Reagan vs Obama

Reagan vs Obama

HT to the PC Free Zone

Now that was an ass kickin….Too bad we didn’t have someone like Reagan during the 2008 Presidential election, perhaps we wouldn’t be so screwed NOW!

Note to the Repubs:
A TRUE Conservative, well spoken candidate beats the hell out any liberal candidate. The reason we have Obama now is because you didn’t provide one for the last election….Don’t make the same mistake in 2012.

3 Replies to “Reagan vs Obama”

  1. Mrs “O”-Shit said this:

    “Barrack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual … uninvolved, uninformed …”

    She left out: “But a lot of you will end up unemployed“. 😐

  2. Regarding ObamaCare: ANY, let me repeat that, ANY form of this bill passing WILL result in an outright BLOOD BATH, figuratively, at the polls, and possibly, quite literally, in the streets of this nation…

    I am NOT advocating violent civil insurrection against the elected government of this nation, but there are those that do, and I am not going to rule out joining them either…

    What the hell will we have left to lose??

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