Tag: Media bias

Obama’s Speechwriter Jumps ship.

Obama’s Speechwriter Jumps ship.

I have not heard a word about this on any news channel… I do hear the crickets chirpping.

Found this at News Busters.

Obama Speechwriter Switches to McCain; Ignored by MSM

Imagine if a speechwriter for John McCain had switched sides and announced she was going to vote for Barack Obama. Would she not be featured bigtime in the mainstream media complete with new thrills running up Chris Matthews leg?  Well, this did happen except that it was an Obama speechwriter, Wendy Button, who became disillusioned with The One and switched to supporting McCain. Here are the highlights of Wendy Button’s explanation of why she made the switch:

Since I started writing speeches more than ten years ago, I have always believed in the Democratic Party. Not anymore. Not after the election of 2008. This transformation has been swift and complete and since I’m a woman writing in the election of 2008, “very emotional.”

Young lady, only when the switch is made from Republican to Democrat will it be mentioned in the MSM. They search the country for “lifelong Republicans” who are going to vote for Obama but when an Obama speechwriter switches over to the “Dark Side,” all you will hear from the MSM is the sound of crickets chirping.

My favorite part of the article:

“..The final straw came the other week when Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher (a.k.a Joe the Plumber) asked a question about higher taxes for small businesses. Instead of celebrating his aspirations, they were mocked. He wasn’t “a real plumber,” and “They’re fighting for Joe the Hedge-Fund manager,” and the patronizing, “I’ve got nothing but love for Joe the Plumber.”

Having worked in politics, I know that absolutely none of this is on the level. This back and forth is posturing, a charade, and a political game. These lines are what I refer to as “hooker lines”—a sure thing to get applause and the press to scribble as if they’re reporting meaningful news.”

I have been putting up with Obamatrons coming to my site and citing former soldiers, republicans, conservatives and even some rednecks that will be voting for Obama…

I have recently heard of several McCain supporters that I never knew supported him, folks in the military, VERY HIGH RANKING current and former Armed forces men and women, I am hearing of many folks jumping from the Obama camp because of his stances on Taxes, Guns, and the UNANSWERED Questions about his past.

One thing I’d like to know is, how Obama is going to make government “MORE TRANSPARENT” when Joe the plumber can’t ask a question?  I wonder what the approval rating for GWB would be if he subscribed to Barack Hussein Obama’s media policy? I would bet GWB would have a great approval rating if he was able to answer only the questions he liked…(Don’t get this line confused with Bush Bots, it is an observation and an opinion that the media has played a huge role in the approval ratings of our elected officials.)

Fascism coupled with Socialism is coming to America and it is coming on the wings of the Messiah Barack Hussein Obama. :hole:

What if CNN covered the 1864 election?

What if CNN covered the 1864 election?

If CNN Covered the 1864 Election Night

On November 8th, 1864, CNN cut all their usual programs for an election night special in Washington D.C. The transcript follows.

Wolf Blitzer: And we’re back, with more unbiased coverage from CNN, the completely unbiased and extremely accurate news channel that everyone is watching. Joining me today is CNN anchor Anderson Cooper.

Anderson Cooper: Great to be here!

Wolf: Also in the field is our terrific CNN support staff, who you’ll be meeting in the near future. For now, though, I’d like to go to CNN correspondent and former advisor to Democratic president James Buchanan Donna Brazile. Donna, any predictions?

Donna: I think it’s obvious. The American people have spoken. Lincoln likes talking about how bad slavery is and how we’re fighting the good fight, but he time and again ignores the main issue of the economy. What is his stance on the Homestead Act renewal? What about draft class inequality? Lincoln needs to be held accountable for his despicable handling of the war and the economy tonight, and I think the American people will do just that..

Wolf: What impact will General Grant and General Sherman’s victories have on the race?

Donna: Wolf, the American people are more worried about the economy than the war right now. That’s the main problem in America: the economy. We’ve gotta ignore all the propaganda that Washington is spreading about how well we’re doing. Fact is, we’re not. We’re losing horribly.

(ticker at the bottom of the screen reports “Lee retreating at full speed”)

Wolf: That much is obvious. We’ll pause here for an ad break. When we come back: more unbiased coverage.

(roll ads)

Wolf: Doesn’t it crack you up when I do that “more unbiased coverage” thing? ROTFL!!!

Anderson: *snort*

Wolf: Oh, we’re on air? !*#@. And we’re back with more unbiased coverage.

Anderson: Yup.

Wolf: Returns have started to come in! Remember, the candidates will need at least 117 electoral votes to win. Oregon is in, and all 3 votes go to Lincoln.

Anderson: (sarcastically) Wow, huge win there.

Wolf: Here comes results from Vermont and Maine. No surprise there, and 12 votes go to Lincoln.

Anderson: Convenient, isn’t it, that Maine used to be part of Massachusetts, and then was split off for more votes?

Wolf: Very. Well, McClellan still isn’t out. Ohio should be very close, being on the border. If McClellan can win all 21 votes, it could be very… oh wait.

Anderson: Lincoln now has 36. But wait! Here comes Pennsylvania!

Wolf: … with all 26 votes going to Lincoln. It ain’t over ’till it’s over. 62 votes means Lincoln’s only halfway there.

Anderson: West Virginia also goes to Lincoln. No surprise there: WV was created for freed slaves. Isn’t it convenient that Lincoln created the state just in time for election season?

Wolf: Indeed. And that it has a whopping 5 votes, much more than I feel is necessary. And you know, whatever I think should be right is right because I’m so smart.

(off-camera: *cough*)

Wolf: Ah, here comes another return. Delaware casts 3 votes for McClellan! The big mo is back! McClellan can still win!

Anderson: 3 votes! McClellan is coming back!

Wolf: McClellan is slightly battered by an insignificant loss in Illinois. It’s only 16 votes, and President Lincoln hails from there. The tally is currently 82-3, with McClellan still fighting hard.

Anderson: And don’t forget, if McClellan can pick up the anti-war New York, he’ll be almost half of what Lincoln has! It’s still a close race.

Wolf: Another small victory for Lincoln. A puny 8 votes from Iowa goes to the GOP nominee. Still a close race.

Anderson: And McClellan comes back again! New Jersey votes for their favorite son! 7 votes! What a win!

Wolf: Totally. And wait! Kentucky’s 11 votes come in strong for McClellan! Huge win! It’s closing up! The race is tight at 90-21! What a race!

Anderson: Indiana plumps 13 tiny votes for Lincoln. Still anyone’s race at 113-21.

Wolf: Still really close! Nevada votes 2 for Lincoln. Not that it matters anyway. Nevada was created by Lincoln. Of course they’ll vote for him.

Anderson: And it’s over, folks. The Big Mo didn’t last, and New York votes McClellan.

(roll ads, as both anchors break out in tears)

Wolf: *blows nose* And we’re here with Democratic strategist Donna Brazile. Donna, what are your thoughts?

Donna: All I know was that there was a whole lot of election fraud going on. It’s not possible that over 2 million people thought Lincoln was doing the right thing. Not possible.

Wolf: Any particular states?

Donna: What about New York? 33 votes, and all went to Lincoln? New York is very progressive and is strongly anti-war. Or take Missouri. They voted for slavery (hence the Missouri compromise), yet voted for… Lincoln? And finally, there was definitely some manipulating going on in the South. Why not allow the Southern states, not to mention border states, vote? So what if they rebelled? They’re still Americans! OK, technically they’re Confederates and don’t consider themselves Americans, but they’re still people.

Wolf: Speaking of people, many folks in Europe are awfully upset that we elected Lincoln. Punch Magazine, a well respected British magazine, hates Lincoln. How does re-electing Lincoln help us improve our world image?

Donna: Put simply, it doesn’t.

Anderson: I also believe that this election was unduly influenced by the media. I feel that many media outlets, particularly in New York, were going out of their way to swing the election. Take Fox News, for example.

Wolf: Definitely agree. Well, that wraps things up. America had the opportunity to vote for change and progress, but settled for another four more years. Oh well. Until next time, this is the Clellan Cable News Network, signing off.

Now you gotta give this guy credit, he nailed the CNN mode of operation. I would be laughing if it wasn’t so true… Sad really.
Well done Andy Min.

John McCain and Tom Metzger.. Who knew?

John McCain and Tom Metzger.. Who knew?

A recent story was leaked that John McCain attended several functions over the past 10 years funded by Tom Metzger, John McCain denies these charges but there is photographic evidence showing John McCain and Tom Metzger sharing drinks, laughing and attending large galas together. There are documents that suggest John McCain and Tom Metzger have been hanging out at least one day a week for over 20 years.

It was also revealed in an exclusive MSM article that David Duke contributed large sums of cash to John McCain’s campaign. Recently, documents were obtained that show David Duke and White Aryan Resistance donated many thousands of dollars to help propel Mr McCain to a position of power in order to repair the damage done by the African American citizens.

Also FOX news is reporting that Mrs John McCain is very angry that her country is keeping a white man down, she is not proud of her country and feels she is being castigated by the media and all Blacks are against her husband because of the color of his skin.

Of course the above is false about McCain, but it is basically true about B. Hussein Obama. Switch Metzger for Wright, and David Duke for Ayers, and switch the wife’s statements…. How about that? Does that sound like B. Hussein Obama should be in elected office?


HELL NO, but that is exactly what we have now, and the lemmings keep piling on with the so-called “Facts” they are facts as they see them, but they are nothing more than fluff, There is only one man in the race that has put his life on the line for others, He is John McCain and if nothing else that shows far greater character than B. Hussein Obama.

Elitest Obama

Oh And then there is this from the New York Post

CLEVELAND – Volunteers supporting Barack Obama picked up hundreds of people at homeless shelters, soup kitchens and drug-rehab centers and drove them to a polling place yesterday on the last day that Ohioans could register and vote on the same day, almost no questions asked.

The huge effort by a pro-Obama group, Vote Today Ohio, takes advantage of a quirk in the state’s elections laws that allows people to register and cast ballots at the same time without having to prove residency.

Republicans have argued that the window could lead to widespread voter fraud because officials wouldn’t have an opportunity to verify registration information before ballots were cast.

Among the volunteers were Yori Stadlin and Vivian Lehrer of the Upper West Side, who got married last week and decided to spend their honeymoon shepherding voters to the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections.

Early today, Stadlin’s van picked up William Woods, 59, at the soup kitchen of the Bishop Cosgrove Center.

“I never voted before,” Woods said, because of a felony conviction that previously barred him from the polls. “Without this service, I would have had no way to get here.”

I really do miss America and very soon the world will too. The “loophole” in voting laws in Ohio is part of the problem, if Obama was an honorable man, he would not sit back and watch a travesty occur in his name. This is voter fraud of the highest order, and it’s only a matter of time before the Democrats start going through death certificates to pad the ballot box more.

Kerry Obama

More BIAS in the Election 08

More BIAS in the Election 08

Does this smell like rotting fish guts to you folks too?

VP debate moderator’s impartiality questioned

NEW YORK (AP) – PBS journalist Gwen Ifill, moderator of the upcoming vice presidential debate, dismissed conservative questions about her impartiality because she is writing a book that includes material on Barack Obama.

Ifill said Wednesday that she hasn’t even written her chapter on Obama for the book “The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama,” which is to be published by Doubleday on Jan. 20, 2009, the day a new president is inaugurated.

“I’ve got a pretty long track record covering politics and news, so I’m not particularly worried that one-day blog chatter is going to destroy my reputation,” Ifill said. “The proof is in the pudding. They can watch the debate tomorrow night and make their own decisions about whether or not I’ve done my job.”

The day before the Joe Biden-Sarah Palin debate, columnist Michelle Malkin wrote in the New York Post about Ifill’s book, saying “she’s so far in the tank for the Democratic presidential candidate, her oxygen delivery line is running out.”

In its online description of the book, Doubleday says that Ifill “surveys the American political landscape, shedding new light on the impact of Barack Obama’s stunning presidential campaign and introducing the emerging young African American politicians forging a bold new path to political power.”

The McCain campaign found out about Ifill’s book in the last day or so, a spokesman said.

Ifill said Obama’s story, which she has yet to write, is only a small part of the book, which discusses how politics in the black community have changed since the civil rights era. Among those subjects is Colin Powell, secretary of state in the Bush administration.

If this type of shit occurred in a country WE brought democracy to, we would claim Election fraud. IS there any agency outside the USA that can investigate the rampant media/press bias going on in this country?

America is supposed to be the model of Democracy, and over the last year we have seen some of the most underhanded, blatant media bias and strong arm tactics rivaled only by countries in Africa.

Pretty soon we will have Black thugs riding around in the bed of Toyota’s with a 50 cal demanding WE CHANGE!

The Democrats LOVE it when things are bad.

The Democrats LOVE it when things are bad.

A while back I stated that when the election starts to get close, things are going to get real bad in the area of the Economy, and Terrorism. Remember this post Obama said to the leader of Iraq NOT to push for our troop withdraw yet…Until after the election. Remember that? Of course no MSM speaks about it.

Defeat and dire straights are great tools for the Democrats, as long as there is a REPUBLICAN in the Whitehouse. Democrats (Not all, mostly the far left Democrats) benefit from the anguish of Americans for political gain.

I have been watching for the terrorists activity uptick and after I posted that story we got these.

Saturday September 13th, a coordinated bombing attack took place in New Delhi, the capital of India.

Five bombings within 45 minutes struck busy shopping districts in India’s capital, killing at least 23 people and injuring more than 60.

A little known group calling itself the Indian Mujahideen asserted responsibility for the attacks, saying in e-mails sent to several news stations: “Stop us if you can. We strike with message of death. We are terrorizing for your sins.”

The Kenyan Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistani was on Saturday night damaged in a terrorist attack on the nearby Marriot Hotel.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr Mwangi Thuita confirmed the incident but said nobody in the Embassy was injured in the attack.

Mr Thuita told Sunday Nation that the blast shattered windows and doors of the Embassy building.

AFP news agency reported that at least 60 people were killed and over 100 others injured in the attack.

Deadly bomb hits hotel in Pakistan capital
A huge explosion ripped through part of a luxury hotel in Pakistan’s capital, Islamabad, today, damaging buildings in a wide radius, killing scores and injuring many more.

The blast, one of the biggest seen in Pakistan in recent years, took place at the Marriott hotel. The hotel was left burning fiercely all along its facade with fears that it could totally collapse.

And we all see how the economy is doing according to the media… BUT lets look at the truth for a change:

The unexpected 228-205 defeat of the housing bailout in Congress yesterday threw a curveball across Wall Street. It contributed to a large sell-off on Wall Street, where the bailout had already been “priced” into the market. The Dow shed just over 6 percent, the 18th largest drop in its history. But given the dire warnings about financial chaos that would result unless there were a bailout, this seems fairly modest.

Let’s be clear: This is a Wall Street crisis, not a national economic crisis. The overall economy, while a bit weak, is still growing. Some politicians are comparing the current environment to the Great Depression. But in 1932, when the federal government last moved to bail out the banking sector, economic output had fallen 45 percent and unemployment was a staggering 24 percent. Today, economic output is actually up and unemployment is a historically modest 6.1 percent.

The overall economy doesn’t even face a liquidity crisis in the current turmoil. Consumer, commercial/industrial, and real estate loans are all up over last year. Main Street is doing fine. The liquidity crisis is confined to Wall Street, between and among investment banks, insurance and securities firms, and hedge funds. There is the possibility that the contagion could spread, but in a global capital market, this is hardly certain. Source

While this bailout is occupying all of our attention, the Democrat leaders including the OBAMAMESSIAH are sticking it to us, they are complaining about “Fairness” in Missouri (Which is basically the suspension of of free speech in order to make sure Obama carries that state)

The VP debate that is being moderated by a book writing OBAMA supporter, I think we need to prepare for the ultimate possibility that Obama is going to be president. I think competing with Soros’s minions is not possible in the framework of the law.

So the cards are stacked against the McCain/Palin ticket. The Media is picking our president and the AMERICAN voter is being led by the short and curly’s to vote for a socialist. I think it is amazing that the MSM is fawning over Obama, they do not see that an Obama presidency comes with some regulations on MEDIA… They will be told what they can not say.

We are very possibly going to have the most liberal President in the history of our nation, and while we can blame the current administration for a large part of it, we must also realize that if we had Obama sitting in the oval office on Sept 11 2001 we would have likely been attacked again, and again. So now that GWB has done the lions share of the work against Islamic Extremists, Obama can come in and proclaim his messiahness…..

I hope we can sustain America through the socialist/Communist Obama regime, and then MAYBE we will get a “Reagan” type conservative in the WH.

Liberals are scared, what can we expect?

Liberals are scared, what can we expect?

Here is what I expect to happen over the next couple of days.

1. The economy in the media will be worse than it was during the recession. The stock market sell off will be equated to the sky falling and panic will be stoked by the Democrat leaders. NOTHING can  be seen as good until the Obamamessiah takes over the WH.

2. The Iraq conflict will see more and more BAD news being reported, the Insurgents/Terrorists will be more active, more explosions more dead Americans and civillians..all to benefit the Democrats platform which is endorsed by AQ and several other Islamic Jihadi’s.

3. Hurricane recovery after one of the hurricanes currently brewing will be criticized ruthlessly and Katrina will be brought up by Obama at every chance he gets. However; Barrack Hussein Obama will not mention Blanco or Naggin at all.

These are the expectations we all should be prepared for, The economy grew a little bit last month, but no mention, Iraq had good news lately No mention, and Gustav was handled well but little mention.

The Libtards in MSM and the Democrats as a whole are scared of the McCain/Palin platform, they know they can’t match the resume and they need their friends which are also AMERICA’S enemy’s to give them a hand. They will.



IF there was ever any doubt about the VP pick of Sarah Palin, it should be put to rest NOW. The Democrats are pissin in their pants over this, and the attack machine will be in full on rage. The media will assist the Democrats in the attack, but the AMERICAN Voter will rally around Sarah Palin, she is, as she was expected to be. AWESOME!

Sarah Palin stood strong in the face of the media onslaught, she never blinked. John McCain has gained some respect from me over the last couple of days, he had my respect for his service, but his real quality appears to be in recognizing the needs and acting on that realization.

He recognized Iraq was going wrong, he righted the ship, he recognized that he can’t win the WH without a Conservative base backing him and he picked Sarah Palin. Pandering if you will, but I honestly believe that Sarah and John share some core values that I fully agree with.

IF they win in November, and IF they can turn some things around, then the stench of GWB will be wiped off the party. The border problem will come up again MINUTES after the election, and McCain will need to remember WHO put him there.

The media is all about fairness, and balanced coverage:

But they sure quit talking about the Rev. Wright scandal.. “20 years I listened to that man but never agreed with anything he said”…well at least after he was caught in a lie.. Bull shit.

Media bias, unfair, sexist media coverage… all the tools of the left wing.

Iraq news? Missing…. As Usual

Iraq news? Missing…. As Usual

You know this time frame thing must be the devils work, OR it’s true that Barrack Hussein Obama is the “Chosen One”.

The reason I say that is; Some of the best news out of Iraq has been happening while the country is focused on Sarah Palin, and Hurricane Gustav.

US says troops could quit Baghdad soon

General David Petraeus, the top US commander in Iraq, said declining violence in Baghdad raised the possibility that American combat troops could leave the capital by next summer.

Asked in an interview with the Financial Times whether it was feasible that US combat forces could leave Baghdad by July, he said: “Conditions permitting, yeah.”

That’s today’s News, Yesterday and the day before we were hearing about Anbar Province being handed over to Iraqi’s. Barely a mention on the major networks.

This post is not to be debated by the “Why are we there” crowd or the Surrender monkey’s, it is a MEDIA BIASED post, it goes to the heart of Media pushing society’s buttons. The MSM puts little blurbs like:

SARA PALIN BRIBARY SCANDAL and HER DAUGHTER IS PREGGERS!….. then on the back page under the viagra ads,

John McCain was right about the surge….

My point is; EVERYONE does not have the ability to pick the fly shit out of pepper. The folks on the internet, the bloggers, the researchers, either by hobby or work need to bring those uneducated voters that we meet every day into the know. The old media like CNN, MSNBC,CBS and a few others are driving this Obamamessiah thing, and as long as they can keep certain news on the back page MOST voters will never know the truth. I know the Liberals will say “What about Fox?” Yep we got ONE station, which happens to get more viewers than either of the others in AMERICA. However; even FOX has been complacent on several news items.

I also see some real sexism in the media, I am seeing what Hilary Clinton went through on the Democrat side, however she got many free passes that Sarah Palin has not. I think Obama is truly a Muslim, they don’t like women being in leadership positions..just sayin.

A couple more things:

Rumor has it McCain might be dropping Sarah Palin as VP running mate, or at least the odds have dropped in the betting pools. Let me state this as clear as possible:
I will drop McCain, and I am sure the majority of Republicans even those RINO’s that blindly follow Bush will have no choice but to turn their backs on McCain for good.

Most of us on the right side of the aisle welcome the fight, and I think Palin has a stronger hand to play than Obama or Biden so bring on the fight.

Evidently The libtards are asking about her daughters booze houndism…. LMAO, they are talking about how we don’t want that type of person in the white house.. WTF?

Ok I would much rather have a stealth muslim, a woman that hates her country, and a racist preacher running the free world.. That we are even having a discussion on what is worse, is a testament to how fucked we truly are.

I do have a real question that kind of goes along the same lines of thinking as the liberals “IF she can’t control those under how can she be president” line of thinking:

Obama and Biden have both said Children are off limits, so why are the Ko’s kids, and Wonkette and the like continuing the assault? they aren’t listening to their GOD Obama? how can that be? I cry BULLSHIT, in public they say one thing, in private they are preparing for their Presidential Innauguration speeches.