Tag: Media bias

Howard Dean is an idiot

Howard Dean is an idiot

So Howard Dean (D-ipshit) Goes on Chris Wallace’s Sunday morning show and calls Fox News Racist.

The time line of the Shirley Sherrod incident actually EXONERATES Fox News from any blame in this. Fox never mentioned the video or Shirley Sherrod UNTIL AFTER she was forced to resign. The liberal spin on this is epic. Unfortunately, the viewers of the liberal state run media will never know the truth because they are being fed bullshit.

Glenn Beck defended Shirley Sherrod on his show, he took the stand that “Context Matters” and within an hour of his shows end the apologies flowed from the Administration. Then the damage control started. Blame Fox! What?

Any person with any lick of common sense ingrained in their being see this as a cover your ass story now. And who better to carry a LIE and liberal message (I know that’s the same thing) to the masses than the one DEMOCRAT who has done so since his birth. Howard Dean actually got in a “Sotomoyer” reference too…Special.

So basically Howard Dean just dropped the entire Democrat rallying cry in one clip. RACIST. IF you don’t agree with us. It doesn’t matter the facts, you either toe the line and believe everything the democrats tell you or you are racist. IF you disagree with any policy, RACIST. if you don’t like our pick for SCOTUS, RACIST.

How long will America tolerate this bullshit?

Fact is the MSM is complicit in the lies. They JUMPED to the racism charge of the tea party’s they have JUMPED to the LIES of the black caucus members that they were called the N-Word, LIES…but they can’t come out and say it, or their credibility would be shot. As if they had any left after the Journalist controversy.

WAKE THE HELL UP AMERICA! The fight is now.

Hypocritical Leadership, Obama is IT!

Hypocritical Leadership, Obama is IT!

The Obama Administration took another leap off the hypocrisy bridge the other day and the MSM lefty brigade followed him into the abyss.

A couple of headlines:

Gulf residents outraged by BP CEO’s yacht outing

VENICE, La. (AP) – Just when it seemed Gulf residents couldn’t get any more outraged about the massive oil spill fouling their coastline, word came Saturday that BP’s CEO was taking time off to attend a glitzy yacht race in England.

Tony Hayward’s latest public relations gaffe didn’t sit well with people in the U.S. who have seen their livelihoods ruined by the massive two-month oil spill.

“Man, that ain’t right. None of us can even go out fishing, and he’s at the yacht races,” said Bobby Pitre, 33, who runs a tattoo shop in Larose, La. “I wish we could get a day off from the oil, too.”

As social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook lit up with anger, BP spokespeople rushed to defend Hayward, who has drawn withering criticism as the public face of his company’s halting efforts to stop the worst oil spill in U.S. history.

Robert Wine, a BP spokesman at the company’s Houston headquarters, said it’s the first break Hayward has had since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded April 20, killing 11 workers and setting off the undersea gusher.

White House Chief: Yacht Trip Another Gaffe by BP

President Barack Obama’s chief of staff says BP chief executive Tony Hayward has committed yet another in a “long line of PR gaffes” but attending a yacht race in England while the Gulf oil spill disaster continues.

Hayward faced a fresh avalanche of criticism as news circulated Saturday that he was at a yacht competition around the Isle of Wight.

White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel is mocking Hayward’s infamous statement that he wishes the crisis were over so could have his life back.

Referring to the yachting, Emanuel tells ABC’s “This Week,” “He’s got his life back, as he would say.”

Emanuel says the focus should stay on capping the leaking well and helping the people of the Gulf region.

Yet the Administration is SILENT about “The Chosen One”

Obama hits golf course with Biden on another hot, humid weekend

President Barack Obama hit the golf course Saturday with Vice President Joe Biden.

The White House pool report noted that Obama left at about 1 p.m. for the course at Andrews Air Force base, and his golfing parters included White House Trip Director Marvin Nicholson and David Katz, the energy efficiency campaign manager at the Department of Energy.

Obama left the course shortly before 6 p.m.

Nicholson and Katz, along with Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, joined Obama for four hours of golf last weekend. The Republican National Committee released an ad soon afterward taking aim at Obama’s golfing during the ongoing BP oil spill crisis in the Gulf of Mexico.

The temperatures in the Washington, D.C., area Saturday were similar to last weekend, in the low 90s and humid.

Obama attended the Washington Nationals game Friday night wearing a cap for his hometown Chicago White Sox. Sources told the pool reporter that Obama sang “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” and left in the ninth inning, before the White Sox edged out the Nationals 2-1 in the 11th.

So speaking of PR gaffs, why is this not on every channel, every leftypuke blog and every media outlet in the world? I’ll tell you why, the hypocrisy of the liberpukes is unparalleled. They have NO PROBLEM with pointing the finger of blame at everyone else, and when they do the same stuff they say shit like “Well Bush did too” or “What about when Bush did this or that”…

Hypocrisy, thy name is Obama…

Obama vs Bush in the Media

Obama vs Bush in the Media

I’ve been very critical of Obama’s handling of the gulf oil spill, and we will see very shortly that his inaction will cost the region dearly. The liberpukes in the media are so quick to defend their idiot in chief,  but when GWB was in charge during Katrina these were some of the headlines….Double standard or just ignorance of a free press?… I say we have no need for Hugo Chavez type governance, the media is already state run.

Hurricane Katrina: George Bush And The Party Of “I DON’T CARE”

George Bush, Katrina Is Calling

Katrina Timeline

Bush Katrina Ratings Fall After Speech

Bush Katrina Cop Out

Katrina: How Bush Blew it

Stupid Quotes About Katrina

Bush and Katrina why it’s his fault

Was Bush Behind Katrina?

MSM reporting

Katrina victims suffer, Bush plays Guitar

Bush rejects Responsibility for Disaster

Hurricane George

Oh and everyone remembers that George Bush hates black people…

Media Responsibility.

Media Responsibility.

This will be one of those special rants…So Listen up.

When George Bush was in office, from 2000 to 2008, we had an endless supply of dissenting news casts by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and a few others. We had one channel that we could count on to deliver some supporting opinions as well as a few negatives, arguably a MORE balanced news channel during this time was Fox.  YES, they actually did report some NEGATIVE news on GWB, and they did it openly and on several occasions. I never once heard any news reporter or commentator speak of GWB the way the Alphabet Networks do about Obama.

The reason this is important, and it is a fact that there is a HUGE amount of bias in today’s media, The media is supposed to INFORM, they are supposed to be digging for the TRUTH, they are supposed to be QUESTIONING power and they are supposed to be HONEST.

What I am getting at here is the reason our nation is so divided.

Right now, if you have questions about what Obama and his administration is REALLY up to, you go to FOX news. FOX is actually investigating GOVERNMENT as it should. FOX lost some credibility with me during the 2004-2006 years, when all they seemed to do is carry water for GWB, but later  in 2006, they actually started investigating GWB as they should, and from that point forward they have been fairly decent in their reporting. I know Obama supporters will not agree with that, but I’m sure they believed all the reporting from the alphabet networks were accurate and balanced…Sigh.

Point being; MEDIA is supposed to be our watchdogs. They are supposed to investigate and report. WHEN they quit investigating, and only report in order to keep up with other networks investigations, they do us all a disservice. What we have now is; The MSM is engaged in Obama cheer-leading, and with the NUMBERS of news outlets involved in the cheer-leading vs the ONE that isn’t, we are having a large portion of the voters BRAINWASHED.

People in the inner cities that only watch MSNBC for example, are apt to believe that all tea party’s are KKK members without the hoods. They will believe Arizona’s law requires officers to pull over anyone that has a tan and ask them for papers. They will believe that all churches have removed the Crucifixion symbols and replaced them with Pictures of Obama. These are voters that gave us Obama in the first place.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we need to shut down MSNBC or any other Alphabet network, I’m saying we need to pressure them to do their damn job. They have a lot of resources, they have the ability to sway opinions of the weak minded (Democrats) and as it sits, they are controlling the message the WH wants out.  This is why we have so much division, it’s not just the messenger (Obama) it’s his spinner division, the alphabet Networks.

We must get the CBS’s of the nation to do their job and actually investigate, report and let the viewers decide the next action. I’m not talking about Glenn Beck,  O’riley,  Chris Tingles or Olberman, they are all COMMENTATORS. IF you have a certain ideological belief, watch those programs, if you want to know how, what , when, and why’s you should have more channels to pick from. We do not have that right now. I can turn on ANY Alphabet network NEWS hour and see exactly how great Obama is doing, and how everything Obama has ever done is perfect…On the other hand I can turn on to FOX and see at least 3 stories of negative stories regarding an Obama action that was never reported on the other channels. WHO does this help? NOBODY!

In Venezuela, the first thing Hugo Chavez did when he got into power was shut down Media stations that investigated his actions. They now have ONE or TWO left that are continuously under siege by Government. Obama didn’t have to use threats or pressure or outright POWER to silence dissenting opinion, he had MOST of America’s media in the tank from the start. All he has to do is keep them there with favors, interviews and perks…

This is a sad state of affairs in our country and I hope the MSM will awaken soon.

What if George Bush did…..

What if George Bush did…..


Found at Free Republic

Putting things into perspective: What If George W. Bush had …

What If George W. Bush had made a joke at the expense of the Special Olympics, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had given Gordon Brown a set of inexpensive and incorrectly formatted DVDs, when Gordon Brown had given him a thoughtful and historically significant gift, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had given the Queen of England an iPod containing videos of his speeches, would you have thought this embarrassingly narcissistic and tacky?

If George W. Bush had bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had visited Austria and made reference to the non-existent “Austrian language,” would you have brushed it off as a minor slip?

If George W. Bush had filled his cabinet and circle of advisers with people who cannot seem to keep current on their income taxes, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had been so Spanish illiterate as to refer to “Cinco de Cuatro” in front of the Mexican ambassador when it was the Fifth of May (Cinco de Mayo), and continued to flub it when he tried again, would you have winced in embarrassment?

If George W. Bush had misspelled the word advice would you have hammered him for it for years like Dan Quayle and potato as “proof” of what a dunce he is?

If George W. Bush had burned 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to go plant a single tree on “Earth Day”, would you have concluded he’s a hypocrite?

If George W. Bush’s administration had okayed Air Force One flying low over millions of people followed by a jet fighter in downtown Manhattan causing widespread panic, would you have wondered whether they actually “get” what happened on 9-11?

If George W. Bush had been the first President to need a teleprompter installed to be able to get through a press conference, would you have laughed and said this is more proof of how he is inept he is on his own and is really controlled by smarter men behind the scenes?

If George W. Bush had failed to send relief aid to flood victims throughout the Midwest with more people killed or made homeless than in New Orleans, would you want it made into a major ongoing political issue with claims of racism and incompetence?

If George W. Bush had ordered the firing of the CEO of a major corporation, even though he had no constitutional authority to do so, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had proposed to double the national debt, which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate, in one year, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had then proposed to double the debt again within 10 years, would you have approved?

So, tell me again, what is it about Obama that makes him so brilliant and impressive? Can’t think of anything? Don’t worry. He’s done all this in his first 10 weeks — so you’ll have three years and nine-and-a-half months to come up with an answer.

Yep Obama the “Star” are you happy with your change yet????

Conspiracies, Bias and Coincidences.

Conspiracies, Bias and Coincidences.

A couple of thoughts this morning:

1. Over the last month a large majority of news revolved around Mexico. Drug cartels and Border security topped the list, now we have a virus outbreak. Coincidence?

2. Ever since the Iraq war began, we have been swamped with “Iraq is a losing battle” talk, mostly from the liberal media. NOW Iraq has had the worst month in the last couple of years regarding civilian casualties, and the MSM puts in on the back page. Not to mention NOW Hillary Clinton says “Iraq is on the right track”. Bias?

3. The Torture issues are making headway, the former VP Cheney says release it ALL, the POTUS says “Not so fast”.. The left has long cried about torture and claims to take the high road, HOWEVER; if documents were released to show Pelosi knew, and the other liberal hero’s were aware of the “Issue” that would be real bad for the Demorats. Do you smell a CONSPIRACY to cover up what they really knew?

Your thoughts?

Before YOU vote, ASK Yourself a couple of Questions.

Before YOU vote, ASK Yourself a couple of Questions.

A couple of things you should ask yourself before you vote for the President of the United States:

1. How much do you KNOW about John McCain? Do you know about his youth, his careers, his associates? Do you know about his mistakes? Do you know about his voting record? Do you know about his beliefs?

2. How much do you know about Barack Obama? Do you KNOW about his Youth, Careers, his associates? Do you know about his mistakes? Do you know about his voting record? Do you know about his beliefs?

The media has dissected John McCain, they have Inspected/dissected and invented things to stir Sarah Palin to anger and she didn’t budge.

The media has given powder puff questions to Barack Obama, they have basically been hands off when it comes to questions about his YOUTH, His Mistakes, and HIS Associates. There are MORE questions than answers and that is cause for concern. WHAT is HE HIDING?

The excuse the Obamatrons are using now is “They are behind and they are throwing up character issues to see if it sticks” basically saying that McCain needs to slam his character to win the race. Well McCain is not asking about it. I am. And so are a LOT of Americans right now on both sides of the aisle.

The questions can be answered, or at least they could have been a while ago, this late in the game it would sound hollow. McCain has run a campaign cleanly, trying to be the better man and it will more than likely cost him the election. AND I think McCain will be ok with that. I am NOT Ok with it.
Obama lied about his “Campaign funding” Obama has lied about more than he has told the truth.

Let me let you in on a little secret:

Obama is the best SPEAKER in the race, hell if I needed a lawyer I’d hire HIM, if I needed a used car and he was a salesmen, I would probably drive off the lot with a YUGO and think I bought a Camaro. BUT I don’t need either right now, I need a President I can trust. I can, and DO trust John McCain to put this country first. While we may disagree what that is exactly, I believe he would make this country STRONGER not weaker, and he would not be pushed around. I believe he is smarter than GWB, and I believe he will learn the lessons of GWB’s DIFFICULT Presidency.

I don’t really like McCain as a President, I am not happy with the selection the RNC gave me. I have a choice between Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton and that is a REAL PROBLEM for MOST of us “RIGHT THINKING” individuals.

I look at who is voting for who. I look at WHO is sending money to WHO, I look at WHO the Media is PUSHING, and I look at WHO is hiding the most.

You can tell a lot about a candidate by who is supporting them, LOOK CLOSE. You can tell a lot about a candidate by the money flowing to them. Remember this: EVERY PENNY McCAIN GOT for his campaign is noted, and from where it came. Obama had a credit card error? You can tell a lot about a candidate by the Hollywood elite, the MSM, they have a vested interest in the moral compass dropping. Their business picks up when standards are lowered. And you can tell a lot about a candidate by how much YOU DON’T KNOW!

I picked who I will be voting for, based on what I don’t know in this election. I do not know Barack Hussein Obama, I do not TRUST Barack Hussein Obama.

I trust John McCain because his CHARACTER was tested in battle, it was tested in Congress, and it was tested in life. HE HAS PASSED the test, and if WE reward people because they DO things honorable, then John McCains should be 40 points ahead. IF we reward people for “Talking about what they will do” or telling people what is wrong with those people that ARE DOING things, then by all means vote Obama.