Perez Hilton assaulted.

Perez Hilton assaulted.

Story Here
Got his ass kicked the other day by a member of the “Black Eyed Peas” music group. I must say I AM NOW A FAN OF WILL I AM (The lead singer)

Perez Hilton bitch slapped

Poor Perez Hilton, got BITCH SLAPPED.. He’s (She’s) crying like a little punk faggot and frankly that does my heart good!

I’ll never be a rap fan, but since one of them punched this asshole in the head I’ll toast to them all… WELL DONE! oh and Fergie is absolutely HOT! LOL

8 Replies to “Perez Hilton assaulted.”

  1. Bitch got bitch slapped… Ain’t life lovely…

    Swollen lips, maybe he can pucker up tighter now when he blows the baloney pony…

    This faggot goober smoocher is nothing more than a waste of AIR, I won’t say SKIN because it’s likely AIDS infected, sick bastard…

    And yeah, Fergie is SMOKIN’ HOT… :devilsmiling:

  2. LMAO :rotflmao:

    Looks like Thinking of HOW MUCH MEAT I CAN TAKE UP MY ASS is pissed off…

    Yeah Rob, you worm, you ain’t nuttin’ but a gutless coward.. :rotflmao:

    If that fucknut only knew… :devilsmiling:

    1. Yeah my stalker “Thinking of Meat” is upset that I would applaud such an assault on a “Human Being”… Perez Hilton stopped being a “Human Being” when he started pole smoking.. “thinking of meat” is a worthless piece of shit, and really not worth the effort of addressing… well unless it was with a .45

  3. I checked out what wrote about the “fight”. According to what this shining example of the homosexual argument says happened, I’d say that he got off easy.

    Little pole-jocky would be in the ICU with a feeding tube if he said half that crap to me.

  4. perez hilton…….what a piece of sewer scum!! He’d suck a dick as long as your arm and still have the nerve to call you a short peckered fucker. If he got bitched slapped(he probably liked it) too bad it wasn’t pistol whipped instead. I would like to know, with all the talent that is out there in the world, how & why shit like this gets to be newsworthy?? Now then, maybe if they’d shot him between the eyes that, might be GOOD news. :dancinghappy:

  5. According to the accounts I read, the little wienie was Twittering his pleas for help instead of calling 911 himself – what a waste of organic compounds – and then he cried about not getting the help he need3ed soon enough.

    That’s what the 2A is for, ya faggot!

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