Tea Party “Rifts”?

Tea Party “Rifts”?

All of the sudden there is hope for libturds, or is there?

Tea Partiers Urge Unity as Rifts Show:
Tea party leaders called for unity and action on Saturday, the closing day of their national convention, as rifts within the conservative movement continued to show.

Convention organizers and many participants have tried to zero in on fiscal responsibility as their hallmark issue, one they hope has the power to win elections in November. But others — including theorists who charge that President Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen — are pulling the grassroots phenomenon in a direction that might not be so politically profitable.

Joseph Farah, founder of WorldNetDaily.com, made questions over Obama’s citizenship a centerpiece of his Friday night speech in Nashville and got a standing ovation from the crowd for broaching the controversial topic.

But some convention-goers and speakers on Saturday distanced themselves from the so-called “birther” movement, saying that’s hardly a bread-and-butter tea party issue.

“There are much bigger issues out there,” said Alice Micca, a tea party activist who flew in from Dallas. “That’s just maybe window dressing.”

This is what most of the liberals are hoping for, a one or two issue division within the Tea Party movement. I read that article and all I can say is I knew it would happen. While I am absolutely sure Barack Hussein Obama is not only the “Manchurian Candidate” I also believe he was born on another shore, that being said; I also know pursuing that line of attack is a waste of effort and time. Obama is President now, so bringing up the eligibility issue does nothing for the cause of defeating the liberal policies he is pushing.

About 2 months ago I wrote in a forum I belong to, that the Immigration issue would be pushed this year in order to further divide the tea party movement. There are those in the tea party that would be supportive of the same plan McCain/Kennedy came up with in 2006-2007. And the issue will pit those that oppose amnesty in any form against the “guest worker/amnesty” crowd.  This will most surely divide the movement into two camps, and that will be unfortunate. The tea party is by it’s nature fiscal conservatives and anti-over taxation of US citizens, admirable goals and a noble effort indeed. The liberal attacks calling tea party members racists or rightwing extremists are easy to dispute, the attacks from within the party will be harder to refute.

The tea party is VERY necessary right now, and in the future. I’d hate to see one or two issues shut it down and give the idiots in DC the feeling that they can get back to business as usual…

7 Replies to “Tea Party “Rifts”?”

  1. Yep Fred, It would be nice if they could all get their shit together at the same time. BUT, I think there is going to have to be a give and take within the party. For instance, I’ll give Sarah Palin a pass for stumping for McCain, but if she or Brown decided to follow in his footsteps, I’ll be out of their camp fast.

  2. I can’t give her a pass on McCain, AZ has a hell of a lot better guy in the wings, and I hear he’s a REAL Conservative…

    I can’t stand McCain, and I guess that all around dislike passes on to anyone that supports the little RINO prick…

    And before our FAUX Conservative weighs in on me denigrating a veteran, I am NOT criticizing his military service, just his modern day politics…

    1. I guess I should quantify my “Pass” statement. I won’t begrudge her for the act, does that mean I’m supporting McCain, NOPE. I agree with your sentiments regarding McCain. Sarah Palin on the other hand, is NOT McCain, she’s at least spoken out against the things McCain has done to piss conservatives off. She doesn’t have a senate voting record to pick a part, she hasn’t done anything in the nations governing body to cause me to be alarmed at her beliefs. All we can go by is her statements and THAT is the only thing she can be judged by.

      She quit her governor job, and she made an appearance for McCain those are the only two strikes against her in my book. I like her for a couple of reasons, but most of all it’s because she (Like Ann Coulter) make the liberals head explode and that is fine with me.

      IF McCain gets re-elected it’s not going to be because Sarah shilled for him, it’ll be because those in AZ are happy with his RINO ass.

  3. IF McCain gets re-elected it’s not going to be because Sarah shilled for him, it’ll be because those in AZ are STOOPID enough to vote FOR his RINO ass. :greensmiles:

    And according to the link, she gave him a big bump, must be some seriously STOOPID asshats in Arizona… :rollingeyes:

  4. IF those that vote for McCain, did it because Sarah Palin was helping him, then those folks are the problem not the solution. If they are tea party folks, they should move on in to the Republican camp. IF they are already in the republican camp then it makes sense….

    Fred I can’t see ANY indy or Dem voting for McCain, and any true conservative wouldn’t either.

    The other guy, yep maybe he’s better for our nation, and I hope the good folks of AZ give him a shot.

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