Tag: Lies

Right Wing Terrorists of OWS!

Right Wing Terrorists of OWS!

If you had any doubt about the ideology of the Southern Poverty Law Center, this should wake you up.

Southern Poverty Law Center Calls ‘Occupy’ Terrorists ‘The Radical Right’

Did you know that the Occupy Movement is actually a part of the “radical right”? The movement, which received favorable comments from the commanding heights of the American left — President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, the New York Times, and MSNBC — has now shown itself to include very violent elements, including actual terrorists, who began a bomb plot in Cleveland, only to be apprehended before carrying out their program of terror.

The media has done its best to ignore the Occupy terrorists, but have now confessed. Perhaps drawing inspiration from Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who can lie with an utterly straight face about reality (what she said on tape about the Israeli ambassador, what happened on the floor of the DNC when the words Jerusalem and God were excised and then restored to the platform), the Southern Poverty Law Center has stepped in to solve the problem for the left. Re-define the Occupy movement as “radical right.”

There you have it. The SPLC who designates certain groups as “Hate Groups” has tied the OWS idiots to the “RIGHT” Even though the FACTS show that the OWS idiots are the exact OPPOSITE of what the “RIGHT” believes.

For one you can look at them and notice they don’t resemble any TEA PARTY members. They tried to blow up something. NO TEA PARTY MEMBER was ever accused of vandalism much less blowing up anything. But hey, facts don’t matter when your goal is the destruction of the greatest nation the world has ever seen.

I hope I’m wrong here, but eventually this division will have to be solved. We had a civil war the last time our nation was this divided. Be aware of what the enemies of freedom will do silence you. Its coming.

Black History Month?… Yeah that’s “Unity”

Black History Month?… Yeah that’s “Unity”

So we have an entire month again devoted to one race. In a country where diversity is supposed to be celebrated. One of the most divisive POTUS’s ever to “Occupy” DC is Barack Obama. A half black, Half White, Half Ass’d leftwing loon who has done more harm to our nation than ANY OTHER POTUS in the history of the office. Between HIM and his minions like Pelosi, Reid and their cheerleader Debbie Wassername Shitz.

Let me clue you guys in on a few simple facts. When you see NO color in a person only his/her actions and deeds, you are NOT racist. You are human and truly American. Until that point, you are a racist. You can be black/white/brown/yellow and be racist. The biggest con ever perpetrated on Americans is that only WHITE’S can be racist.

Why must we celebrate Black history month? Why wouldn’t a day or week be enough? Why not one month for every race? Lets see, December is Christmas time, time for reflections and celebrations of the birth of our lord and savior. The “Black Race” has seen fit to inject “Kwanza” into that month. Mmmm, kind of odd don’t ya think? Since Christ is not a race specific religion, Kwanza is.

Lets look at extreme racism at its finest:

Now think about this: Newt or Romney go to a neo-nazi camp and ask them to mobilize on their behalf to “Make change”…. now do you see the divisive nature of this “Black Month”… It’s no longer about “History” it’s about “Future” using history as a crutch.

Okay enough common sense. Let’s get to the meat of the issue. Black history month in my opinion is a farce of the truest order. So since I’m not being appreciated during February, me and my whiteness are going to offer some respect up to those in history who were true hero’s of the day. They stood up for the rights of their states, the rights of men to not be governed by tyrants without due process. They stood, fought and died on the battlefields of our nation. They lost the fight in the end, but to this day the fear that men would stand against too much government and die if needed to protect their rights is real. We will and we will be many.

Starting tomorrow each week day I’m posting civil war era remembrance. I’m going to start with Gen Robert E Lee. And I’ll be working down the line to include MANY including BLACK warriors of the time…

Remove the GAWD DAMN HYPHENS and be Americans or GTFO. Many died so you may “Live free” and that’s not just in the civil war, it’s throughout history and it’s not separated by race. ALL of us LIVE FREE because our forefathers stood. All races not just BLACK.

TexasFred has also weighed in on this topic and I’m sure BOTH of us will be called Racist for our views… Well, we’re white so I guess that’s it. sigh.

Obama’s State of the Union

Obama’s State of the Union

Or in other words  Obama’s Rose colored glasses view of the nation. Anyone who knows what “Rose colored glasses” is related to can’t help but understand the similarities.

Rose colored glasses were used on chickens back in the day to keep them from going nuts and killing themselves at the sight of blood.

IF OTHERS besides the alphabet network wore them, Obama would be a shoe in for FORE MORE YEARS of continuous golf with ZERO responsibilities…. But alas, the vast majority of Americans are starting to remove those glasses. I’m thinking the only ones left wearing them are working for MSNBC or directly employed by “Duh Won” himself.

This STOU is going to be his campaign pre-speech. Which is funny because he’s been in campaign mode since 2009 when he wasn’t on the golf course.

Obama will bring the class war to an entire new level and the OWS will be over joyed with that course of action. I’m sure Mitch Daniels in his rebuttal to this “Campaign Speech” will be epic. I’m hoping that Mitch doesn’t hold back. Personally I’d rather have Newt give it. Why? Glad you asked:

The reason Newt would be better at giving the rebuttal is simple. It’s the same way the “Campaigner” gives it. No interruptions, no questions just a ONE SIDED exchange. Newt the new FRONTRUNNER to depose the dictator/campaigner/golfer in chief, should be allowed to rebut the campaign speech. In election years the front runner of the opposition should get that opportunity.

I expect this SOTU to be as bitter as Obama’s wife. I expect this SOTU to be rife with lies half truths and talking points. I expect this SOTU to be a perfectly delivered pile of fertilizer. And if I’m wrong, I’ll apologize.


Another Debate… Obama gains a point…

Another Debate… Obama gains a point…

Well since the GOP hopefuls can’t seem to understand WHO the real enemy is, tonight will be another victory for Obama. Yeah that’s some serious cynicism.

Romney the front runner who I will be FORCED to vote for in the general election, will be on the defensive. Newt, who I would feel a LITTLE bit better about having to vote for in the general election will be throwing some bombs at Mitt, Santorum and Paul. Paul, who I WILL NOT VOTE FOR if he is the the GOP nominee, will also be throwing bombs at Mitt, Newt and Santorum. We will hear all about how Newt, Mitt and Santorum are less than conservative and how ALL of them are not as conservative as Ron Paul.

Newt will take on Mitt’s record, Mitt will take on Newt’s record, Santorum will take on Newt and Mitt’s record and Paul will claim they are all just status quo..

Perry? Well, I think he could turn heads and come out real good tonight if he does what I’ve said they all should be doing. Comparing their record against Obama’s record. Highlighting the differences between them and Obama, Voicing their ALTERNATIVE plan for America rather than attacking each other.

The GOP faithful have a real problem in 2012. Once these clowns get done abusing themselves, there’s going to be a rude awakening for them. Abusing your competitor with cheap shots and untruths is not going to garner you the supporters of that candidate in the general election. Let me tell you this. I’ll vote 3rd party before I vote for Paul and that’s because of his supporters and his attack ads he’s ran against the others. And if Mitt Romney doesn’t stop lying in his attack ads I’ll change my mind on voting day.

I’m sick of the B.S. ALREADY. We’re going to hear enough LIES in the general election the REPUBLICAN primaries should be a much more civil affair. The lies and stretches of the truth to make a point tells me YOU WANT THE JOB too bad.

As I’ve said before. We the people have a chance to change the country back to the principles it was founded upon. We can’t afford Obama for another term. We the people DO NOT HAVE THE BEST MAN/WOMAN for the job running this year. The best we have in my opinion is Newt Gingrich or Rick Perry. Newt would do well to pick Rick Perry as VP or flip it. Perry could handle himself against Biden. Newt can handle himself against Insane Obama. Newt has done things that pisses conservatives off. But one thing nobody understands is HE GOT THINGS DONE. He’s also ran the most positive campaign of the bunch.

Santorum? Yeah his jobs record is abysmal and it makes Obama look like Reagan.

Paul? 14-464-1 You know what that is right?

First let’s see just how long Ron Paul has been in congress for his latest stint. Currently Ron Paul is serving his 8th term as a Representative
from Texas, a total of 14 years.

In total, he has sponsored 464 bills

105th Congress – 32 Bills Sponsored by Ron Paul

106th Congress – 51 Bills Sponsored by Ron Paul

107th Congress – 64 Bills Sponsored by Ron Paul

108th Congress – 68 Bills Sponsored by Ron Paul

109th Congress – 71 Bills Sponsored by Ron Paul

110th Congress – 70 Bills Sponsored by Ron Paul

111th Congress – 61 Bills Sponsored by Ron Paul

112th Congress – 47 Bills Sponsored by Ron Paul

Now to see how successful he was with all these bill he sponsored and introduced. Let’s look at how many bills he has sponsored have been passed and
enacted into law.

105th Congress – 0 Bills Passed by Ron Paul

106th Congress – 0 Bills Passed by Ron Paul

107th Congress – 0 Bills Passed by Ron Paul

108th Congress – 0 Bills Passed by Ron Paul

109th Congress – 0 Bills Passed by Ron Paul

110th Congress – 0 Bills Passed by Ron Paul

111th Congress – 1 Bill Passed by Ron Paul

112th Congress – 0 Bills Passed by Ron Paul

22 (14 on the current stint) years in congress, 464 bills sponsored, 1 sponsored bill passed… Leadership? not hardly. What was that ONE bill he sponsored that passed? Oh it was to donate some land for historical reasons in his home state…

That my friends is the facts. The entire GOP is about to hand the nation over to Obama on a silver platter. IF the next couple months the “Also rans” don’t start getting out of the race we’re going to be splintered and it’s going to be Obama FORE MORE!

Get your heads out GOP and let’s win this thing.

Obama’s Legacy video… Awesome.

Obama’s Legacy video… Awesome.

This is only a small part of his asshatery. But it’s a good start


Push this video across the interwebs… Viral is needs to be (Yoda)


Socialism, Communism on the move in the USA.

Socialism, Communism on the move in the USA.

I had NO IDEA the amount of believers in those failed ideologies. On my post “Michael Moore in Wisconsin” I have received over 4o comments. Most of them were from PRO-Idiocy folks Evan and Scott Jones. After looking at my site meter to see where they came from I noticed Europe, and Canada. Not sure who is from where, and I really don’t care. If you read their “opinions” on the subject of Communism, you will see why.

I remember a day when COMMUNISM was a dirty word. I remember a time when Communism was denounced by BOTH SIDES of the aisle. Now it’s getting a huge push from people in college. The youth of our nation have been “Saved” from the truth about that ideology. In an effort to be PC in all things in college, the truth about a government structure with GOVERNMENT at the top is lost. Any government in total control of it’s people will ultimately end in a lot of bloodshed. There is NO apparatus for change, and in society where the government gives and takes at will, only the very top will be happy. As of now America is NOT THAT type of country.

In America the PEOPLE are in charge, or at least have a seat at the table. In Communism, those in power hang on to power until there is revolution.

In America, we have some problems. YES, We are not perfect. YES. We do need CHANGE. But is that change a failed ideology that has murdered MILLIONS of people?

If communism ever came to America it will be over my dead body. It will be over MILLIONS of dead bodies. It will show up only after people like me have long gone, and our sons and their sons are gone. We are the last line. We the people.

If you have children and are not educating them in history. You are a part of the problem. IF you are not involved in your child’s education YOU are the problem. We allowed our schools to be indoctrination centers. We’ve allowed our professors to run loose with the truth in order to “Present a political point of view” based on liberal lies.

Arm up the fight is coming.

So what has this accomplished?

So what has this accomplished?

Liberal lies and deceit on this latest act of INDIVIDUAL violence.

What have we learned?

1. We learned that any violence against anyone with a D in front of their name is immediately the fault of the tea party, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Michelle Bachman, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Riley, Rush Limbaugh and US.

2. We learned that even after there is undeniable PROOF that the assailant was NOT among the supporters of ANY of the above, the narrative still sticks and there is no apology forthcoming. (See Ft Hood Shooter, Census worker suicide, Florida School board shooter for examples)

3. We learned that when we fight back against the false allegations leveled upon us, we then become hatemongers and we are continuing the rhetoric that started the murderer(s) on his spree in the first place which then makes the next one automatically our fault again.

4. We learned that a funeral/memorial is a great place for the POTUS to continue the lies started by his lapdogs in the media that was found to be false…

5. We learned that our country is so divided, that a civil war could break out if one more act of violence comes our way (Well unless it’s committed by a Muslim, then we must remain calm and not blame anyone)

6. We learned that the time it takes for law makers to go from tragedy to gun control legislation is measured in light speed.

7. We learned that despite Arizona having the BEST damn gun laws in the nation, at the Safeway in Tuscon on Saturday, far too many didn’t take advantage of that fact.

8. We learned that there are SOME pretty good folks on Both side of the aisle when it comes to respecting the dead, blaming the criminal and not making matters worse by using the tragedy as a (false) political talking point.

9. We learned that no matter where you are or who you are you can be killed by a madman.

10. We learned that a Democrat who was by all measure a MODERATE suffered a life changing gun shot wound to the head. And the killer got off over 20 rounds before he was stopped.

11. We learned that no matter what happened to the OTHERS in the shooting, the media cared about the congresswoman far more than they did for the 9yr old, until after the facts killed their “Tea Party” connection.

12. We learned that the minute the gun goes off, the gun grabbers follow. The very same people that have ARMED guards for themselves and family, are ready to tell you YOU don’t need guns.

13. We learned a crisis will never go to waste as long as we have liberal/Progressives in power, and as long as we have NY and CA we will have them in the worst possible position of power.

We learned a lot, but we have learned it before. We have been through this since Obama was elected. Any dissension is HATE SPEECH, any incident of violence is the Tea Party’s fault. We fight the same battles every time, we win the same battles every time, we will do it again at some time.

I pray that there is NO ATTEMPT on any congress critter or POTUS or Potential POTUS. IF there is one thing we on BOTH sides of the aisle know is: The enemy watches our news.

If there were an attack on our leaders again it could very well shatter our republic. And that is something we would not like.

What now? After the stimulus…

What now? After the stimulus…

Since the Obama administration and a progressive congress passed the 800 BILLION dollar stimulus package to “Save us.” What has it saved us from?

We are at 10% unemployment, we have more people on welfare and food stamps than any time in our nations history. And there is no end in sight. What’s next?

Will the “Lame Ducks” pass another “Save us all” stimulus package?

Here’s my point with all these questions:

We knew hard times were coming. We still know hard times are coming. We keep putting off the pain by the same accounting practices that put Maddoff in jail. When the real pain comes what will be left in our arsenal to soften the blow?

What needs to happen and this may rub some folks the wrong way is:

We need to go on and bite the bullet. We need to use the “Non-Spent” portion of the stimulus package and put it in the welfare/unemployment pot. We need to put all the money that is being wasted on the “Pork” and put it in the same pot. At that point we need to extend the tax cuts for all, cut ALL spending by 15%-25% and create a business/employer tax that makes businesses realize their value, enhance their bottom lines and open the door to them hiring people again.

We need to increase import taxes on any goods from China and Mexico. We need to place businesses back on a track where they can succeed without Government trying to handcuff them against foreign competition. This will be hard. Funding for some things must be cut, federal and state union benefits must be cut or split, employees of government will have to be cut many of the “Social” programs will need to decreased and this will hurt people. It will also ferret out the slugs.

While these policies are taking affect, more people will be on the unemployment lines, more folks will lose their homes and more pain will be felt across the board. IT WILL BE HARD AND TEMPORARY. 6 months tops before the turnaround becomes notable and 8 months before true recovery is undeniable. NO SPIN, NO B.S….

The real problem is the lack of desire to win a fight. We are fighting this recession just like we fight wars now. We don’t go in to win by whatever means necessary. We go in half assed and try not to upset people…

Think about it.

We would have been out of  Afghanistan and Iraq if we fought it like we did WW2. IF we leveled a village when we took fire from it, if we destroyed a 1 mile radius of turf when fire came from a specific area. Yep there would be a lot of deaths…Yep it would be bad…BUT would there be MORE deaths that way or 10 years of the way we are doing it now? Would there be any fight left in the enemy if they had to experience the full thrust of American power in a few months? Would they see we are dead serious about this? Would we now be able to help rebuilding them, or as we are now still fighting the same way…These are questions because we don’t know. I do know that WW2 was only 5 years and we killed a lot of bad guys, and lost a lot of our own good guys. but it was 5 years…NOT 10+

IF we are serious about fixing this economy, we need to stop liberaling our way around and get to the fight. We can’t have this for 10 years, we can’t keep putting more money in the foodstamps and welfare programs because “For every $1.00 spent in foodstamps $1.72 goes into the economy.” That’s a strategy of dependency, surfdom and slavery. That means you are depending on the government for your lively hood and it’s not the American way, well it used to not be…

A temporary hard time of 6 months to a year, is better than 10 years of tough times….

Bring it on, get it over with and lets get back to the American way of life. Big trucks, hot chicks, good food, bad ass guns, working hard, playing hard and FREEDOM to make our own choices…

Rant over.