FRAUD Gubmint style!

FRAUD Gubmint style!

It’s historic alright, A man is writing a BAD check in full view of law enforcement and getting away with it. For those of us that actually believed Obama couldn’t possibly ruin the United States in four years, Well he did it in record time. :hole:

Shit tell me something, WHY if this Stimulus is so fuckin great why is the stock market tanking? I’ll tell you why, it’s the tax part on high earners. High earners CREATE JOBS, Obama is punishing the HIGH WAGE EARNERS and expecting them not to notice. Not only is Obama a liberal he’s as daft as Bush was. Can we please find some smart folks with heart and a love of country that has been sorely missed for at least 5 years?
We voted out the RINO’s because they spent like Demorats, the Demorats obviously didn’t get the memo and will be unemployed in 2010.

9 Replies to “FRAUD Gubmint style!”

  1. so, this means that those of us who have taken on the “doom and gloom” mantle should be able to say see we told you so. Except we wish we couldn’t.

  2. That bill is NO good as far as I’m concerned because that muslim son of a bitch is NOT a natural born citizen. If he was, he’d have produced the real birth certificate long ago. I just can’t believe that SCOTUS is denying the right of process in finding out at every turn. WHY??? :worried: It almost seems like a conspiracy ruin America, …..and it’s working.

  3. The liberal sheep of our country have what I call “can-do-no-wrong-itis”. That’s because they believe Obama can do no wrong. Hell, the dems didn’t even read that joke they call a stimulus package before the voted for it!! That alone just scares the crap out of me. They are giving Obama a free pass to do whatever he wants.

  4. Letting the Russians, Hadjis and all soughts of clowns nuke the US also seems quite high on his list of stuff to do. :shootin:

  5. When the Nazis came for the communists,
    I remained silent;
    I was not a communist.

    When they locked up the social democrats,
    I remained silent;
    I was not a social democrat.

    When they came for the trade unionists,
    I did not speak out;
    I was not a trade unionist.

    When they came for the Jews,
    I remained silent;
    I wasn’t a Jew.

    When they came for me,
    there was no one left to speak out.

    – Pastor Martin Niemoller


    1. That comment makes a lot of sense BZ, and I’ve used it several times myself. BUT there are those of us (Yourself included) that do shout, scream and yell about the BS going on. It seems no one is listening though, they are all too wrapped up in Obama dream land to see that the road to hell is paved and Obama is painting the stripes.

  6. you peeps have it all wrong. obama ain’t a muslim. he is a puppet owned by evil left wing, nwo jews. the fags love the jews to and both groups are the ones that have destroyed america(look at bernie madoff!). check your facts. look at the patterns. a jews name is always associated with a fag or pushing an anti-moral mindset. pelosi is a jew. maybe a dyke to. lol. jews wanted obama pres, in part to get a federal hate crime law. that is why that moneky cartoon was in the post a few days ago. they did it. jews lie like crazy, making up all this bull fucking shit about hate crimes that aren’t even happening. since they fucking own everything now like they have always tried to, they use the internet, papers, mag, etc to document what they are doing right in front of our eyes while making things they way they want them in the usa. i agree america is in trouble. we never should of let the fucking jews in here. we should of kicked out all the fags to. but it is to late now. i plan on leaving. :finger: to all the losers that wreaked this country. hope karma destroys ya.

    1. @ AnonCommentor; Damn… You might be the most anti-semitic POS I’ve ever had the joy of bashing here on A&P, you moron, Jews are not the problem you blame madoff? you are seriously lacking in common sense and you need a serious upgrade. Madoff like Enron was made possible by IDIOTS that are supposed to be regulating the industry. You give Jews too much credit, you believe they are destroying America? I say you are full of SHIT. find a better target.

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