

To all my friends… Sorry for the lack of posting, things are CRAZY right now, we have a lot of things going on (None real bad) just a busy time for us around the bushwack household. I’ll be back soon I promise.

5 Replies to “Sorry”

  1. Well, I for one will be REAL happy when you get back on this horse.

    Wait a minute…that didn’t quite come our right, did it. Hmmm.. Well, you know what I mean! 😉

  2. There’s one thing that’s a certainty, Bambi and Porky are safe, Bushy isn’t hunting…

    Wait, even when he IS hunting.. Never mind…. :rotflmao:

  3. I know what you mean – I don’t get to post very often either.

    I miss being full-time employed, I wasn’t so busy then!

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