The trouble with Ron Paul…

The trouble with Ron Paul…

There’s many things NOT to like about Dr Paul. his annoying voice, his whining, his erratic speech, his blaming of US for everything wrong in the world etc. But as was pointed out in comments on my questions to Paul supporters he’s got a few things right. Perhaps Paul supporters would be better candidates than Paul himself…just sayin.

Now lets look at some of Ron Paul’s problem areas. Besides the lack of leadership that is abundantly clear (Except for those Paul supporters who worship without question) is his belief that people like Bradly Manning are Hero’s rather than traitors.

Now understand that Ron Paul would like us to go back to the early 1800’s in America, someone like Manning would be tried and hung publicly for treason. Paul now calls this guy a hero. Now I’ll practice a little bit of my own philosophy and say that we can’t measure how many Americans have been killed or captured because of what Bradly Manning put out in public, but I do know that we haven’t had so many CIA agents captured in one year as we have since Manning’s actions…. Now think about this, Ron Paul wants to abolish the CIA too. So is it any wonder that Paul is a Manning Supporter?

Then lets take a look at removing the AC from soldiers in Afghanistan to save money..

Yeah lets take away the ability of R&R after battle in a SEMI comfortable environment to save money… Paul is a strict constitutionalist that’s fine but when our soldiers were sent in to Afghanistan he supported it. PERIOD. Now to say bring them home by making them uncomfortable WTF? Do you honestly think our soldiers would say “Oh that’s it, no AC I’m going home!” that’s not exactly the soldiers mindset. Out of touch much?

There’s also some serious problems regarding newsletters, statements and other such Paulisms that will sink him like a rock in a swimming pool once he gets up a bit in the polls. Now I know the Paul faithful seem to think that Ron Paul’s explanation of those statements and letters are good enough. I’m telling you that in the general election Paul get MOPPED by Obama. Because Paul is left of Obama on foreign policy, and Right of Grover Norquist on economic policy.

The best thing that can happen to the GOP right now would be for Paul, Bachmann, Huntsman and Santorum to step out. Right now the negativity has become helpful to Obama and Paul has become so negative in his campaign that he’s now a pariah… See ya Ron in the loony bin.

8 Replies to “The trouble with Ron Paul…”

  1. OK, so I don’t piss off some hillbilly in the Ozarks I am going to make the 1st comment and set the tone for this one…

    FUCK RON PAUL and every one of his little shit eating supporters… 😐

  2. Oh yeah, I forgot:

    I submit, I submit, I submit, I submit, I submit, I submit, I submit, I submit, I submit, I submit, the Patriot Act is a violation of rights, Ron Paul is NOT a racist, and in closing, I submit, in liberty…

    That pretty much covers everything the Paultards are gonna say… 😛

    1. Liberty is the buzz word. Submit is the indicator. LMAO. If you put LIBERTY in front or behind every statement weak minded individuals quit thinking. At that point someone like Ron Paul can all the line to form for the kool-aid. I’m not blindly following ANYONE, but I am lined up firmly against these new age democrats.

    1. Fucking Paultards have pissed me off…

      They bastardize the word LIBERTY like the faggots did the word GAY and then they try to force this disgusting piece of SHIT Libertarian son of a bitch off on us as if he were the Messiah…

      FUCK RON PAUL and every one of his goofy-assed followers…

  3. I think I’ve finally placed my finger on the issue I have with Ron Paul… Here goes one more attempt at explaining why he’d be worse than Obama.

    I work with a guy who is a great mechanic. He’s got skills when it comes to troubleshooting equipment, he’s not perfect by any stretch and me and him get into many arguments, I listen to him, but it’s hard to take what he says as truth always because: He’s a complainer a whiner, everyone else is always fkd up, the company is fkd up, the machine was designed wrong, the food brought in wasn’t good enough….etc. You never hear him say one positive thing about anything. But he’s good at pointing out the issues with equipment breakdowns. Of course you have to put up with the bitching for a while before we get to fixing it, Funny thing about this guy, he was once a boss, a leader but he was bumped down because he couldn’t lead, he was great at fixing problems alone, but working with people caused more friction than it was worth, he spent most of his time arguing with folks and nothing ever got done. He took a smooth operation and happy team and took them to the worst in the plant and lowest performing, all in less than a year…..He’s a lot like Ron Paul.

    Ron points out many problems his solutions are standoffish rather than engaging. Most men are “Get it done” types. We don’t like to let our surroundings dictate our actions we like our actions to dictate our surroundings.

    The guy I speak of in the story is one of 3 people on my team whom I rely on, he’s actually a good friend of mine. When I first started working with the guy we knocked heads, but he’s come to realize and respect my abilities, as I have his. Perhaps the best thing for the nation is to have Ron Paul be the “Right hand man” of someone else. But you can never put Ron in charge of the USA. It will not work… hope this helps.

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