Obama goes Around Congress for Amnesty…

Obama goes Around Congress for Amnesty…

Way to go Obama, you are making this too easy.

Obama to deport illegals by ‘priority’

Bowing to pressure from immigrant rights activists, the Obama administration said Thursday that it will halt deportation proceedings on a case-by-case basis against illegal immigrants who meet certain criteria, such as attending school, having family in the military or having primary responsible for other family members’ care.

The move marks a major step for President Obama, who for months has said he does not have broad categorical authority to halt deportations and said he must follow the laws as Congress has written them.

So when WE retake the White House, and a REAL conservative is elected as POTUS and HE/SHE decides that THEY know better than the people, I’ll expect no objections from the progressives and Illegal Immigrant enabling anti-Americans.

This particular “Action” that Obama is solely responsible for. The wiping his ass with the constitution should be an impeachable offense. It borders on treason. However it’s not surprising, see that’s what WE Americans have done to our enemies.. First we ARM the opposition of the nations government we have a problem with, then we set them loose and advice them on tactics…People think Obama is just inept. I submit he’s enacting his plan to perfection. He hates this nation, he is using those of like minds as pawns and he’ll be extremely happy if America becomes a 3rd world nation before Nov 2012.

Think about this: Operation fast and furious Made Mexico mad, Obama had to go to La Raza and blame, Pander, Lie make amends. He was losing support since he hasn’t done anything to make law breakers saints. So here we have his solution. A wave of the pen, a round of golf and “Duh One” is back in their good graces…. Simple solution until one of those “Not Deported” rapes/kills another 4 yr old girl or grandma… Then Obama’s going to have some explaining to do to US who care. To those bent on destroying our nation, no questions will be asked. Hear that MSM?

The more I see of our government the more I realize how far from the American dream we have gone. We have ONE chance. ONE CHANCE LEFT. And if we let it pass, the next episode of American History will be written in blood I’m afraid….


2 Replies to “Obama goes Around Congress for Amnesty…”

  1. Do you even pay attention to anything that’s not directly in front of you? How many tunnels do they find going under the fence that is literally already there? People have climbed fences since the Great Wall of China and probably before that. I really don’t see them stopping that fine tradition just because it’s a few thousand years later.

    And how, might I ask, are we giving away our country to them? I’d like to hear something that’s not a talking point from a talking head. I don’t know, maybe some rational thought. Personally I can only assume you mean opening the social umbrella to them, and I agree with you there even if you yourself don’t understand what that really means. You should get out of it what you put into it in my opinion. Of course, never mind the fact they pay taxes every time they buy anything and that their income is way below the poverty level, therefore it would be exempt from Federal Taxation anyway. Not to mention the citizenship requirements from Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security.

    In my opinion current immigration laws are probably satisfactory, they ensure that a person is made a legal citizen if it’s been established that they will provide useful contributions to American society.

    People come here illegally for a number of reasons. Namely there are no jobs in Mexico, crime is rampant, and their government is horrible. Also, our government is willing to bend over backwards to give them sanctuary despite the fact that they have no marketable skills in American society, which instantly relegates them to essentially slave labor. Our government is fine with that, farmers are fine with that, and industry is fine with that. It still doesn’t make it right.

    Oh, and putting a racial slur into the beginning of your argument and ending it with another insult does nothing to improve my opinion of you as a person.

    1. Are you really that stupid QM? I’m really not in the mood to go line by line and rip you a new hole. But think about it a little bit and you’d save me the trouble.

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