President Bush Heckled on the 4th

President Bush Heckled on the 4th

Well don’t let the title fool you I am not about to sing Bush praises or anything of that nature. This is a pure “WRONG TIME, WRONG PLACE post.

You see the difference between Liberal fucktards and those with some sort of moral mentality is the arrogance the lefty’s seems to have, they seem to think their message needs to be heard no matter what the setting is.

The folks that were taking the oath to become American Citizens were enjoying the culmination of their efforts in becoming a citizen of this great nation. THE Code pinko bitch and the moron pole smokers interrupting the ceremony put their needs ahead of all of those that actually WORKED to accomplish something, and that is typical of the LIBERAL mentality.

Mr Bush gave a good speech, the new AMERICAN citizens did not deserve that kind of distraction.

Maybe when we hear of a liberal “protest regular” having a ceremony like maybe a wedding, or neighborhood flag burning, we should crash that party????


13 Replies to “President Bush Heckled on the 4th”

  1. Those idiots show their ass on a regular basis, and I just shake my head in wonder. Perhaps they ate too many paint chips when they were younger…

  2. You put that so well. The liberal mindset sees everyone else as less important then them. It doesn’t matter how important someone elses event is. They will show up and destroy any event.

  3. @ablur: That is the epitome of selfishness IMO, when your issue becomes so great in YOUR mind that you would interrupt someones WELL DESERVED time in the limelight. The issue of Iraq while controversial did not need to be brought up in that setting. The Code Pinko Barak Hussein Oabma supporters were way out of line here, and they are WAY over the line when they pull that BS in front of Marine Recruiting stations.

    The SCOTUS ruled that TREASON was a capitol offense, I submit that these folks are committing treason.

  4. Damn you Robert!

    I just went from ‘Laid back Sunday Morning’ to ‘Friday afternoon commute with 4 million illegal immigrants plugging up the East 91’ type of pissed off!

    The only thing I could think about was a left cross to that idiot’s right ear.


    Now I gotta go to church and repent.

  5. Gawfer, ya better say an extra prayer for me….I’m skipping church this morning….sick baby. 🙁

  6. Hmmm… maybe that’s why I’m feeling a wee bit better this evening? 🙂

    Jenn, you’re mincing words again. Heh.

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