Okay I’m in! Bushwack for POTUS 2012.

Okay I’m in! Bushwack for POTUS 2012.

After several emails and calls I have decided to run for POTUS. The field that the Republicans have so far put fourth are abysmal at best. I will offer my services as a proven leader of men. My resume isn’t important, as Obama didn’t have to explain his I will not explain mine. Fairness and all… Here is my plan to fix what’s broke and improve what aint.

Step 1. The Economy: Immediately cut corporate tax rates. Stop the welfare drain by capping time you can collect. Anyone on welfare and able to work will be required to work. You will work for the park and rec in local areas or state parks cleaning and maintaining. We will be cutting state funding for any “State government” that is not a “Right to work” state. We will be investing in energy independence, we will be investing in OUR countries resources and we will be increasing jobs in that field while cutting federal jobs.

Step 2. Foreign affairs, The Middle East.  There will be a mass exodus of ALL American forces from Iraq. They will be shipped to Israel to assist/train with Israel’s IDF. This will send a clear and concise message that we support Israel. We will leave the Iraqi theater and let them govern themselves. While at the same time remain close enough to affect assistance if ASKED and if it is paid for by the Iraqi government. We will not risk our soldiers lives anymore for nothing. There will be a reason and that reason must tie into our Nations well being. IF Iran invaded Iraq, we’d be more than happy to get involved. However; it wouldn’t be a prolonged war. Iran would cease to exist. Time to set fourth the very real idea that President Bushwack is not playing with idiots. Idiots need to be removed and giving me the red button as an idiot removal tool is the best idea ever.

The second step in my plan is: Offer ONE MORE CHANCE for Peace in the middle east. The “Palestinians” will have a chance to get a state to call their own that will not include ANY ISRAEL land currently under Israeli control. We will negotiate a peace without any preconditions. Once we have had negotiations, America will pick a side. The other side LOSES ALL AID. We will no longer support BOTH sides of a conflict. We’re in it to win it. IF it is War, it is all out and having our forces already in Israel will aid in this endeavor. War will no longer be “Decades” long. We are going to get it over with quick. We will not rebuild anything. We will negotiate in good faith, but if no mutual peace is arrived at we pick a side, declare war, and make peace through superior firepower. It’s worked before and it will work again.

Step 3. America’s borders. We will be leaving Afghanistan post-haste. As the soldiers come home, they will be trained as border patrol agents. We will use as many as it takes to get the job done. They will be paid through the defense dept budget along with the savings from the federal cuts in manpower. Any and ALL ILLEGAL immigrants currently in our prison system for “NON-Violent” crimes will be sent home after spending 100 hours working on the border fence as labor, for the cost of their room and board up to this point. All VIOLENT offenders in our system will be tallied and a bill sent to their home country for their incarceration. IF the home country refuses the fee, the offender will be treated differently from that time forward. As in, his/her housing will reflect the home country’s prison system. We will spend NO MORE cash housing them than they do theirs. IF the illegal is charged with MURDER, the death penalty will be instituted post haste. We will clear our prisons of ILLEGAL Immigrants. Which will save money. Win Win.

Along with the prison system, ALL illegal Immigrants will have 6 months to self deport. Those that have been working, raised kids here who stayed out of trouble and have been ASSETS to our nation, meaning they have assimilated, will be given preferential treatment. Any Illegal who has been here over 1 year, speaks no English and has done nothing but take from our system will be required to work on the border fence for 100 hours before being kicked out of our nation.

We will welcome most people here who have become Americans. Those that hold on to “Their home country” will be sent back. We welcome Americans, we will remove “Hyphens”.

These are just the first 3 steps in my plan. Feel free to write my name in on the ballot because that’s exactly what I will do if the Republicans can’t get their heads out. We have made things way too complicated. It’s time to simplify it a bit. Give me your vote and I’ll simply remove the bullshit and get this country back on track. I will surround myself with the best Americans in our nation and together WE will right this ship.

3 Replies to “Okay I’m in! Bushwack for POTUS 2012.”

    1. Yep Fred, I think right off the bat you’d replace Janet “The border is secure” Napolitano…But I’d probably have to reposition you after 6 months because the border would indeed be secure… You may then move to the new office I’d be creating called “Dept of SEARCH AND DESTROY” That would be the entity that goes after without restraint ASSHATS in ANY NATION that threaten us. Your mission would surely start out in Pakistan but I’m sure would eventually lead to Iran… Don’t know where I’d put you after that job was done in another 6 months. Maybe send you to Frisco to continue that mission? LOL

  1. All very good ideas, but there’s that pesky little problem of Congress. They’re the ones that need to pass laws; don’t hold your breath waiting for them to base any legislation on common sense.

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