Obama: “We’re out of money”

Obama: “We’re out of money”

We’re out of Money

Well isn’t this a shock….Obama, the king of socialists, has spent the richest nation in the world bankrupt. Obama in less than 6 months, has spent what GWB, Clinton, GHB and Reagan spent over their entire terms…. Oh and Pelosi has endangered the entire Nation with her lies, as Obama is spiraling us into the abyss….Good times guys, Good Times!

9 Replies to “Obama: “We’re out of money””

  1. This shit is about to make 1929 look like a picnic that had too few sandwiches…

    And it’s not all Obama, 8 years under GWB didn’t do a damned thing to help us, but Obama has driven the stake through the heart of America I believe…

    1. Like I’ve said several times… The Faux conservatives showed the Demorats how to spend money and they studied hard….While GWB hurt us, Obama Destroyed us.

  2. If you read between the lines what the Usurper In Chief is actually saying is, “We’re out of money. So I’m gonna make it worse and mortgage even more of your children’s futures.”

    Our response? :finger:

  3. yea bush started his. wake up! i will admit that bush made a lot of mistakes, but what this guy has done is crazy. anyone want to say hitler reincarnated? :shootin:

  4. Annie… BUSH DID START this, remember the wall street bail out? It was supposed to save us, it just gave Obama a precedent. In other words, When McCain ran to sign that Bush bill, he showed the country that he’s be no better than Bush or Obama therefore the only choice was a popularity contest or a gimmick candidate…We got Obama for mostly that reason.

    Bush gave the keys to the spend money toll road to Obama, and when he left he took down the speed limit signs…

  5. Apparently Annie has that *Damn Bush’s still dick tastes good* syndrome working…

    Annie, are you friends with Gayle and Patrick Joubert Cocksucker?? :straightfaced:

  6. You gotta love that despite Barack Obama invading the private sector and running the country bankrupt in his first 150 days of office the left will always defend him.

    How much longer will they accept the fact that Candidate Obama is a much different guy than PRESIDENT Obama. But they will always accept him. Why? Because he’s “cool”.

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