Tom McClintock Answers Calderone

Tom McClintock Answers Calderone

This is about the most polite bitch slap ever given in halls of congress.

Can’t say I’d have been so polite, I also can’t say that piece of shit Mexican Presidente would have made it out of there on his own power. But as long as the halls are filled with liberpuke spineless anti-American idiots I guess any country can come in and say whatever they want…Sad day in American history when that happens. IF November comes and goes, and we do not have a majority CONSERVATIVE House and Senate. And 2012 sees that POS Obama re-elected  America will be a third world country by 2013. And probably in civil war….Stay Strong American and push men like Tom McClintock to power positions.

4 Replies to “Tom McClintock Answers Calderone”

  1. We’re not dead yet… there’s still a sparkle of hope in this desolate State.

    I’m sure if you’d replied, there would have been a STFU or two somewhere in your text.

    Looking forward to tomorrow, :gun:

    1. Yeah Mulligan he’s from cali and on top of that I think he reps in NORTHERN Cali. I’d like that guy to be the NORM around here but he’s a freak in Cali. like a side show character because all the liberpukes have become “Normal”…

      Hey JJ, yeah he impressed the hell out of me…But Fred’s got a point, why the hell didn’t they stand up and shout that idiot down. Why was there an absence of a “YOU LIE” moment? I swear bro the PCness has become a cancer.

  2. Well done! McClintock has impressed me a few times, and this is one of them.

    The idiots that applauded that Mexican scumbag should be tarred and feathered.

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