Shocker 1 in 5 Californian’s need mental help.

Shocker 1 in 5 Californian’s need mental help.

Let’s see…I can think of five California Bloggers right of the top of my head.

1. Me

2. Gawfer

3. Jenn

4. BZ

5. A certain LBCC professor that shall remain nameless.

I’m pretty sure the top 4 are safe.

One in five Californians say they need mental health care

Almost 5 million California adults say they could use help with a mental or emotional problem, according to a survey released Wednesday by researchers at UCLA. About 1 million of them meet the criteria for “serious psychological distress.”

I’ve lived here far too long I guess because I’d think the number would be higher, maybe 3 in 5 and that’s just the elected officials polled.

5 Replies to “Shocker 1 in 5 Californian’s need mental help.”

  1. The top 4 look good to me, but that LBCC asswipe that claims to be a conservative is a whole different matter… He posts *soft porn*, he rarely posts anything that’s not 90% cut and paste… He’s a SPLOGGER, he splatters the blog world, with bullshit and quasi libber foolishness…

  2. Gary, you are wrong. They are radical bog dwelling racist hicks.

    There is a difference.

    Just ask the professor.

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