Liberals and the 2nd Amendment

Liberals and the 2nd Amendment

I usually avoid places like the daily KO’s like the plague. Normally that is a site with some of the most idiotic, anti-American authors and readers on the planet. BUT every once in a while they get it right. Rare, I know but this one is dead nuts on target and I’ll give them credit for it.

Why liberals should love the Second Amendment

Liberals love the Constitution.

Ask anyone on the street. They’ll tell you the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is a liberal organization. During the dark days of the Bush Administration, membership doubled because so many Americans feared increasing restrictions on their civil liberties. If you were to ask liberals to list their top five complaints about the Bush Administration, and they would invariably say the words “shredding” and “Constitution” in the same sentence. They might also add “Fourth Amendment” and “due process.”  It’s possible they’ll talk about “free speech zones” and “habeus corpus.”

There’s a good chance they will mention, probably in combination with several FCC-prohibited adjectives, former Attorney Generals John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzales.

And while liberals certainly do not argue for lawlessness, and will acknowledge the necessity of certain restrictions, it is generally understood that liberals fight to broadly interpret and expand our rights and to question the necessity and wisdom of any restrictions of them.

Liberals can quote legal precedent, news reports, and exhaustive studies. They can talk about the intentions of the Founders. They can argue at length against the tyranny of the government. And they will, almost without exception, conclude the necessity of respecting, and not restricting, civil liberties.

Except for one: the right to keep and bear arms

Read the rest hereA&P note:It’s a fairly long article but it’s well worth the read. I’d avoid the comment section though. The writer of the article is correct but the “Comments” prove that there are many American’s too far gone and would be better off as fertilizer. Thanks Professors you’ve done your job well..sarcasm…

While I’m heaping praise on the author of this article, I also must slap him about the head and shoulders a little bit for his statement about the Bush Administration. The Obama Administration has been as bad, if not worse in regards to civil liberties and shredding the constitution. The AG Eric Holder has been as evil if not worse than Ashcroft. YET silence from the KO’s kids. They opposed the GWB policies yet Obama’s policies are the same and they are silent. Gitmo? No Miranda rights for USA terrorists? Patriot act? Hello…..

Other than that little hypocrisy (Well a lot more than that, but I’ll leave it for now) the 2nd amendment issue should be one that EVERYONE agrees on. Liberals and Conservatives alike because with out it, their “Speech” during the next “Conservative” revolution may be stopped by the government and they would have nothing to fall back on. The liberals are by far the biggest stretchers of the 1st amendment, they hide behind that more than any other and without the 2nd, the first could be removed fairly easily couldn’t it?

Welcome aboard the REALITY train liberals…

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