Freaks on the Street, angry about Gay Marriage vote result.

Freaks on the Street, angry about Gay Marriage vote result.

So if you and your family are out and about Saturday, beware of the planned protests across the state of California and elsewhere. The FREAKS are trying to tie the Marriage Definition to civil rights and they are reaching at straws. The FREAKS are trying to blur the lines between right and wrong in order to make themselves seem NORMAL.

Gay-marriage supporters plan Prop-8 protests

SAN FRANCISCO — Thousands of gay-marriage supporters plan to take to the streets Saturday to protest gay-marriage bans in California, Arizona and Florida.

Protesters are focusing on California, where the state Supreme Court declared same-sex marriages legal in May before voters tossed them out Nov. 4.

California’s Proposition 8, which passed 52.2% to 47.8%, “eliminates (the) right of same-sex couples to marry.”

Proponents of same-sex marriage say its passage has only energized the gay rights movement. Activists are using a grass-roots network of websites, e-mails and text messages to coordinate protests in about 300 cities — from Fayetteville, Ark., to Omaha.

This narrow loss has awakened Godzilla,” says Fred Karger of Los Angeles, who runs the website Californians Against Hate ( “I think this loss in California … is the greatest thing that could have happened” because it spurred activism in the gay-marriage movement.

(“Narrow loss”=same margin Obama beat McCain 52% to 48%)

The FREAKS are going to show a “Folsom Street Fair” atmosphere everywhere they go, and personally I find this offensive. At some point the actions of the FREAKS will cause a serious counter action, and in typical FREAK fashion, they will blame it on intolerance. I am INTOLERANT of the FREAKS. HOWEVER if Prop 8 failed, I would not be beating up little old ladies and disrupting every day life because of it…. FREAKS!

8 Replies to “Freaks on the Street, angry about Gay Marriage vote result.”

  1. The *bone smokers* and *carpet munchers* want the world to believe they are NORMAL…

    But they are NOT…

    It’s called QUEER for a reason, get used to it you sick bastards…

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