Romney Wins Texas and Nomination.

Romney Wins Texas and Nomination.

Okay folks, this is not easy. Romney is going to be the “Not Obama” on the ballot.

I can state (Again) that I will vote for Mitt Romney in Nov. But I won’t go quietly into that goodnight if he wins.

Conservatives are RIGHT to worry about Romney. Conservatives are RIGHT to be concerned about Romney. Conservatives are RIGHT to CHALLENGE Romney. And if Conservatives turn a blind eye if/when Romney “RINO’s”  Conservatives will lose ALL CREDIBILITY.

We must stay on the offense. We must FIGHT to put CONSERVATIVES in every seat in congress. We must FIGHT to maintain the republic by ballot so the bullet is not necessary. IF the bullet becomes the only way NOBODY will be untouched. We must stand and fight with facts and truth. We must call out LIES on both sides. We must stand with those who are right and blast those who are wrong. We will disagree on issues from time to time. That’s good too…

We have fights between Republicans over certain candidates for senate or house. That’s PERFECT. WHY? Because it MOVES EACH OF THEM TO THE RIGHT! It moves ALL of them RIGHT. It moves the entire nation RIGHT and gets us further away from the Socialist America that Obama/Pelosi and Reid is pushing.

Give it all you got until the ballot is set. Once it’s set. Pick a side. Weigh all the statements and records and make up your mind which one is best suited to speak for you. That’s the fight. Yes we got LESS than we wanted with Romney. But he is more suited to my views than Obama and that’s where my line in the sand is.

Get out the Conservative Vote in NOV.

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