Solyndra Solar: Fallout Asured.

Solyndra Solar: Fallout Asured.

This post is not about one issue. Read this story and then open your minds to the big picture. Barack Obama (THHO) is driving this nation into the abyss. WHY? Well, in short it’s not his fault. His entire ideology is based on the lies and deceit he’s been around his whole life. It’s a way of life for BHO (THHO)

Solyndra fallout feared
House committee probes federal loan to solar firm

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration was worried about the financial health of a troubled solar energy company — and the political fallout it could bring — even as officials publicly declared the company in good shape, newly released e-mails show.

An e-mail from a White House budget official to a co-worker discussed the likely effect of a default by Solyndra on President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign.

“The optics of a Solyndra default will be bad,” an official from the Office of Management and Budget wrote in a Jan. 31 e-mail to a senior OMB official. “The timing will likely coincide with the 2012 campaign season heating up.”

Now you have some solid evidence that can’t be spun by the media or their handlers in DC. This is but ONE of the shady dealings our ruling class of Democrats are responsible for. This should be an eye opener for ALL.

When Anthony Wiener posted his junk, he came out with lies, deceit and deflection. Operation “Fast and Furious” was designed to put pressure on our 2nd Amendment rights and blame the NRA and Gun enthusiasts for the chaos in Mexico. The truth is starting to come out and it’s being met with the same “Obstruction, lies, deceit and deflection”…We’re hearing the democrats pressured a general to change his testimony so their plan could get through committee.

There’s many many more examples of this type of “Leadership” from our elected DEMOCRATS during the past 3 years. I know the first defense of these and more issues will be “Well look at what GWB’s administration did”… that’s pretty typical of the left. Odd though, they are the party of “Progress” yet they always point backwards when it suits them.

What we have here ladies and gentlemen is the curtain being pulled off the stage and the light shining on the elitist views of Democrats.

GWB’s administration didn’t grant Solyndra anything because they wanted to protect tax payer money and it didn’t meet the criteria. Obama on the other hand knows best, so damn the torpedoes full speed ahead. FAIL.

Obama (THHO) is either ignorant, an ideologue or willfully destroying this great nation. I submit it’s a bit of all three.

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