Inmates riot in Texas, SURPRISE Illegal’s involved.

Inmates riot in Texas, SURPRISE Illegal’s involved.

Inmates Take Hostages, Start Riot in Texas Prison

PECOS, Texas —  Inmates at a privately run prison in West Texas took two hostages after starting a riot and setting at least one fire Friday, authorities said.

One of the hostages was released late Friday. Both prison employees are recreation specialists at the Reeves County Detention Center.

The inmates include immigration detainees. They were asking for better medical treatment, Texas Department of Public Safety Trooper John Barton told the Pecos Enterprise Friday night.

Barton said the riot started after noon, when the body of an inmate who died of natural causes was removed from the prison.

Well this is a shock, “The inmates include immigration detainees” odd is isn’t it? They are asking for “better medical treatment”? WTF? Perhaps they should have stayed in their own flea infested country and “Asked for better medical treatment” Perhaps they should have kept their ass out of JAIL? You know this shit burns me up.

Why is it so hard to understand? Folks come here illegaly, we coddle to them, we “Press 1 for English” we educate them, we cover their medical expenses, WE the TAX PAYER, the WORKER the LEGAL IMMIGRANTS, get taken hostage. NOT just in prison, but in AMERICA!

Let me provide a quick solution to this problem: Any armed person or GROUP of people walking, running, riding or flying into this country should be SHOT DEAD ON SIGHT, their heads stuffed and placed on a pike at the borders to let the rest know, the free ride is OVER!

Any UNARMED Illegal INVADER should be shot too, because in order to see IF they are armed or not, you would have to get too close, so I suggest we SHOOT THEM TOO, maybe just wound them until a determination of intent can be made, and then send them back home for the treatment of the wound. See if that makes a difference in our budget crisis.

I will vote for NO Politician Rep or Dem that does not take our national security and our border security issue seriously, NO amnesty, NO FREE HEALTH CARE, NO FREE EDUCATION. AND NO PRISON CELL for ILLEGALS, they should be moved to the front of the line for capitol offenses, and executed. AND their bodies sent home and a bill sent to their families for the current and shipping costs. There should be NO Illegal Immigrant in our country that can or did cause the death of someone who FOLLOWED THE RULES to be here.

IF Illegal Immigrants are in prison for felonies involving NO HARM, NO INJURY to LEGAL Americans, they should be put in Sheriff Arpaio’s custody. until their debt is paid, then DEPORTED IMMEDIATELY.

Every LEGAL AMERICAN IMMIGRANT should be afforded the right to the AMERICAN DREAM without the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT deciding the merit of their dream.

I am absolutely sick over the STUPIDITY of our elected officials, their “Feel good” policies are destroying our nation from the inside out. Welfare, Illegal Immigration, BAILOUTS, the end of competitions to make everyone “feel good” … WHERE IS THE AMERICA THAT PRODUCED WW2 HEROES? WHERE IS OUR FREE NATION? We are no longer a STRONG LEADER of the world we are a laughing stock.

Before anyone says it, let me say it YEP GWB is MOSTLY to blame for it.

10 Replies to “Inmates riot in Texas, SURPRISE Illegal’s involved.”

  1. When I first heard they were demanding better health care ( and I’m sure the ACLU will make that happen) you’ve no idea how angry I became. Robert, you know how my life has been lately…and 10 days ago, I was informed by my HMO that they no longer wished to cover me,effective Jan 1,09. WTF ? Born here, lived here, worked here, paid taxes here….my whole damn life, yet do you think the libs will give a damn about lil ol me and my plight ? Effin hell no. I have no recourse…no wait..maybe I can get thrown in prison for something and finally get health care back…hmmmm.
    I am so sick of these *people* trampling over my rights as a citizen of what used to be the greatest place on earth. :shootin:

    Jos Is talking about..Toddler body is Caylee Anthony ?

    1. Yep Jo, the sad part is, we no longer reward folks like you, those have worked hard, played by the rules and learned from our mistakes. We only reward those that demand MORE, they must be given everything or they will take it. Which is easy because of the con control legislation. It’s a like the merry go round Jo. Once the ride starts you can’t get off.

  2. First we’ve got to get a handle on the damned politicians in D.C. Those bastards/bitches are the problem!

  3. Ain’t ya’ll ever heard, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease”?
    White Americans must demand their rights, riot in the street, tear up shit, burn shit, raise hell, be willing to go to jail….but we can’t, :fingerwag: we have jobs to go to and families to care for.


    I have long since felt that shooting on sight anyone who comes across the border ILLEGALLY would work well. It wouldn’t take much.

    Last week a shit load of Mexicans invaded the country and one of them got stuck in a drain on THIS side of the border. So, instead of shoving her back to the other side (she’d broken her hip), we took her in a life flight helicopter to OUR hospital and patched her back up to the tune of tens of thousands. I am SURE the Mexican government will pay that bill. (NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Jenns Is talking about..Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme King

  5. Mexico is turning to shit on most every level; the police and military can’t and/or won’t stop the drug cartels; murders are rampant; corruption is rampant; their economy is tanking worse than ever; even FORBES magazine has the topic of a Mexico in turmoil on the cover of their current issue. Illegal invasion has slowed slightly but — trust me, it’s about to increase again because the Mexican economy and its national living conditions are getting worse by the month.

    You think Obama will do ANYTHING about it?


    Bloviating Zeppelins Is talking about..Tuesday, In Consideration of Monday

    1. BZ, I honestly believe it has to do with an UNARMED public, the bad guys all have guns, the Police have guns, and the innocent GOOD folks have no way to stand up and stop that shit. THAT’S where we are headed here.

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