Obama on Fox.

Obama on Fox.

So the liberal in chief finally goes on fox news to SELL his HC bill. What a joke.

Obama was clearly unhappy with the questions, he’s not used to dealing with someone who doesn’t get a warm tingling sensation up their leg when Obama talks. Brett did a good job of trying to stop the bullshit liberal talking points. He interrupted the President several times trying to get answers to valid questions. As with most politicians Obama didn’t answer anything, he just tried to recite the same “Feel good” reasons he and his demorats are trying to force down our throats. It’s about the “Small business owner that can’t pay health care” WTF? Obama and the hag in the house have pretty much KILLED small businesses with cap and trade, endless taxes and ridiculous oversight. Again I say CALIFORNIA…..The same shit Obama and his hag are pushing, is the very same shit that has put California in dire straights.

The math doesn’t add up in this Health care debacle. 30 million people all of the sudden are covered, no more doctors, no more beds, equals a deficit neutral bill? 🙄

Enjoy “The Great Reneger”

2 Replies to “Obama on Fox.”

  1. The most dangerous son of a bitch to EVER infest the Oval Office…

    He lies, he spins, he is an egotistical asshole and he wants to destroy this nation as he makes it into HIS version of a socialistic utopia…

    I never thought I would see the day when I was ready to stand AGAIST the United States of America, but I am afraid that time is rapidly approaching…

    God help us all…

  2. Our pronunciation and spelling of RENEGER is a bit different where I’m from. 🙂

    Good tune, he nailed it. Not much more I can add, Fred’s words should of been part of those lyrics lol.

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