Tag: Stock Act

Kenya oil and other news we’re missing…

Kenya oil and other news we’re missing…

Well, Kenya struck oil I guess…

Kenya Oil Discovery

The discovery was made in the country’s north-western Turkana region.

Mr Kibaki said it was “the first time Kenya has made such a discovery” and called it a “major breakthrough”.

If Obama is not re-elected maybe he’ll go back home and stop the drilling!

Lets look at what else we missed while the State Run Media has us focused on a racist half white/half Hispanic murdering psychopath…

Obama needs “space” before he can give away our defense secrets to the Russians


Stock Act sticks taxpayers with the bill

Why is it even laws that are supposed to stop corruption in our government still manage to STICK us with the bill?

Obamacare in front of the supremes. Obama lawyer gets laughed at 

Well we’ve been laughing at Obama who is a lawyer for the past 4 years so this isn’t reallt surprising.

There’s a lot more going on but so little time…Fast and Furious anyone? In any other time in history this administration would be ran out on a rail for their actions.

Powder needs to be stored in a dry place…