Obama vs Reagan

Obama vs Reagan

I found an interesting article at American Maxim via Politico.
The author of the article compared the two presidents.

It’s easy to understand why President Barack Obama’s friends don’t want to acknowledge that July represents 17 months since Congress passed the $787 billion economic stimulus bill — the president’s signature measure to jump-start the economy and fight unemployment.

Obama says the economy is headed in the right direction; jobs are being created, not lost, and he is doing everything possible to revive the “worst economy since the Great Depression.” Most of the national press has been remarkably accepting of this narrative — even if the president has been vague, at best, about when we might finally see an uptick in economic growth and job creation.

But in another economic time, President Ronald Reagan’s economic recovery program took 17 months to take hold. It took from the time Congress passed his tax cuts, in August 1981, until the recession he inherited finally ended in January 1983.

Unemployment hit a high of 10.8 percent in December 1982. But then economic growth spiked, and the unemployment rate began a long, steady decline throughout the 1980s. It was obvious the program was working when people stopped calling it “Reaganomics.”

Tax cuts were a part of Reagan’s effort to cut the size and scope of government to fight economic stagnation. “Government is not the solution,” Reagan said in his remarkably clear inaugural address. “It is the problem.”

In addition to tax cuts, Reagan reduced domestic discretionary spending and streamlined regulations to make them less of a burden on businesses seeking to create jobs. He believed that government should give individuals and businesses the proper incentives to grow and expand and not inhibit the private sector with high taxes and cumbersome regulations.

Reagan faced obstacles that Obama did not. The House he had to work with was always controlled by Democrats. More ominously, inflation was running at double-digit rates, and it took nearly a year for the Federal Reserve to squeeze those pressures out of the system.

Regardless, in the end, Reagan’s program worked. The turnaround began 17 months later.

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I found that extremely interesting. The fact that Reagan did it with a DEMOCRAT controlled congress is even more amazing. However; Looking back, the democrats of Reagan’s era are not the Democrats of today. Today’s Democrats have evolved into COMMUNISTS, SOCIALISTS, MARXISTS or some variation of all three.

From the article:

You have to go back to the 1930s to find a period in which unemployment has been so high for so long. This economic record would make former President Jimmy Carter blush.

Yet Obama continues to get a pass on his version of recent economic events. He has said that he inherited the worst recession since the Great Depression. He didn’t. The economies inherited by both President Gerald Ford in 1974 and Reagan in 1981 were far worse.

Ah HA! Finally someone at Politico puts it on the talking points.

Obama has had FULL control of the country for 17 months, FULL CONTROL! So Obama actually had the power to enact all of the things the left dreams about to make this country a utopia. 17 Months Mr President, you have failed in proving your case. You have succeeded in proving OUR case. As a supposed “Lawyer” this is where you should go ahead and plead out.

We are waiting…..

One Reply to “Obama vs Reagan”

  1. The EPIC FAIL that IS Obama has brought this nation to the brink of ruin… November can’t get here soon enough, but if we throw a bunch of RINOs in there, we are NO better off.. 2010 can turn the House and Senate around… But we must turn them carefully… OR… Throw ALL the bastards out and start over…

    Scott Brown, Palin, Newt, McCain, any of that crowd, they spell disaster and a continued Obama regime in 2012…

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