The Next POTUS gets a PASS….If He’s WHITE

The Next POTUS gets a PASS….If He’s WHITE

There are a lot of things Barack Obama has done since he has “Occupied” the Whitehouse. But his support crew, the democratic party and in particular the “Congressional black Caucus” has just made it totally legit for the next POTUS to get a pass because of the color of his skin.

Think about this.

Newt Gingrich will not be “Marched on” or “Criticized”  because he is  WHITE. We the “White people of America” will sit back and allow the WHITE POTUS to do as he wishes because he’s white. If he were BLACK though, we’d be marching on DC.

Can you imagine ANY elected official giving that kind of answer to any question? Do you think they would have a job in congress afterwards? Yeah me neither, funny aint it?

No so much funny as typical. The question is what are we going to do about it?

Allen West and a few other Americans have called the CBC out on their race baiting. But the State Run Media has locked on to the “Election year topic of attack” But what needs to be done is something drastic. Something so ludicrous that it will jar the idiocy from the media and the lepers on the democratic voter roles.

White people need to parrot the CBC’s “message” transplanting the word “Black” with “White” and let them see if there might be something wrong with that picture… Everyone is too scared. Personally I’d mortgage my house, sell my car to donate heavily to any candidate who took this line of OFFENSE against the CBC. And I think a person or persons that showed that kind of balls would be automatically propelled to the head of the R party and very well could be the next POTUS or Speaker or VP..

I know some of you think that would be career suicide. But I’m telling you, from what I hear even BLACK folks are seeing the CBC as a bigger threat to their freedom than the white man. Even Black folks are asking themselves how would that sit if WHITE FOLKS did that?… EVEN Black folks are seeing the party that supposedly “Cares about them” is seeing that they are only caring about THEMSELVES.

I’m telling you, the “R’s” need to message this racism and frame it better than they did in 08 or FORE MORE Obama insane years is coming.


2 Replies to “The Next POTUS gets a PASS….If He’s WHITE”

  1. Yeah, but we ALL know, only us evil white folks can be racists. 😛

    Seriously, Obama has brought more racism to America than ANY white person could have, save possibly a David Duke type.

    Obama was supposed to be the Savior … for Blacks
    Obama was supposed to put ALL racial issues to rest … for Blacks
    Obama was supposed to save the world … for Blacks

    You can’t run a nation on rainbows and unicorn farts, even Black people are seeing Obama for the racist failure he is, well, except for the CBC, Oprah and a few others.

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