Time for Action, Boycott those Boycotting Beck

Time for Action, Boycott those Boycotting Beck

I’ve often used my wallet as a means to show my displeasure about political or moral issues of companies. For example I won’t go to a theater and watch a movie that stars Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, Garafalo, Rosie O’dipshit or few others. I have my TV set to block MSNBC and I Don’t watch anything Olberdouche is on including Sunday Night pre-game shows on NBC.  I don’t get the LA times delivered even though for the money they are better than my current paper…

I say it’s time to boycott ANY company or Corporation that has publicly boycotted Glenn Beck. They are trying to silence opposing opinion, and it’s coming from the top. Every penny you spend on those companies products is telling them it’s ok to silence opinion you don’t agree with.

I will not be buying anymore Apple products for one. I love my Mac’s but it’s time to take a stand.

Funny how the group that CRIES “Freedom of speech” every time they don’t like something is trying to STOP the same freedom of those that are using it to voice their opinion…Funny if it wasn’t so damn sad.

2 Replies to “Time for Action, Boycott those Boycotting Beck”

  1. I have been trying to find the names of the 200+ companies they say have pulled their advertising. This is one thing I can control, where I spend my money. I’m with you. I am thankful for Beck – he reminds many what some have seemed to forget or ignore. I can’t forget what my father and many others have fought for! Freedom. I have boycotted many of the traders in hollywood as well. I think if we all pull togeteher they will feel it where it matters…..

  2. mcagnet, Welcome.

    Well, yeah Beck has done a lot of GOOD shows. He’s an entertainer/opinionator and he’s dead nuts on most of the time. My only problem with beck is his emotional diatribes. I feel like that’s just him, he’s not making it up but hell it gets on my damn nerves sometimes.

    What I have a REAL problem with is corporations/Companies being bullied into pull their ads based on the feelings of some liberpuke bastards that can’t understand history and it’s implications for our future.

    Beck is trying to reach as many people as he can with TRUTH and he uses history to do it. Most folks have NO CLUE about the history of our nation, they have the liberpuke version that is slanted.

    We all need to pick a company or two and boycott it to the fullest extent. And let them know why, then the rest will fall in line.

    The list of companies is:HERE

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