they count on us fulfilling those reponsibilities and, by dint of this, us NOT keeping our eyes on the multiple balls they’re now placing in the air, simultaneously.


    :finger: this current administration.

  4. Obama and Company feel that if they ignore us, maybe we’ll just go away… Well, we won’t, and if anything, after the Tea Party thing, we need to become MORE vocal, more militant…

    Civil discourse>>> Civil disobedience>>> Revolution…

    Pretty simple course of action in my opinion…

  5. 4/16/2009

    Tea Parties are a good start… but you can be sure that Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer, Chris Dodd and the rest of the socialist/communist/Collectivist/admirers of Mussolini et al don’t give a damn about the people who go to Tea Parties.

    If they and the media won’t listen to Tea Party participants it is important to step up activity as much as necessary to get their attention. And that may require a march on Washington, civil disobedience, or even more radical action.
    Democracy is NOT a license to economically enslave 49% of the population.

    Politicians have learned that they can fleece those who work to buy votes from those who don’t. This can only lead to civil unrest and the failure of republican democracy.

    The phony outrage of Barney Frank and others over AIG bonuses, and the mortgage crisis which set off the economic crisis is pathetic. These are the people who caused the crisis. The Bush administration tried repeatedly to get Congress to rein in Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac. Barney told them to go to hell… and now he is outraged…


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