Tag: Racism

Racist White folks Sheeesh.

Racist White folks Sheeesh.

Woman With Ties to White Supremacists Represents School for Blacks and Hispanics

A Florida woman who has been married to both the former head of the Ku Klux Klan and the creator of a notorious white supremacist Web site is working as a spokeswoman for a school that aims to lift underprivileged black and Hispanic children out of poverty.

An executive with an organization that tracks hate groups calls the employment of the woman, Chloe Black, an “untenable position” and “unbelievable.”

Black, the ex-wife of former KKK leader David Duke, is now married to Don Black, the creator of the white-power hate site Stormfront. Chloe Black is currently employed as an executive assistant at Florida Crystals, a sugar conglomerate whose owners, the Fanjul brothers, have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to help build a new campus for Glades Academy.

Glades is a charter school for the children of African-American and migrant workers in Pahokee, a rural town in Palm Beach County. Billionaire Jose “Pepe” Fanjul’s wife, Emilia, is chairman of the board of Glades Academy, and she hired Black to help promote the school.

Reports suggest that Black’s salary from the school may be going to support her husband’s activities on the hate site, as Don Black has had no clear source of income for some time.

Now this is odd, she’s a racist, she was married to David Duke, she is currently married to Donnie Douglass’s 3rd favorite site owner Stormfront, BUT; she is involved in helping MINORITIES? She is promoting the school? is she doing a good job? These are questions that need to be asked

I guess it is possible to be a racist, and help underprivileged minorities that really arent minorities anymore…..I am so confused. I need an appointment with Dr Phil.

There are a couple of ways to look at this.

1. She is helping the underprivileged and if she is doing a good job, what she does with her own time is irrelevant.

2. She is being paid by a non-profit, she is literally in bed with absolute racists and they make money for being racists and HER money goes into that part of the family business.

Basically all this is the normal shit we will hear from now until the “First Black President” is elected. Oh, and if he isn’t elected it will be because America is full of racists.

Funny how when it’s a BLACK Presidential candidate it doesn’t matter who he hangs around with, Reverend Wright, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farakhan or WHO he is married to,… But if you are are white YOU ARE RACIST! END OF STORY! If it wasn’t so true it would be hilarious.

Racism is now the issue, if you DON’T vote for Obama or subscribe to his racist ideology, YOU are a racist. Get prepared and ready your defenses because the Donnie Dickheads of the world will cry racist at every turn to get your mind off the issues.
The biggest 3 issues for me are still the ECONOMY, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and the WAR ON TERROR. I’m leaving the race issue for the true racist, the one that sees racism in everything, Donny Dickhead, have at it.

Real Clear Politics?

Real Clear Politics?

TO Any of you that might have came to American and Proud from Real Clear Politics thinking you will see some racist rant or extremist views, let me welcome you to:

American and Proud.

The blog owner is a Bog Dwelling Redneck Racist hick because he chooses to be proud of his WHITE culture. Let me spell it out for faux intellectuals like Don (Racist) Douglass. I am WHITE! I am NOT GUILTY OF A GOTDAMN THING! Therefore; I suffer no WHITE guilt, I never owned a slave, nor did I ever treat anyone of any color different because of that color.

So if that is your idea of a racist extremist, YOU are what’s wrong with this country! and you can get the hell off my site.

We are of similar like minded views if YOU:
1.Believe entitlements based on color or sexual preference is WRONG.
2.Believe that a person should get a job based on QUALIFICATIONS rather than COLOR.
3.Believe that being white is not a crime
4.Believe that slavery was a bad thing, but only slave owners, or slave traders should be punished for it.
5.Believe that making WHITE People pay for what OUR forefathers did; Is like making the kids of the kids of the kids of a murderer serve time for the crime he committed.

These are my views on race and if you are offended by them, then go crawling back to Donnie Dickheads blog and cry about it there.

Donnie, Eventually we will meet, and I hope you have the balls to say to me what you have said anonymously..

White in America

White in America

White In America!

For those of you that watched “Black in America” on ÇNN, you might be interested in how it is to be White in America

1.    We are racists. WE can not use the “I have a black friend” excuse, it doesn’t work. WE have either owned a black person or OUR family has, and therefore WE as white people OWE every Black person in America something.
2.    WE are in control of ALL money in America, WE have the ability to hire anyone, and WE never hire black people because they are black. That is the rule.
3.    When Black folks walk past US and WE grab your wallet or purse, that is a racist response no matter where WE are or what time of day it is. IT is acceptable however to open OUR wallet or purse and empty the contents on the sidewalk and run because (see #1 WE OWE THEM).
4.    WE vote for Barak Hussein Obama because you owe black people.
5.    WE don’t vote for Barak Hussein Obama because you are racist.

Oh and according to all politicians, movie makers, media outlets, sitcoms, radio hosts, bloggers or basically ANYONE saying anything… White, hetero sexual, Christian, Males are the reason for everything bad in America. However; if you mention any facts that do not agree with that assertion YOU ARE A RACIST!

I hope one day to see true racial equality, I hope one day to see the end of the victim mentality in America, and the start of the personal responsibility era, maybe my grandchildren will see it but I honestly believe it is ingrained in the culture now. Oh Shit I must now be a racist….

Say I’m crazy? Just look at the most recent “Discussion” regarding race:

Elisabeth Hasselbeck in Tears After ‘View’ Discussion on N-Word

View” co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck was in tears Thursday after a discussion about the use of the n-word, in which fellow co-host Whoopi Goldberg told her the two “don’t live in the same world.”

During a segment covering Jesse Jackson’s recent use of the n-word while preparing to tape an interview on FOX News, Whoopi and co-host Sherri Shepard, who are both black, contested that the word has a different meaning for black people.

“It’s something that means something way different to me than it does to you,” said Shepard. “I can use it as a term of endearment.”

Ahh yeah Whoopi, and the other victim, oops I mean sell out, Ooops I mean uncle Tom… oops I mean African-American hostess are absolutely deprived, and the “N” word is for them only.

Look I have no problem if blacks want to call other blacks the “N” word. Have at it, just don’t expect that it’s an exclusive club and only blacks can say it, and then they can also use “White Boy” “Cracker” “Honky” or any other words in public on radio and in movies and in print or whatever….
Yeah Whoopi you bitch, we are on different planets. YOU are a victim at all cost, MOST people are responsible for their actions. YOU see race in everything, MOST people see opportunity in challenge. YOU see obstacles put up by “Whitey”,  MOST people see those obstacles as steps to growth.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck got baited into a discussion she can not win, not on the air, not in a liberal minded show and not being as sweet as she is. She needed to get up and grab that dumb bitch by her horse hair weave and curb stomp her ass.