Going all Racial, is a RACE WAR COMING?

Going all Racial, is a RACE WAR COMING?

McCain is a Republican, and Martin Luther King was a Republican. FACT!

Republicans have long been the party of the minorities, Republicans like Ronald Reagan (Who by the way passed the legislation to give MLK his OWN day in a national holiday) have been the party that looks to diversify our nations power structure.

That brings us to George W Bush.. GWB who put together the most DIVERSE cabinet in history, and has been thoroughly assaulted by the very party that claims to be “For the people” Oh lets not forget the African American communities response to Colin Powel, and Condi Rice.. I think the terms were “Uncle Tom’s” Or “Sell Outs” not to mention the Mexican American gang La Raza talking about their guys in office..

BUT do you hear about that anywhere? in the media? NOPE… The true racists are on the Democrat side, but they are LAWYERS, THEY know how to spin it like only a LAWYER CAN.

So the truth is Race only matters to Racists. And in this election the Race is about Race.

Obama sell out

What do you think will happen when the economy goes even further down the tubes because of Obama’s “Spread the wealth” Plan?

The very POOR, the people that ACORN is going after to vote for Obama will be the MOST EFFECTED by the Obama plan and it won’t be in a good way. Poor people don’t give poor people JOBS, People who are working for less, will not be so generous when it comes to charitable givings. Charity organizations will be forced to close their doors, and the homeless will be forced out due to NO or Little funding. This is a BIG Picture mentality that OBAMA is lacking.

Do you honestly think the 95% blacks voting for Obama are not expecting something? They are expecting money to be dropped by the plane load onto their ghetto’s and projects..

NOW Obama is “Tweaking” his tax plan, he is saying “Only if you work will you get a tax break” I wonder if that will cost him votes? Probably not because those that ACORN are recruiting don’t have TV’s or internet or in most cases a brain.

There are already rumblings about election night violence if Obama “Doesn’t win”

Some worry that if Barack Obama loses and there is suspicion of foul play in the election, violence could ensue in cities with large black populations. Others based the need for enhanced patrols on past riots in urban areas (following professional sports events) and also on Internet rumors.

Foul Play in the election? Like ACORN? like the shit we are seeing now across the nation?

I honestly believe a BLACK President would be a good thing for our nation, UNFORTUNATELY; Obama is NOT that candidate.

Obama is a socialist, he is a gun grabber, and a proponent of killing babies, he is PRO-Gay, and he is against a lot of things MOST blacks traditionally are against. BUT he is BLACK so they will vote for him. They will parade in the streets, and hang his picture all over the place, BUT when he doesn’t come through on his promise to “Spread the wealth” (Because there won’t be MUCH to Spread) They will turn on him faster than John Kerry on his brothers in Nam.

MOST BLACKS are Good, Decent people, MOST work hard, and MOST do not distinguish themselves as “BLACK” first and foremost. BUT now that we have Barack Hussein Obama we have “RACE” and it is going to be decided by that measure..

I truly believe that Barack Hussein Obama will be the next President of the USA. Based on low voter turnout for the Republican party (Thanks GWB), coupled with large voter fraud and a HUGE turnout of the Black Community. On the bright side:

This might just be a GOOD Recruitment year for the “Original Boys in da Hood”

Boys in the hood

After you get over your shock I will continue:

Let me tell you why I see this coming;

Today’s KKK is not like it was back in the old days. like the “Mexican Mafia” or the Bloods or crips.. The KKK has many names now, and they don’t party like the picture anymore.

The new versions of the “White Equality” movement are more apt to ride Harley’s, wear leather and carry BFG’s…. There are MANY of them, and they generally started their life of racism in the yards of Prisons, they are, for the most part unorganized yet numerous, they are hunters, survivalists, Democrats, Republicans and Hard Core Conservatives, they are businessmen, waitresses, plumbers and politicians. AND they will be recruiting intelligent folks to help them with things like books, finances and planning, and they are going to find a LOT of help under an Obama presidency.

Now the funny thing about this is, the liberal mentality will blame the “White Power” group for being racist, yet it is because of the blatant RACISM of the Black Community that will propel this action.

IF there is a race war, you do not get to pick your side.. LET ME BE CLEAR on this point. IF you have ever been to prison or seen a prison show it is the TRUTH, YOU are placed in an area based on your color, you chose your friends by color, you hang out with your own or you get OWNED! That is FACT.

IF Obama is defeated, by some miracle the BLACK community might be upset, I think for the most part, the black community will not be violent, I think secretly a lot of them wont vote for Obama based on some of the things I stated earlier. THE San Francisco elites on the other hand might have a fit, but I think MOST Americans will be able to behave.. Maybe not in the cities, or the urban areas they might experience some level of violence, and the media will make it seem like the end of the world has happened. BUT I think on Nov 5th all will be ok, except the stock market.

I don’t worry too much about election night violence, I have a lot of ammo and a couple of real good dispensing units.

McCain-Palin in 08

13 Replies to “Going all Racial, is a RACE WAR COMING?”

  1. Damn Rob… I thought I told you man… :fingerwag:

    Some of this shit is way outta line, and not to mention, super secret… Especially the BFG part… :worried:

  2. @cary – Botan Ichihara: That’s a FACT Too, but getting one of “Today’s” Democrats to admit that, is harder than getting Obama to admit he is a Muzzie.

  3. I knew you were too big of a puss – to keep my comment up.

    Here – I’ll repeat myself.

    But, you’re not a racist.

    “Do you honestly think the 95% blacks voting for Obama are not expecting something? They are expecting money to be dropped by the plane load onto their ghetto’s and projects..”

    The fact that you think 95% of black people live in either the “ghetto” or the “projects” and that they’re only voting for Obama because they think he’s going to throw money at them – that’s pretty bad, but – BUT….

    “On the bright side:

    This might just be a GOOD Recruitment year for the ‘Original Boys in da Hood'”

    is just – fucking insane and beyond sick.

    I used to kind of enjoy your neo-nut hysteria, but you had to go and ruin it, by proving that you’re actually just an enormous (black) cock-gobbler.

    I mean, you do seem a little preoccupied with what happens between men in prison.

    Anyway – have fun in that (sexy) race war in your mind.

    Oh and you don’t need apostrophes at the end of every word with an “s” for Christ-sake.

  4. @Tracy: Actually Tracy you stupid cocksucker, I made a mistake last night and hit the delete rather than the reply button on my controls.. But since I decided to address your faggot ass, let me start by saying your next comment will be sent to spam because you are such a fucking tool you don’t deserve a forum to project your idiocy..

    IF I am a Racist NOW it is because of fuckheads like you that are oppressing my white brothers. I am standing up for my Race since YOU folks seem to have made the RACE issue the main issue.

    For your information asswipe the “Original Boys in the HOOD” Are RECRUITING Based on YOUR ACTIONS.. Just like LA Raza recruited during the Illegal Immigration law push, and the NAACP/Nation of ISLAM/BLACK PANTHERS/CRIPS/BLOOD/ and whatever other gang of thugs recruited during ANYTHING perceived as “Oppression” against a COLOR.

    So because the KKK or the “White Equality Movement” is recruiting NOW you have a problem? Where was this rage during the other gang push? Funny how the racism is BLATANT and WRONG when its “Whitey” doing it….

    I was just pointing the obvious and if you honestly believe the WHITE POWER crowds ranks will not swell between now and the next couple of years you need to remove your head from the sand.

    A Black Cock Gobbler? Nope.. That would be your mom.

  5. Wowee. Don’t believe the hype, junior. I’m a biker, have been to prison and don’t have a racist bone in my body. I never hung with anybody when I was locked up. Fuck that and fuck you. When it’s time to mix it up, I find you’re pack mentality amusing. You’re the type to get all brave, when you got about ten behind you. I’ll be one of those you think are easy prey and that’s going to be a bad day for you. I’m an old Vet when being a Vet wasn’t cool, so I’m used to haters. Wake up sonny boy, stroking you machine gun and venting is a waste of energy and counterproductive. Yeah, I’m a Liberal (Liberty) and damned proud of it. I fought for this country and ALL the people in it. Even your coward ass. I got a lot of brothers that scoot and we’ll keep an eye out for you. Start some crap, you better be loaded for bear, though. Grow up.

  6. @Titonwan: IF you have been to prison and you say I’m wrong, then I’m calling you a fuckin LIAR. IF you never hung with anyone when you were locked up, either you were in the cage or you were someones bitch…. OR you were never in prison.

    Pack mentality? Let me school you asshole I have about 50 close friends, and a few close “Online” friends that I have never met…AND All my friends know I can cover every inch of ground I stand on. I never think anything will be “easy” I am not afraid of hard work.

    IF you are an “Old Vet” then you really have to like where we are headed as a country, IF you are an OLD VET, then were at the Gathering of Eagles 1? IF you are a patriotic old vet, you are welcome here, if you are a traitorous POS that is using his status as a VET to help destroy our country then take you ass on.

    Pack mentality and “You got some brothers that scoot”? What happened to your brave ass? you coward fuck. I happen to have a few connections as well but how about NOT telling your dad o beat up my dad ok???? You are a sad example of where this nation is headed.

  7. All my brothers ride as free agents. No colors. Don’t need them. When I say I have brothers that scoot, it means I’m going to give them the 411 on assholes like you. I don’t need back up friend. Not only am I a vet, but I have a CIB to prove it. I didn’t need “backup” for my tallies. As far as your little diatribe on prison, you again show a chickenshit attitude about what the joint is. There ARE independents in the joint. Black ones, Chicano ones, White ones and me, a Chickasaw/White one. I can pass for white, but that has no bearing on how I conduct my life nor what you or anyone else thinks of me. I’ve been Navy, Railroad and now Welder/Fabricator (before Jesse James was shitting yellow) and know this journey is mine and mine alone. So keep on spewing your hate and fear, I’m sure you can find plenty that share your view. I’m just going to be one of many to check that shit at the door. Grow up. Life’s too short to blame people for your own shortfalls. Print that, jerk.

  8. @Titonwan: Give them the 411 about me??? Hey douchenozzle READ the post… Do you find something offensive? IF YOU DO It’s probably because you are harboring WHITE GUILT.. I am not. You have a CIB.. I have a friend to that can spell CIB… You are such an idiot..

    A chicksaw/white.. Yep you can pick your friends in the joint and blend…BUT a full bred WHITE has no choice. YOU are a liar if you say otherwise.

    I have done my share fo steel hanging, I worked on an oil rig, I did some welding in the southern states.. is that enough of a resume? I mean I didn’t serve in the Military, BUT I have supported those that did ever since I got out of Prison and turned my life around…Does that help asshole? Are you trying to MAN UP with me? You will lose.. YOU get automatic respect here for your service (IF true) chances are you are liberal troll that just goes around picking fights with those that are trying to HELP this country…You are an Obama supporting POS that is drinking the kool aid he is spitting out.

    The post was about TRUTH.. The truth is BLACKS are voting for Obama based on his color, MOST of the polled can’t name his VP choice.. THE POST was about WE as white people having to compete in a “Racial” fight in this election.. YOU don’t believe it???? Open your fuckin eyes, before someone beats them shut.

  9. As a rule, I don’t have “white guilt”, but reading your nonsense, I do now. Guilty that there’s actually people like you out there. As far as the direction this country’s going in, you can blame that on your Republican Hero’s. I lost an uncles in Nam who flew as a FAC (Forward Air Controller- low & slow in a Cessna with NO armament. A scout) and he bought it coming back from a mission. Sniper time. I’m sure he’d be disappointed to know that he got killed for nothing. I was In Country at that time, along with McCain (who was spilling his guts to save his meat) and thought to myself “well, people at home should be grateful for our service”- they’re were not. So I’m quite used to people taking this country for granted. I used to travel to Costa Rica and Ecuador, but thanks to Bush, them days are over (unless I dust off my old hardware and go down packing). The only Repug I have any respect for is Sgt. Chuck Hagel- he’s got a CIB too. Combat Infantry Badge. There, I can spell. I’ll give you another hint, I never wore Navy blues in my life- Tiger Stripes was my color. But, you could measure my concern in micro-give-a-shits whether you believe me or not. And the trend some two bit actor, that had a chimp for a co-star, is about to end. Ronnie Ray Gun’s legacy is OVER. We’ve seen what rethug rule has done to the country and things are going to change. With you or withOUT you. Slick Willy was just a repug running as a Democrat. He was a DINO of the first order.
    You’re no Proud American! You’re just a fanatical pocket of resistance, like a Sunni insurgent. Or VC, if you want to use an old term. Sorry, Charlie, only the best tasting Tuna gets to be Starkist! 🙂 :O 😐 🙁

  10. @Titonwan: Funny how folks spitting military knowledge like you, USUALLY Read a lot of books about it…BUT Hey if you did do what you say you did.. Fine..Thanks for your service sorry your idiots in charge wouldn’t let you do your job.. Oh yeah they were DEMORATS for the most part.

    You talk about McCain as if HE LIES about his story? IF you know that for a fact YOU should get that info to CNN ASAP. Personally I believe McCain did as he said he did, I also believe Obama was born in Hawaii… So now that the bull shit is out in the open…You support HAGEL? Fuck, Just when I was starting to like you…Then you talk about Reagan? Ahh that about sums it up, you are a Frisco convert, you are one of those code pink supporters right? A disgruntled old prick that has nothing better to do than help a PINKO organization turn our nation into mush. Your CIB is an honor, your actions since are deplorable. YOU remember what it was like when YOU came home from nam? YOU are helping our guys go through the same thing? You are a coward now, it’s a shame because evidently you had some balls once.. Must be a bitch to be neutered.
    I was at the GOE1 standing shoulder to shoulder with over 15k Nam Vets… I saw a lot of CIB badges there, I saw about 5 Nam Vets on the other side of the Police line marching under ANSWER and CODE Pink Banners…I wonder what side you were on?

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