Tag: California vs Texas and AZ regarding Gun Laws

California Gun Grabbers at it again…

California Gun Grabbers at it again…

What we have here is the liberal mindset that believes GOVERNMENT agencies can protect you better than YOU can. Its a disease in the state of California. For those of you that don’t know I live in California. I am a very strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment right. I have gone out in public carrying my sidearm openly. I have NOT had an issue with LEO or Public when I did. But I live in a “Red” area. The people that are pushing Open Carry in this state chose to do it in San Francisco.

This particular video came from an incident in San Diego. Which is also a Red area for the most part. Watch the video please. My commentary will follow after the jump:

HT to the Daily Gator for the video:


California is closer to Europe than it is to Most of America. What has happened here over the last 50 years is criminal. Reagan in the 60’s did sign the “Mulford act” in response to the Black Panthers patrolling the neighborhood with guns. This was the first step in a long line of gun control issues here. Since then California has become one of the least Gun Friendly states in the nation and with that came one of the highest crime rates. Unintended Consequences or willful ignorance is up for debate.

A few thoughts on Open Carry Unloaded:

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