Fleebagger inroduces No-FLEEBAGGING bill… Hypocrisy?

Fleebagger inroduces No-FLEEBAGGING bill… Hypocrisy?

Here is irony and hypocrisy and an admission of guilt all wrapped up in one…

Fleebagger introduces anti-fleebagging amendment in Wisconsin

A Democratic state senator wants to make it impossible for senators in the future to block legislative action by leaving the state. …

“The main point I want to make is that what we did we had every legal right to do. It was an extraordinary step against an extraordinary bill,” [State Senator Tim] Cullen said. But “the institution of the Senate is not well-served going forward by having this particular avenue available.”

Cullen said his proposal for a constitutional amendment would simply eliminate the requirement currently in the state constitution that three-fifths of state senators be present for the body to vote on certain fiscal bills, including those that contain spending items.

A constitutional amendment must be approved by two consecutive Legislatures and voters in a statewide referendum, meaning it takes at least two years to accomplish.

Unfreakin believable….But exactly WHY do you think this is coming up? Let me help you folks understand:

There is a huge push for Republican recalls in Wisconsin. IF it’s successful and the Democrats take over, they don’t want the REPUBLICANS doing what they did. See then it would be WRONG.

Anyone who votes for a democrat ANYWHERE needs their head examined for a tumor. Today’s Democrats are NOT your fathers Democrats. These idiots are Stalin and Hitler type Democrats and YOU are aiding and abetting their crimes against common sense.


11 Replies to “Fleebagger inroduces No-FLEEBAGGING bill… Hypocrisy?”

  1. If the Lefties are successful in their recall effort, the entire state of Wisconsin should be reclassified as a maximum security mental institution.

  2. The hypocrisy of the left has no limits, none. I still think every one of the awol scumbags should be jailed or tazed at the very least.

  3. You nailed it Robert- they see themselves in a majority soon.
    BUT nobody is talking about the eight Dems up for recall, too.

    And his excuse was along the lines of “don’t let me near booze or I’ll get blind drunk and do something stupid,,again.” “it’s your fault I did this.”

  4. Meaghan, all you need to do is look at history. NATIONAL SOCIALIST PARTY ring a bell? Democrats have stopped being the party of the worker, and have instead become the party of socialistic endeavors. Illegal Immigration, Welfare for life, Healthcare for all, take from the rich… Same stuff HITLER did, and once he gained power HE HIMSELF abolished unions in Germany.. Well except the ones that took Jews to the ovens…

    Don’t believe all the B.S you are hearing from the idiots on the alphabet networks and MSNBC… They are rewriting history to suit an FAILED agenda…

    1. Meaghan, Answer a question for me please. Did you come to my site looking for a history lesson? or did you want to engage in a debate about my reasoning for calling Hitler a Democrat? Either way is fine but what will you be doing with the education? Will you be denying it or bringing it to the enemy? The reason I ask is it’s rare that someone asks a question like you did, then comes back and agrees. I’d sure like to know your intentions. I’m glad you came and asked questions, I’m glad you replied and I’m glad you are very polite about it. It’s rare to say the least. You don’t have a website that I can gauge your political leanings so I am at a disadvantage here so I have to ask. Again Thanks.

  5. I came to your site because I am a fervent student of knowledge and I enjoy reading any opinion on current events, politics or history. So very few people read or care to understand the other side’s opinions or views that I find it vitally important to do so. I can’t say I have any strong political leanings whatsoever but these days I’m more on the conservative or libertarian side of the fence. Also, I posed a question because I was interested for your reasons for branding Hitler a democrat and returned to thank you because you actually took time to give me a decent, thought out answer.

    I am more than willing to read anyone’s views or opinions and for the most part I enjoy doing so. Unfortunately, these days I have a tendency to read more content such as yours because I am growing weary of the self important babel put out by the more democrat or socialistic leaning sites.

    Thank you again for your time and interest in what I had to say. Also, I must once again comment on the quality of your site and I have indeed enjoyed reading it.

  6. I just noticed that you were wondering what my political leanings were because I had no site. I do in fact have one and it is http://butterhump.wordpress.com
    I’m afraid it’s merely a personal blog so I doubt it would be of much interest but if you want to read it have at it.
    However the fact of the matter is that you seem to be a fairly intelligent person and would probably leave some interesting comments which I could then reply to. There is nothing I love more that a good debate so I’m sitting here hoping that you’ll go read something of mine and hell, even if I piss you off it would still make my day.

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