The good you do can be measured by the squallering of bad people. To be despised by idiots is the true sign of a good man.
(Ted Nugent)

I have been called every name in the book all of last year for my views and my outspoken hatred of all things ignorant. PETA, AL GORE, LIBERALS, MUSLIM Radicals, CHRISTIAN IDIOTS, MORONS FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE, The GAY AND LESBIAN Douchebags and others have been a frequent target of my rants here at A&P, While I thoroughly enjoy pissing off those mentioned, I plan to take it to the next level this year… Stay tuned this will be fun!

Can you hear the whining over at American Coward blog, the Chimpfaggot blog, and the Thinking of meat blog? yep I have pissed off the idiots and I am proud. :rotflmao:

10 Replies to “The TRUTH”

  1. If pissing off idiots like that is a sign of success, you should get a Nobel Award in the Arts, the art of pissing off kneegrows and faggots!! :rotflmao:

    Oops, that wasn’t too terribly PC was it?? :rollingeyes:

    1. Jenn, between your GOOD comment authors and Mine, we make quite a force to be reckoned with. This year should be a target rich environment, Fred made a new years resolution to be more sensitive… IT didn’t take :rotflmao:

  2. my outspoken hatred of all things ignorant. – you must sure hate yourself then. I feel sorry for you; not a reasoned argument in sight – just emotional rants and very little respect for truths and objective analyses. Sorry – but the only idiot I see round here to be “proud” of is you!

    1. CJ, Eventually it will come down to the fight for our lives, please introduce yourself to me on the field of battle so I know where to start.

  3. Methinks CJ’s lack of the command of the English language shows a great deal of ‘ignorance’. Hmmm… And who is calling who …. Criminy! From where do they come?

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