The Time is NOW! Draft Allen West.

The Time is NOW! Draft Allen West.

I understand the angst among us Conservatives and Republicans alike. As well as those Independents that are tired of Obama’s rush to ruin our nation. We are a more divided nation because of Obama. We were divided shortly after 9-11-2001 because Americans have short memories these days. Obama had pledged to “unite a divided nation” he’s failed miserably. IF we must be divided, I want a leader on my side I can trust. I trust Allen West.

What we have here is Opportunity knocking. We have a choice to make. The field of “likely Republican candidates” the media is touting is missing one name. Allen West. There are one or two on the “popular” list that I would vote for, but none that I would jump through hoops of fire for. Allen West is that man.

Let’s take this time before the primaries to put a name on the list we can VOTE FOR, rather than end up voting AGAINST the opponent. Wouldn’t that be great?

We need to let Allen West know he has our support, and he can count on us to stand with him against all enemies both foreign and domestic.

Contact the Man:

3111 South Dixie Highway, Suite 308
West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Voice: 561-655-1943

Call the man in DC: DC Phone: 202-225-3026

Facebook: Draft Allen West

Email: .GOV Email for Allen West unavailable at this time. Mmmm…


UPDATE. Paul is sending letters to a TOWNHALL meeting that Allen West will be attending
From Paul:

A friend is going to the Town hall meeting on Tues 4/26/11 and is hand delivering Letters to Allen West. Please send a letter Via Email and it will be printed.

We are up over 130 letter thus far please send another!

14 Replies to “The Time is NOW! Draft Allen West.”

    1. Okay Brock sign the petition. We need to get him in the field if WE want a chance to unfuck this country. Sign it, send the link to all you know. Get folks moving. I’ll send this petition to him. Hell I’ll hand deliver the damn thing if I have to.

  1. Hell, at this rate every remotely intelligent blogger is gonna have a little blurb about him as president. I know I do. And holy hell we need more signatures, I just signed and that makes the total 5.

    1. Well Meaghan sometimes it takes time to start a fire. First we get the word out, then we see what happens. The thing is WE are doing something. We are not settling for the status quo. We are not accepting the GOP’s retreads without a fight. We are standing and trying to do something.

  2. Robert:

    The more the better, but he has already said that he would consider running with Trump, so he is obviously eager, but I’m not eager about Trump.

    1. brock, he didn’t rule it out. That’s different than considering. Allen West and Donald Trump is a loser. Allen West/Other than trump is a winner. An Allen West ticket makes racism a dead issue, liberal/progressives would have to actually debate the issues. IF there is no distractions on the issues, liberal/progressives can not win any argument. The issues merit is the only thing left standing and America will see the truth. Help me push this Brock it may be our last hope.

    1. Cain would be fine but I think a true WINNING ticket would include a John Bolton, or perhaps a Thune, or hell even a Bachman, Jindhal, or Barbour. The important thing is to get West on the ballot. As the lead man IMO.

  3. A friend is going to the Town hall meeting on Tues 4/26/11 and is hand delivering Letters to Allen West. Please send a letter Via Email and it will be printed.

    We are up over 130 letter thus far please send another!

  4. I’m in for West,oohhh and by the way,the media did not forget about him,trust me they hate him they just don’t want to boost his name ,because when right thinking people hear him speak ,they are sold !!!!!!!!!!!!! p.s. Hey Colonel West Many Thanks for your service to your country ,and as you can see,your country needs you again

  5. Allen West is my 1st choice for POTUS. I agree that he is the only candidate I will donate to, campaign for, work every day I have breath for, write letters daily, contact media daily, heck- yeah- even jump though hoops of fire for. Maybe we should sell tickets to the jumping through hoops of fire, because at age 66 this could be a major event. There we go a campaign cash idea…lol Seriously, I do not know anyone who has studied this man that has not come away with good feelings for him. I think we are on to touting one of the best presidents that the USA ever had.

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