Good Bye 2008, Hello 2009

Good Bye 2008, Hello 2009

I must say 2008 has been less than stellar, our leadership ( BOTH sides ) have caused emence harm to our nation. The economy collapsed and we are still in Iraq. BUT on the good side, we are seeing the illegal immigrant flood curbed (No jobs, no money for the homies in Mexico). In 21 days we will have a new president, he is showing signs of intelligence. NOW that he is seeing the “REAL WORLD” the campaign promises he made to his base (Liberals) will not happen I am sure. It’s funny how REAL life has a way of opening your eyes.

Now to the WORST of 2008. I have decided to say good bye to the 5 WORST people in the blogsphere,

#5 Elroy:

Elroy is an Aussie troll, he stalks Jenns place regularly, His liberal antics and ANTi-Americanism have provided hours of comic relief. He has been slapped around by everyone here and abroad, yet he continues to be upbeat and end his posts with “Cheers” Elroy is a moron but at least he’s funny.

# 4 Lester:

Yep another troll, just like the above Elroy however; this idiot is dumber than dirt. He appears to be either educated at Berkley or is still in High School and living in moms basement. Lester is a profound liberal, anti-war nutbag with mother issues. (I am not a shrink or anything it is just an observation based on his infatuation with Jenn) Lester has posted some brilliant things like:
“if there was no united states, most israelis would go back to europe which is the sensible thing to do or they would give up Israel and just live in Palestine like they did before 48 or any number of other solutions” Astounding huh? :rotflmao:

#3 Thinking Meat (Or thinking of meat)

This is another libtard troll, he has frequented here and several other “Right minded” blogs, he really never says anything other than the daily KO’s talking points. Rumor has it he is under house arrest for child molesting, I am not sure how true that rumor is, but I wouldn’t doubt it. TM is by far one of the most prolific trolls the blogworld has seen, he posts comments and blogs about us “Conservatives” He insults us the best he can by showing how big of a traitor he is. He has posted lies upon lies but calls it “education” I love the faux intelectual type, as you will see soon enough. Congratulations TM you have made the list..

#2 Mud Kitty:

Now this one I haven’t heard from in while but earlier in the year she-he-it really trolled around a lot. The liberal nutbag spent her whole time bashing Bush, complaining about stolen elections, and fraud and war for oil and Code pink rules and yada yada.. Mudkitty will always be one of my favorite trolls, she is the only one I ever made cry on the blog and she will go down as the first one I ever banned. She was the typical libtard, no matter the post content, she would comment about her libtard beliefs. She was a PETA supporter and I posted a Thanksgiving Turkey Butcher post, she found it offensive :rotflmao: She ate turkey though? The Hypocrisy from that bitch to this day makes me laugh.

And #1: The Biggest COWARD in the blogsphere, the grand daddy of Liberal thought, the Grand PooBah of PCness in his own mind… Donnie Douglass of American COWARD blog.

Donnie Douglass has been trolling several sites, calling folks racist for wanting to seal our borders by whatever means necessary. He not only posts LIES at his worthless little blog but trolls others sites exuding the idiocy and mundane verbosity he is known for. Donnie Douglass is a small child playing in front of grown ups begging for attention. He teaches at local college and he is one of the most hated teachers at that school, he is the same type teacher that we on the right rail against constantly, he does not teach facts he teaches his opinions. HE is a COWARD and a leech. Donnie Douglass is a parasite and a liability to our country. He is a race baiter, a sheep in wolves clothes, and a hypocrite. For those reasons he gets the NUMBER ONE spot.

Bask in your glory Donny Take a bow, you have made it.

So that’s the list say goodbye to the trolling douchebags…

BTW, the reason there is NO LINKS associated with any of the above worthless wastes of flesh is they are also link whores, and they would enjoy the traffic. No Joy from here to there.
Have a great New year to everyone.. (other than the 5 listed above)

23 Replies to “Good Bye 2008, Hello 2009”

  1. Only one thing I see wrong with this, you should make a blanket apology to COWARD’s, leeches, parasites, race baiters, sheeps in wolves clothing and hypocrites…

    Having to be in the same class as Donnie Dickless deserves an apology…. :rotflmao:

  2. @Fred:
    I hereby apologize to all COWARD’s, leeches, parasites, race baiters, sheeps in wolves clothing and hypocrites for lumping you in with Donnie Douglass. It was not my intent to further insult you by also insulting your king.

  3. Y’all are doing something wrong. I had a troll a long time ago, but when I posted his last stupid comment on my blog and then ripped it apart he went away and never came back.

    So in the spirit of the new year I invite all trolls to visit my blog so I can make fun of them. I’m a confirmed sadist and I enjoy my work! :devilsmiling:

  4. LOL… and they all frequent my cess pool of a blog. Lovely.

    In fact both Jim and Fred have ditched me because of them. Since I like Haloscan and don’t want to turn on moderation, I am stuck with them.

    They are fun to bitch slap. But you failed to mention the absolute WORST troll, leftist, pond scum sucking invertebrate on the internet, and no I am not reaffirming your choice of Donnie Dickless.

    No the absolute worst, I mean the woman alluded to the fact that she would kill herself AND her own 14 year old son of Obama didn’t win…is Kayinmaine. That woman is beyond certifiable and the hatred and loathing pouring from her pages makes all 5 above look like gnats piss.

    Happy New Year!

  5. @ Basti;
    Yep we allowed the idiot DouglASS a bit of rope and he hung himself.. Oh shit, there I go again, I’m sure that will be deemed racist. :rollingeyes:

    @ Jenn:
    Jim? I don’t know about that but I do know that Fred still reads your blog, he just doesn’t comment anymore, some of the idiots like the above mentioned are so far out there it is insane. Oh and I did forget about Kayinsane but that stupid bitch hasn’t bothered me or my readers. You are right though, she is by far the wackiest of the bunch.

  6. OH NO, I’ve been declared a racist… But wait, isn’t it racist to accuse an ethnic person of anything? Hey DouglASS, I need you divine logic to guide me. :finger: :rotflmao:

  7. Yo, Robert

    You got stones… I am sorry I offended you. I understand you would kick my ass if I would only come out of my basement. My Mom will not let me out of the house because the neighborhood kids keep throttling me…. I will leave now and not come back have a great new year Robert, I promise I’ll try to change this year but don’t count on it, I have a mental disorder…

  8. And Robert, I know, I said I wasn’t coming back but I had to tell you man, I know you don’t like me but it’s because of you and the real courage I see from people like you and your readers that I now have found some courage, I can now come out of the closet and admit to the world that yes, I really am a queer, I have 2 boyfriends, well hung boyfriends, and they both do me at the same time!

    My Mom wishes she could take it up the ass like I do.

  9. Damn, I thought I had seen the epitome of self degradation when Dickless brought his sadly pathetic libber ass here but meatsack, YOU take the cake… :worried:

  10. “I must say 2008 has been less than stellar, our leadership ( BOTH sides ) have caused emence harm to our nation.”

    Thank you for pointing that out.
    I needed to step away from my boyfriend for a moment and take time to say thank you for pointing out true facts and logic.

    I will try to be a better person in the coming year, I will no longer suck dick for free, I will start charging people for that service. Now that I have found your blog I will be reading it often in order to educate myself.
    Thanks again.

  11. :rotflmao: Thinking about meat… You keep trying and you keep crying You are a sad pathetic little bitch. You will not see your pathetic comments here, don’t you understand?

    Your lies will not show here… You should go hang out with Donny Douglass, you two are like brothers.

  12. Chimpanzee Refuge Writes:

    No Robert, I can not meet you for a beer, I know for a fact that you would kick my ass. Yes you are a real man and I am just a low life faggot hanging on Meatbrains every word. I really hope you can forgive me, I will never come back here again… Well except to tell you how much I admire your courage and ability to tell the truth.

    Thanks again for not coming to my house and beating the faggot out of me.

    Now Chimpfaggot don’t be so hard on yourself.. No hard feelings here…

  13. I’m a sad pathetic little bitch who’s too fucking stupid to breathe if it weren’t a reflex action Robert. I’m sorry man, I just wish I had been born with my “man parts” as workable as they should be.

    I’m a sad pathetic little bitch who’s been afraid tp expose his own latent homosexuality but now that I’ve seen the error of my ways I am proud to come out as a full blown homo, no pun intended.

    Thank you for giving me that courage Robert, you really are a great man! And yeah, you DO make me hot.

  14. Holy Crap Meatbrain I don’t swing that way, I am glad you found courage and I’m sorry for your lack of “man parts” but seriously, we have nothing in common.. See your way to the door.

  15. You may not swing that way yet, but I am pretty sure I could change your mind, that is, if you don’t mind using a condom.

    My other partners are AIDS infected, I think Chimp gave it to us, he was really desperate for a while and was having a good time letting Bongo the gorilla butt poke him at work.

    I mean, even for Chimp, that’s pretty sick but ya gotta do what ya gotta do, he’s hung like a horse but he’s ugly as sin.

    We can rock your world Robert, and we’ll be gentle too, you can be rough, I know I like it rough, you can slap me all you want to, I like it. A lot.

  16. Man, that is some seriously SICK shit there Rob…

    I know you’re a pretty tolerant guy and all but damn…

    Those guys are really sick trolls, WHY are you letting them make posts like that?? :rotflmao:

    These guys make Dickless look almost like a desirable comment maker… :rollingeyes:

    1. Yeah Fred, I really don’t know what has come over them….And Nope Dickless would never again be a desirable comment maker.
      Thinking of meat just found himself on the ban list.. He’s a persistent little bitch aint he?

        1. Yeah that’s true he is ALMOST a man, he is ALMOST straight, he is ALMOST Black, he is ALMOST White,.. Almost just about covers that idiot completely.

  17. Holy shit, are those sick bastards joking? Thats a crime against nature if I ever heard it. :finger: Oh, and for you libtards trolling, I need to see, who dares to call me a racist for supporting guys like Rob.

    1. And a happy new year to you Isaac my friend. I think that “Donnie Dickless” and “Thinking about Meat”will be posting something on their site about me being a hate monger or racist or something. oh well. I won’t be visiting that cesspool of a site and neither should any SANE individuals.

      Don’t worry about being labeled a Racist Isaac, NONE of the top five idiots are fit to carry your bags. Thanks for your support brother.

  18. You know what I just can’t believe?? I went to BOTH the sites, meat licker and faggot chimp and THEY accused you of editing, or deleting their posts, and their 3 or 4 idiots that read their shit fell for it…

    They didn’t even stop to think that meat licker and faggot chimp really DID make those comments.. That’s sad, they have all 3 or 4 of their readers that brainwashed…

    Wait.. You have to have a BRAIN to have it washed don’t you?? WTF was I thinking… :rollingeyes:

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