Uh Oh, Racist Scholarships offered for WHITE folks.

Uh Oh, Racist Scholarships offered for WHITE folks.

Well well… Get ready for the cries of racism, the chants of bigotry, the Hitler signs and the ever present “That’s not fair”….

Texas group to offer college scholarships to white men

(Reuters) – Members of a new Texas association are starting a college scholarship program for a group of students they say do not have as many scholarship options as others — white men.

Colby Bohannan, a student at Texas State University in San Marcos, and some friends have formed the non-profit Former Majority Association for Equality, which will provide the scholarships. The idea was that there are many scholarships geared toward helping minorities and women attend college, and there are also scholarships for people from certain religions or from certain families. But Bohannan thought his demographic group was missing.

“We know that we’re going to be receiving some vicious attacks, from people claiming that we are racists, or promoting some bigotry-filled agenda,” Bohannan said on Thursday.

Starting this summer, the association plans to provide as many as five $500 scholarships to deserving white men who have at least a 3.0 grade point average, Bohannan said.

Well there’s a problem… White folks will need a 3.0 GPA WHAT? They don’t get the money just because they are WHITE? Them bastards!

500 dollars isn’t a lot of cash in today’s colleges, but if they hold down 3 jobs it may help with food…

Its about time if you ask me. Now if we can get a “Congressional White Caucus” we may actually start being represented. As of now the only “Victims” of racism have to be Hispanic or Black…. However; White folks have been subjected to Racism for a very long time…. Why is it the only people that don’t see color are conservatives? why can’t it be based on merit and character rather than the color of ones skin?

Liberals need victims…

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