Tag: Lies

One Nation Rally. Facts!

One Nation Rally. Facts!

Just a quick post to let y’all know I aint dead yet!

Here’s something you wont hear on any MSM station or probably any media outlet anywhere:

The difference in attendees between the Restoring Honor Rally and the One nation rally is pretty simple really:

One nation rally: “The Government needs to give us something”
Restoring Honor Rally: “The government needs to quit taking from us, and get the hell out of our way”

The fact is every group that attended the one nation rally is looking for MORE from Government. All the labor and unions and progressive groups that were represented there were only out for themselves. They were not focused on one message. They were focused on their individual groups “Wants”

They left the place a mess, they disrespected the venue with anti-American chants and slogans. On top of that, they were far less represented than they should have been.

I checked a lot of places online to find pictures of an American flag at the one nation rally…Failed. Although I’m sure there were a few on fire or being shit on by some progressive slug.

Have a good Sunday y’all, come Monday we better get back to work. The enemy has popped out of the foxhole, the target is clear and there are many…Vote the bums out!

Liberal-Progressive astro turf…

Liberal-Progressive astro turf…

Remember Nancy Pelosi’s statement when the tea party started their march to retake our nation? What was it.. Astro Turf, Swastika’s?…

Uh No Nancy dear, you are wrong again. It’s your racist bigots that use the Nazi sign to smear opposition. Which is kind of strange…Hitler’s Nazi party is a mirror image of Todays American Progressives, and for some reason minorities keep voting for them…Weird.

This is Debbie Halvorson’s (D-llussional) “Astro Turf,” you will see a member of her staff lead the chants, then retreat back into headquarters.

This is the definition of astro-turf Nancy dear. You will see it again on the national mall when your union thugs and racists take to the grounds.

Tea Party is Racist, head tea party figure uses N-WORD!

Tea Party is Racist, head tea party figure uses N-WORD!

IF that was true how many days would we be subjected to the “Racist” calls from the LameStream Media? This is a clip that should concern ALL Americans. It shows exactly how the double standard and the state run MSM is conducting business. They let this go unchallenged:

Now think back to when Dr Laura used the word, she did it in context similar and was roundly criticized, lambasted in the media for a week straight until she resigned.

BUT this moron, this worthless communist P.O.S get a free pass? I’ve said this in several posts and I mean every damn word of it. IF I ever crossed paths with Bill Maher, I’d curb stomp that prick wouldn’t say a word to him, just unload on his sorry ass… I absolutely can’t stand him. I have more respect for Micheal Moore and Jane Fonda than I have for that coward.

Tell me something all you high and mighty self righteous Black folks, why no outrage? is it because he’s a democrat and is doing a good job keeping you on the plantation? He’s helping the establishment keep you guys in chains, calling you n-gr and you just laugh….Seems kind of odd to me. But enjoy your servings from the ruling class, don’t worry they’ll keep feeding you crumbs as long as you vote for them…Idiots.

I guess freedom of speech is only acceptable if you hold a Democrat voter card huh?

Most Muslims are Peaceful, All Tea party’rs are racist.

Most Muslims are Peaceful, All Tea party’rs are racist.

Explain this to me:
Why is it; in a liberal/progressives mind, most Muslims are peaceful and if you disagree with it you are an Islamaphobic Racist.

But ALL Tea Party members are racist and if you don’t agree with that you are racist too?

Just askin.

See I know that most Muslims haven’t killed anyone in the name of Islam. I know that there are around 1 billion Muslims in the world and luckily only a small percentage have taken a life because of what is in the Koran. I know that a lot of Muslims in America have became “American” to some degree. I know a lot of Muslims in America believe in freedom of religion and they do not agree with same Islam that has been so violent.

I also know that those “moderate” Muslims that disagree with the violence associated with the “radical” Islam are normally very reluctant to voice their opinions against it. Ask a so-called “Moderate” if they believe hamas is a terrorist organization. IF you had 100 of them in a room, I bet less than 20 would say yes. And those that said yes, would add caveats to the answer.

Here’s a test. Ask a Christian if he/she thinks Phred Phelps is a worthless pile of pig feces. If you put 100 Christians in a room and asked that question you’d get 99% that said yes, the 1% would ask “Who is he”…. No caveats, straight out YES he’s a moron, a loon and the nation would be better off without him.

Muslim sympathizers like to use Timothy McVeigh, Jim Jones, And Hitler as examples of Christian extremists. This is a bullshit argument on it’s face and any free thinking person that is not a Little Green Footballer would know a few things about history.

Tim McVeigh was anti-Government, he was probably a racist, and he was a nutjob. He didn’t worship regularly, he didn’t carry the bible with him, he didn’t preach the bible to anyone, he was by no way a Christian.

Jim Jones, was a cult leader, he convinced a lot of folks to kill themselves. He was a perverted religious version of an Islamic Imam. But there is a huge difference. Christians are not following Jim Jones, they never did, Jim Jones killed all of his followers. Imams are still killing their followers and anyone that doesn’t follow. Jim Jones never stoned anyone for not following, nor did he terrorize those that disagreed with his version of religion.

Hitler, now this is the dumbest argument ever. Hitler Killed Jews. Christians know the bible and know that Jews are the chosen people. Claiming that Hitler killed Jews because he was Christian is so ridiculous only Charles Johnson himself would agree with you. So take that shit over there.

N-word hurled at Black lawmakers?

N-word hurled at Black lawmakers?

Really? I wasn’t there so I’ve been digging around looking for some audio proof. I truly don’t doubt that there were some idiots among the crowd that will use the event to prove their idiocy. However; I also know the liberpuke media is prone to make up “Events” as they see fit to promote their cause. MSNBC, NBC, ABC and the like have never failed to make up a story if it helps the socialist cause.

Found at Chicago Rays

Now if this was the incident in question, the proof is clearly audible. NO N-Word heard. That being said, I have met first hand the kind of morons that show up for events like this. When we traveled to DC for the first GOE, there was one idiot in particular that stood out from the crowd. He had a bull horn shouting about “Wetbacks” and “Ragheads” he had about 4 folks around him egging him on. MOST of us either told him to shut the Fk up, or ignored him, however; the media and liberpukes made him the centerpiece of the day.

Folks at rally’s like this can take a couple of actions to limit the idiots exposure to the media. The first one is simple: Move their ass out of your side of the argument. This is very difficult to do in the heat of the day, emotions are high and when you start moving folks out of your area, it tends to lend fuel to the other side. The best thing to do is distance yourself from the idiot. Make them ALONE, make a clear distinction between our side and the idiots. Use the PD to do it if you have to, but do not let the morons corrupt your rally by giving the media a focal point that is not your message.

Anyway, the N-Word was NOT used, I’m trying to find the audio of someone calling Barney Frank a “Faggot” I haven’t found it yet..

The Tea party is made up of hard working Americans for the most part, and just like the liberpukes of ANSWER, and La-RAZA, we got our share of morons that creep in. The difference is the MSM doesn’t focus on the liberpuke idiots, they are “Fair and Balanced” and only pick the folks that can state the cause eloquently, but when the tea party gets some air time, the media seem to single out the folks missing the most teeth, and wearing the flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off…Not that that’s a bad thing but image is everything.

First Press Conference…Yuck

First Press Conference…Yuck

I am watching my first press conference of the “Obamanation” Administration:

This is sad, the love fest from NBC, MSNBC, and a few others the giggles and half laughs from the press core are sickening.

Oh and it’s another snow job.

We are learning that Taxes must only be paid by the paupers, the elected officials only have to pay taxes if they get caught, NOT paying. You know, Bush was an idiot on several occasions, but he did hold the moral high ground WAY above this Corrupt Chicago snake oil salesmen.

Yep the entire first 2 weeks of this NEW administration can be summed up like:
