Illegal Immigrant Supporting Protest

Illegal Immigrant Supporting Protest

Any differences between this protest and the tea party?

Where’s Bill Clinton or the MSM on the violence? Seems like they should be more worried about those wonderful Hispanics that just want to work hard….everyone of those bastards should have sent back to Mexico RIGHT THEN, all of them and if they ran they should have been shot. I guess I’m just a hard ass.

3 Replies to “Illegal Immigrant Supporting Protest”

  1. Personally, that’s a good reason for open carry. Bastards wouldn’t have pulled that crap if that man had been carrying as is his right in Az.

    I’m with your and your sentiments. Illegals should be encouraged to leave under threat of death, not prison. They are the largest threat to the body politic that we currently have. Right now, they over shadow even the Islamofascists in their danger to Americans.

  2. Even an open carry wouldn’t have helped that guy, he was very outnumbered. He’d have got a few of them but he’d have been swarmed.

    The supporters of the ILLEGAL’s are standing for what? IF we are standing for the rule of law, and to have our borders secure, they must be wanting anarchy and Open borders.

    Some of those signs say AZTLAN, which is basically giving the western states back to Mexico. So they can FK up this area too…

  3. Greywolfe, you really make me wonder sometimes…

    If he had been carrying, sure, he would have been within his rights, and he’d be dead right now too, literally torn to pieces… Have you ever seen the aftermath of MOB mentality? The aftermath of a full blown riot?

    How damned far do you think ONE GUY can go against a crowd like that?

    I am guessing you’ve NEVER been in a gunfight? Never studied tactics and strategy? Never gone through counter insurgency and counter terrorism training… In other words, you’re talking out of your ass! I have thought that for a long time, now I don’t just think it, I believe it!

    This needs to be a TEAM EFFORT, the cops, AZ Natl Guard and armed, LEGAL citizens, putting this bullshit DOWN, and I mean ALL THE WAY down…

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