The Economic collapse and now INFLATION!

The Economic collapse and now INFLATION!

As Kenya went so go US…. What is happening now is the very beginning of the end. Believe it.

The fed is buying up our debt. This is NOT GOOD. The next step is the devalued dollar.

I don’t care if you like Glenn Beck or not, but this is a pretty good explanation of what’s happening now.

The wife went to the store the other day and made the comment that prices have gone up a little. I thought nothing of it. As I was driving to the golf course yesterday, I noticed the gas prices at a couple of stations. UP. I thought nothing of it. Today, I noticed a 3 cent raise in gas prices within 18 hrs.

The holiday shopping season is upon us. Those of us that have a job and can afford to buy our loved ones gifts are going to see a pretty good jump in prices between now and Thanksgiving. As I said about 6 months ago. When you go into Wal-Mart and see prices that look like Goldman-Sachs, you will know Kenya has become US.

One Reply to “The Economic collapse and now INFLATION!”

  1. I think you are right, Robert. Prices are about to go up between now and Thanksgiving. Christmas may be very short around our house this year. If you will notice, the price of gasoline has gone steadily up since Barack Obama became President. I wonder why that is?

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