Media Matters…”Rightwing Blogs Push Invasion”

Media Matters…”Rightwing Blogs Push Invasion”

As I stated when this story came out. HERE This story had a fish sized stink on it. The timing of this story was suspicious. Liberal bloggers were massed in Vegas deciding their next “Nation Destructing” plans for this year. When this story came out, it came out on the day the Nutroots in Vegas were doing mock paper checks for “Illegal Europeans”….Here we go.

The liberpuke arm of the state run media put this up today:

Right-wing blogs push rumor that Mexican gangs “invade[d]” U.S.

Right-wing blogs have been promoting a rumor that “highly trained killers” from a Mexican drug gang have “invade[d]” the United States, taking over two ranches near the Mexico-U.S. border in Laredo, Texas, but law enforcement agencies in the area have flatly denied the rumor.

The Laredo Morning Times reported that law enforcement officials had been “bombarded” with calls about the rumor but that “officials with the Laredo Police Department, Webb County Sheriff’s Department and Border Patrol said they knew nothing about such an incident, while Erik Vasys, an FBI spokesman in San Antonio, said the agency does not comment on rumors.”

Some conservative blogs have acknowledged that the story appears to be bogus, but others are standing by it.

The Jawa Report in a July 24 post stated that the rumor “should be the headline story put out by the American media. The idea that drug cartel raiding parties are attacking and seizing territory inside the United States is major.” The blog went on to state, “It’s unforgivable that this story isn’t being reported by the elite media.”

The Examiner DC blog also ran with the rumor, writing, “In what could be deemed an act of war against the sovereign borders of the United States, Mexican drug cartels have seized control of at least two American ranches inside the U.S. territory near Laredo, Texas.”

Andrew Breitbart’s Big Peace website links to the Examiner post, adding that the “story is now 100% confirmed by second source within the Laredo Police Department.” That claim is contradicted by Breitbart’s Big Government website, where Bob Owens wrote, “No, Texas hasn’t Been Invaded.” Owens reported that he confirmed that the story was false with two Texas law enforcement officials, adding, “Don’t believe the hype.”

Michelle Malkin originally reported that “rumors are swirling of a Zetas-led invasion into Texas ranches.” Malkin later updated her post to note that the Laredo Police Department denied the rumors, and she linked to Owens’ entry debunking the rumor, which was cross-posted at his Confederate Yankee blog.

Weasel Zippers has been perhaps the least up-front about the debunking of the rumor. The right-wing site originally wrote that the “Mexican Drug Gang Los Zetas Have Acquired Ranch Inside America, Being Used as Training Camp for Operations on U.S. Soil.” Weasel Zippers went on to state, “Obama regime is more concerned with suing Arizona than stopping the Mexican narco-insurgency from further spreading onto American soil.” However, rather than correct its post, Weasel Zippers simply removed it without any notation that it had done so.

So what have we learned children? Stick with me folks, I know what I’m talking about! These liberpukes are rats in the sewer and I’m an exterminator!

Do yourself a favor though, don’t read the liberpuke comments in the story. The morons are seriously deranged and only should be engaged by a professional.

12 Replies to “Media Matters…”Rightwing Blogs Push Invasion””

  1. IF this is true, then why hasn’t ONE “Conservative” blogger GONE to the area indicated by the map and put actual boots on the ground — then go door-to-door with questions. You don’t need a huge video camera or a massive DSLR to be a journalist; all you need is a Flip video and a new generation cell phone.

    So why hasn’t ANYONE done this and WHY don’t we see the results?

    Because there’s nothing to see and nothing to report.


  2. BZ it’s a liberal push story. They are going after the big boys on the block in the conservative realm. Funny thing is, they are partially right. The big boys got duped into posting this story because they wanted to “Scoop” the bigger boys…Look there is enough crime and invasion going on everyday down there to worry about this type of bullshit. IF Zetas or any other mexican gang did something like this, I’m sure the Texans would handle it the right way.

    1. Yep Fred, they don’t matter. I must say though, MOST conservative bloggers stayed away from this story. Even us “Bog dwelling, redneck racist hicks” saw through this stunt…Texasfred, and Bushwack is smarter than the smartest liberpukes…

  3. sorry to say I jumped on the story but took my post down after about 4 hours, Mr Bushwack said it well when he said all they want is “see they did it also” after the debocile of Sharrod, btw, a new Sharrod tape is out the Mr. is talking about white folks and uncle toms stealing elections. I believe they were ment for each other.

    1. Sarge, I think because this is such a hot button issue and the “Potential” for this type of thing is so high, a lot of folks figured it was true. The only thing that set my “Dumbass detector” off was the lack of fox news coverage. Fox has the resources to fact check this stuff in minutes, and FOX would be the only network that would actually report it. The State Run Media would try to cover it or glance over it. No mention ANYWHERE other than some “Questionable” news sources.

      Don’t beat yourself up about it Sarge, a lot of big boys got duped too.

  4. Well, I’m about half half-assed. I tried to keep an open mind, but at least i didn’t report it as 100% pure truth. Oops.

    I’m not one of the big boys, but I do like to pride myself on getting my facts straight. Well, I deserved the shiner I got off this one. Good call guys.

  5. Like I told Sarge, don’t beat yourself up about it GW. We are in strange times. I’m not sure that secretly, a lot of us didn’t hope it was true so it forced Obama to recognize the problem.

    Fact is MANY Americans HAVE been forced from their ranches and farms down there on the border. Not because of some drug cartels takeover of their homes. But because of the steady invasion and damage the invaders do. Remember the Rancher that was killed? All of the cattle slaughtered, the rapes, and other crimes on the border?

  6. Your comment about people wanting to believe is spot on where I’m concerned. I was going to put that in my comment but couldn’t bring myself to admit that. Wanting someone to invade the country? Sounds kinda extreme even when I know that it’s probably the only way we’d get Barry to do anything. Problem is, he’d probably just force us to retreat and put up signs like he did in Az.

    And I guess those crimes you listed are the reasons that I felt that it might indeed be true.

    1. Trust me GW I understand the urge to unload hot. But sometimes in this world of “Gotcha” politics we need to be careful. Most of us “Little bloggers” do this as a hobby. Since I’ve been doing this, I can think of only one time I was on the “Right side of the scoop” and it actually got one of my buddies on Fox News for an interview. Other than that, the Media still holds the resources to investigate fully. Not me, not you and not any of my closest friends.

      Not to say we don’t have resources, we just don’t have the ability to put them on point every where in the world.

      What I would suggest is that WE (Including ME) be very careful from this point forward because the liberpukes are drowning against the facts. They can not win the debate nor will they win the elections as long as we stay above board.

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