I am an Extremist!

I am an Extremist!

I am an Extremist; I am a white man, a gun owner, an outdoorsman, a believer in God, a father, a husband, a man who loves his country, a legal citizen, a tax payer, a believer in doing the right thing, a homeowner, a family man, a community organizer, a voter, and an opinionated man of this world.

I can kill and grill my own food, I can survive off the land, I can hunt with a stick and string or a firearm or a string and a rock, I can survive in downtown LA or NY as well as in the Rockies or Sierra’s. I believe in being prepared and I believe in protecting the things I love from those which mean them harm.

I am a HARSH critic of the sheep in our midst. I am a CONSERVATIVE living, ANGRY, disenfranchised AMERICAN, that is watching his country take a hard turn left and I am very saddened by the view.

I believe our forefathers granted us this great nation by their blood and character, and I believe over the past 5 years we have ventured down a path that is COUNTER to what they believed in. INSTEAD of CHANGE, we are getting the same old and more of it. We are being shut out about ILLEGAL Immigration, the 2nd amendment, Stem cells, taxes, foreign policy, Gay Marriage, Abortion, as well as the most basic SPENDING money we don’t have big lefty Government plans ever devised.

Yes, I am an EXTREMIST, and as soon as this nation wakes up and decides enough is enough I will be there with them. I will lead it if need be, and follow if I have too, but sitting silent is not something that will gain our country’s freedom again.

We have forgotten what it takes to make this country great, we got soft, we got complacent, and we got screwed.

This mess is partly our fault, and it can be fixed. We need to get loud, get noisy and let these lefty fucks hear US! We listened to their anti-American crap for 8 years, and now they have the nerve to call US extremists? Yeah, mind boggling isn’t it?


TexasFred found a test that can help you figure out if you are a “Domestic Terrorist” According to our Homeland Security Idiot.

DT Certificate

Thank GOD there is proof now that I don’t agree with the socialist movement being thrust upon us. My Favorite sign at the Tea parties was “Obama walks on Water–While the rest of us DROWN!” aint it the truth?

25 Replies to “I am an Extremist!”

  1. Pingback: It’s Official!
  2. Yeah Sarge you and MANY others got that label from our idiots in DC.

    Cary thanks for the linkback and feel free to quote away… If I knew you were going to quote I’d have cleaned it up a bit. :rotflmao:

  3. I took the test but didn’t access the certificate. Guess that I should do that. Might as well grab up as many kudos as I can while America is least a little bit free.

    1. Yeah AOW, you should and post it everywhere! We need to let those that will imprison us know we go down this path willingly!

  4. Hope I’m not too late to put my two cents worth in. From one Right Wing Extremist to another, God Bless and keep fighting. I’m in the next foxhole down from you. You’ll know me by the big half wolf in the hole with me.

  5. I am part of the crowd as well.

    How can you be an extremist if your part of the majority? There they go again screwing up basic definitions in there lefty twisted mind. :fingerwag:

    We sure got a lot of work in front of us.

  6. Obama knows quite a bit about terrorism now.

    He just installed himself as the worlds best recruiter of terrorists after his two Apology Tours. Nothing encourages your enemies more than a weak, timid and naive adversary.

  7. :shootin: i will be in the cellar reloading,does that make me a right wing extreamist?

  8. I’m a bit late but I’m here never the less. I took the test and damm, janet was right. I always used to think of myself as a PATRIOT until her and the fuckheads that appointed her, changed the way I think and turned me into an EXTREMIST.
    How does that saying go….”Ye reap what you sew” and harvest time is getting near.

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