SNL Bailout Skit

SNL Bailout Skit


UPDATE: I had to remove the NBC version due to problems with the embed code, this version is missing the part with Soros in it… Sorry.

They took the original one down due to NBC’s concerns about a banner that ran under it saying something about shooting someone… I suppose it’s possible, I am of the opinion that Mr Soros (The man with his hand under the MSM’s skirt)  can’t take a joke. Anyway I loved this skit, after all the “LEFT” leaning skits Americans have to see, it is high time the truth comes out..

Thank You SNL.

5 Replies to “SNL Bailout Skit”

  1. I liked the skit pointing out that good old Sara Palin is an answer avoiding, truth withholding class act republican. I love that there are some people out there that see the truth for what it REALLY is. Thank god for freedom of speech

  2. @Robbie Baker: OF course you liked the one with Sarah Palin being the target, you are a sexist momma’s boy. Why can’t you see the real issue is with your Demrat party? you are so brainwashed.. Like the Hitler youth..Zeich Heil Mother fucker I hope Obama loses and you whining little pricks start taking to the streets claiming “fraud” I will be Laughing my ass off.

  3. Clever.

    The only issue is the actress portraying Pelosi was not believable… too coherent.


    Drink more kool-aid

  4. @Jody: I don’t know if it was funny, it was TRUE… but I couldn’t laugh at it, The only thing I didn’t like was the insinuation (Subtly as it was) That GWB was responsible for it all… This is one area that GWB actually was right and TRIED to fix it. That is documented and I’ve been as critical about GWB as anyone but THIS mess could have been prevented IF in 2003 the DEMORAT’S did what he suggested.

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