The Coming CIVIL WAR in America

The Coming CIVIL WAR in America

After a week of historic remembrance (M.L.K’s Birthday) and many discussions about the facts of the Civil War, (Robert E Lee’s Birthday) I came to the conclusion that history is repeating itself. I’d like to present you with my closing arguments that pretty much ended all debates on the real reasons why the states went to war.

A lot of folks are under the impression that slavery was the cause of the civil war and that position is backed by documents and books written. A lot of folks also believe slavery was not the issue and that is backed up by documents and books written. We have been hashing this out since reconstruction and it won’t end anytime soon.

I ask you to think back to the time of the civil war and understand the issues of the day.

The southern states for 20 years prior to the war were unhappy with the direction of the government. For various reasons, including transportation, taxes, failure to uphold the constitutional rule subscribed to after the Revolution, as well as industrial restraints put upon the south by the Federal Government and of course slavery played a part. In one declaration Texas actually mentions “Illegal Aliens” in their writing to the Feds.

Now look at today’s America: Several states are having serious issues with the federal government over many of those same issues. The nation is divided, The Government is taking businesses, the feds are telling us what we have to buy and what we can not have, our tax burden has grown, our economy is struggling, inflation is making it hard to feed our families, industry has basically been stagnant and our border is being crossed at will.

If a civil war was to break out now, and the states that had succeeded lost, what would historians say was the cause of this war?

I submit that the victor gets to write the history, so if the states that won the war wrote the reason, it would boil down to “The confederacy wanted to allow children to die” based on the biggest debates of the time being HEALTHCARE. The losing states would have the distinction of being Anti-Children health. All of the other issues such as over regulation, over taxation, illegal actions by our government, failure to protect our borders and others would get washed out of the history books.

While Obamacare would not be the only reason we went to war, it would be part of it…Same as Slavery in the civil war time. PART not ONLY…

I realize there are many  information sources NOW that would debunk that “Reason” pretty quick, but in the time of Lincoln, there was little information sharing. And what was shared was old news before it got to the population.

If you look at the condition of our United States NOW, you can understand the same angst they had prior to the attack on Ft Sumpter S.C.

I don’t hope to see a civil war ever again on our soil. But I don’t think there has ever been a time we were this close. We have 27 states suing the Federal Government, We have the Federal Government suing a state. We have a totally divided nation over a variety of issues and we have OUTSIDE influences that are putting pressure on all of us. Its the same basic recipe.

What is needed is a true leader that can unite 2/3 of the population. You do that by being a true American, placing our nation above your agenda and leading by example. You can not expect the public to be honest and sincere while you are lying and manipulating. What is happening now is the destruction of these once great UNITED STATES. And it’s all starting in DC by the same type folks that occupied power prior and during civil war 1.

God save the Republic.

11 Replies to “The Coming CIVIL WAR in America”

  1. A civil war in America? Ain’t never gonna happen, and I’ll tell you why, Americans, the vast majority of Americans, are gutless, apathetic assholes that don’t give a damn what happens as long as they have DWTMFS and AF’nI… That and some food to eat and the masses are happy…

    Take away guns? “Honey, who’s on DWTMFS tonight?”

    Void the U.S. Constitution? “Sweetheart, I think we need to watch more shows from PBS and listen to more NPR… ”

    You and I are preaching to the choir Bro, and it’s a small choir, too small to take on the *powers that be* and hope to win, and I’m afraid too small to be much of an inspiration for others to take up the mantle of freedom and The Republic…

  2. In one way I hope you’re right Fred, A civil war in this day and time would be UGLY. The weapons have been upgraded, the world has the ability to take advantage of any weakness and our population has become so soft many would perish before it even started…

    On the other hand, the Southern States didn’t jump into war without preparation. And if the federal government doesn’t unite folks, and states do I’d imagine states would do the same thing…

    This post was more about discussions of the civil war’s reasons than it was a about the next one. But the next one should concern everyone because there is a line in the sand. The feds are doing recon over line every now and then to gauge the response of the public. When the response is acceptable ignorance in the minds of DC dwellers, then we get Obamacare, takeovers, gun regs and wars….

  3. The Civil War was not a civil war. It was The War of Northern Aggression. It was started when the North (USA) decided to invade the South (CSA). Will we see a secession in our lifetime? Probably. Will the USA decide to invade the new nation? Maybe not. Chances are if several states branch off to become their own nation, they will take their National guard troops with them, and will take possession of all USA military bases in their state, and all property on that base. Most likely peace talks would be started encouraging the separatist states to rejoin the Union. Ever see the TV show Jericho?

  4. I totally grasp your point of the post Bushy. I don’t like seeing the first “civil” war being blamed entirely on slavery, since it was primarily about economic trends and rules (slavery being one of the big ones), but we can’t deny that slavery was a huge prop of the southern economy. We only need look at the “compromises” that took place to realize how deeply the south was entwined with the slave trade. Neither here nor there in today’s train wreck though…You nailed it in that regard.

    I agree with Fred in that I doubt there will ever be another civil war; most people are pussies. Those of us/you that are not spineless do not number enough to throw off the bonds of a corrupt government when it arises. I’ll keep my mouth shut about present persons in high places.

    You pointed out another critical point too: The weapons of war have changed greatly, and the gubment has them all. Woe be him that challenges city hall with arms. I’ve seen what today’s weapons can do to adversaries, even in focused, restrained attacks. The natty guard would be no match for the full power of the damned yankees these days.

    It’s all an ugly mess, and I think we’re going to see a political revolution long before we see an armed one. I pray so anyway, and I hope you do as well.

  5. John,
    The problem is that no third party can gain any ground because we have all been fooled into thinking that you are either left or right, and that anything else is wrong. The Demicans and Republicrats, have basically made it near impossible for most third parties to even get on any important ballots. To think we actually have a two party system is insane, they are almost indistinguishable from each other, now days.

    It is highly unlikely that the national guard would not be properly trained by now, they have been involved with the Afghan and Iraq wars for almost a decade now. Remember reading the cardboard signs? “One weekend a month my ass.” It would look extremely bad if the US tried to exterminate those trying to succeed from the Union. Like AZ reminded CA you have to be careful which states you mess with, how would Big Brother work if the state that supplies Washington DC’s electricity cut it off? What if the states that produce most of the nations food cut that supply off? Imagine the chaos in CA, NY and DC when the food dries up in less than a week?

  6. “The natty guard would be no match for the full power of the damned yankees these days.”

    Not so if the populace go the route of guerrillas. Think Afghanistan where we will eventually leave as we did in Vietnam and the people who fought alongside us will suffer the same fate. Great book I’m in the middle of now. “Guerilla Days in Ireland: A Personal Account of the Anglo-Irish War.”

  7. JJ, hope things are well in your neck of the woods… Yeah I see your point and Fred’s comment is unfortunately true.. Our nation has become soft, however if it ever came to our nation again I’m thinking the fallout may not be all bad… Like you I hope I never see it.

    Welcome, Mayor and Brock.

    Mayor, There are truths in your words, but the speculation on both sides generally doesn’t materialize. For anyone to believe the entire US mil. force would fight against a state in the union doesn’t know history too well. Many of the Union soldiers went home to the south prior to the first shot being fired.. I could imagine many Air Force jets magically disappearing from the arsenal of the Fed…. Entire battalions of troops would be headed home if it happened now,

    Brock, A lot of folks would be guerrillas, IF it ever happened here “Every” inner city would be fighting for the fed. They are beholden to the Fed gov. for handouts. Once that dries up the gangs, the welfare slugs and the dredges of society would be a tough nut to crack. It was far different back in the time of Lincoln. We wouldn’t be the only ones using that tactic.

    In this post I was not trying to plan nor hope for a civil war again. I was simply stating the glaring similarities to the times. The biggest differences between then and now is communication, slavery (In it’s original form) is gone, and the weapons have got a lot better… All I was trying to do is give the “Slavery caused the civil war” crowd something to think about…

    1. Brock, Yes it would and personally I’d be inclined to say TAKE IT! It appears you have given much thought to this…The backwoods or mountain terrain is where you’d find me, and I’d surely want to surround myself with the guys like you who visit my blog once in a while….

  8. Obviously the country is divided beyond repair. There are two very different kinds of people living here, and they see each other as enemies. Foxnews exemplifies that fact every day. Such a country cannot survive its own internal struggles: “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” If the conflict continues, I think a second civil war is inevitable, but there is a rational solution. Give these right-wing nuts, the neocons, the gun totters, and the Bible-thumpers their own section of land. Allow them to secede peacefully. We will be much better off without them, and they will eventually destroy themselves through their own violence and ignorance. Create a strong border security from the beginning, and don’t allow them back into the country to infect society any longer. It is certainly foolish to fight a war in order to save the most base part of society that has already proven itself traitorous. That is as silly as a cancer patient insisting on keeping his tumor in his body. That’s nonsense. Encourage these violent vicious and vile people to move away from decent society, so that we can regain a healthy and peaceful way of life. Otherwise, we will all pay a great price – and needlessly so.

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